CHAPTER 8️⃣6️⃣

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Saransh's words were very shocking to them. As soon as he finished, the boys were fuming along with the girls. "Noorie, go inside and meet him." Said Sara looking at her. "No! You all go first. I'll be the last one." said Noorie, looking at her. Saransh and the boys went inside together. "You cheater, you lied to us and wished her first along with sending a gift." Said Armaan looking at him sleeping. "You went in one piece, and we got to see you like this after returning, not fair." Said Ishaan looking at him with moist eyes. "Yes, get up. You idiot! My sister is crying on her birthday." Said Arsalan. "Ahaan, we are waiting. Wake up soon. We have to go to sleep too." Said Saransh with a grin.

They all went out, and the girls entered inside, looking at him. "Ahaan, bruh, you are troubling Noorie Bear." Said Roshni looking at him. "Haan, your Noor is waiting. Get up fast!" Said Asma looking at him. "I think we should let him rest. Get well soon, Ahaan." Said Samaira, and the trio went out leaving Sara. "You are so stupid, Ahaan. You know, after the attack on Roshni and Samaira. The person is going to go bonkers and will try to get his hands on anyone he could find. We were partner in everything starting from your proposal to your birthday gift and you once didn't inform me about coming here and giving her a surprise." Said Sara looking at him. Noorie entered the room and, at the same time, shocked to hear Sara's words. "What! Ro and Maira were attacked? Why didn't we know about it?" said Noorie, startling Sara, who wasn't expecting her. "Yeah, it was a small incident, and we didn't want to make you all tensed. Hence, we didn't inform you." Said Sara looking at her.

"But you should have told us something. We would've been more careful." said Noorie, looking at her. "No, you wouldn't because that person is not in his right mind. He can do anything, and you wouldn't have taken it seriously. Moreover, as Anshu said, the officers are with you all like a shadow protecting you in the dark. So, be tension free and don't ponder on it." Said Sara. "And you stay here, I'm going." Added Sara further. Noorie went slowly towards his bed and took a seat beside him. She held his hand, careful not to touch the I.V. "You're very bad. I didn't tell you to come fast and risk yourself like that. What kind of surprise is it?" said Noorie, scolding him. "What's the time?" Came a voice, making her reply absentmindedly. "It's 11.58." Said Noorie looking at time. But then her eyes went wide, and when she saw Ahaan was the one who was asking her the time.

"Happy Birthday, Noor." Said Ahaan with a small grin. "You dumbo. Keep your birthday wishes to yourself. I don't need it. You are very bad." said Noorie, sobbing in his arms. "Noor, my hand is paining." Said Ahaan making her alarmed. "What?? Why didn't you tell me before? I should have called the doctor, but here I'm busy being a crybaby. Is it paining very badly? Wait, let me call a doctor." said Noorie, asking innumerable questions without letting him reply. "Noor, relax. I'm absolutely fine. I'm just kidding cause you put a little pressure on it. And I'm sorry for making you cry on your birthday." Said Ahaan looking at her. "Don't do this ever again. My heart was caught in my throat when I saw you lying like this." Said Noorie, looking in eyes innocently. "I promise, I won't. Now, come on, give me a nice smile." Said Ahaan looking at her, making her flash a small smile at him. "Yeah, that's my girl." Said Ahaan pulling her cheeks.

Noorie went ahead and called the doctor. He checked him thoroughly, assuring everyone that he's fine now. And nothing is serious. "Dr. When can I go home?" Said Ahaan, gaining glaring eyes from Noorie making him gulp. "Tomorrow evening would be fine. I'll get the required documents ready." Said, Dr. looking at him. "You all kindly go home. I'm perfectly fine and will be able to run home tomorrow. So, don't worry. Saransh, take Samaira home. It's already very late." Said Ahaan looking at them. They all went ahead, but being the adamant one Noorie wasn't ready to go. So she stayed back even after Ahaan told her to go.

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