CHAPTER 1️⃣1️⃣8️⃣

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               *AUTHORS POV*

The wait in the hospital is most excruciating and crucial, especially when a dearest person's life is on line. That was the exact condition of Sara and the family. Arsalan was seated on the bench along with elders while the younger ones were strolling around the room. "What was she talking about, Arsalan?" Said Mallika looking at him. "Yes, who was that person? You never us told his name." Said Seerat. "Ashu, you were one who told her about the said responsible person. Tell me, what's his name?" Said Seher, making them stare at each other's face. "Major, you also know about it, don't you?" Said Seerat staring at him, to which he nodded in agreement. "Why are all so silent? Say something!" Said Mallika looking at them. "It was Arhaan." Said Ali, making his way towards them. "What are you talking about, Ali?" Said Seher looking at him. "It was Arhaan Jiwaani, Hana's brother and my brother-in-law who's responsible for everything. He was the one who lit fire at your house, killing Hana and Azlan. He took me in his captivity because of my father's position." Said Ali, making Mallika and Seher stunned along with Seerat.

"What!!??" Seher was shocked to her core. She had seen him from her childhood though he was the most serious one, but she couldn't have imagined him to be like this, a cold-blooded criminal. "Yes, Uncle has said the truth." Said Asma, looking at them with her bloodshot eyes. "Along with them, he had killed my mom along with Azad uncle and Kanika Aunty." Said Asma, giving them a shock. Mallika was stunned to know that her best friend was responsible for destroying her life and killing her only living family. "Can you all please describe it in detail?" Said Seerat. Saransh described the whole incident in detail along with Arhaan's confession and his involvement with Rajneesh's. Wali intervened in between and shared his dreadful experience with Arhaan how he had come to take his wife with him, but Kanika told him off and severed his ties with him. He killed Kanika for revenge, along with Azad, who had the proofs. She had staggered in shock, but Ahaan rushed towards her, holding her. Roshni and Armaan, too, made their way to her.

"Ma, what's done is done? We can't do anything , and we could not get them back. He's going to pay for his crimes. If not here, then somewhere else." Said Roshni. "I had seen him as a brother. Never in my life, I had thought that he would be the reason behind my misery." Said Mallika sobbing. Ahaan was feeling sad looking at his biological mother in this condition. Whatever he says, he can't change the truth that she is the one who had given birth to him. "Mom, please calm down. You crying like this isn't going to help." Said Armaan looking at her. "Yes, Aunty! Justice had prevailed, and people would know Azad Mir's sacrifice for the good cause. His identity, which has been erased from the system, would be respectfully drilled down, making his name known to the world. He opposed the wrong even after knowing the truth behind his heinous crimes and how dangerous he could be." Said Arsalan looking at her. Meanwhile, the door opened, and the doctor came out with the group rushing towards him. "What happened, doctor? How's she now?" Asked Arsalan. "I'm sorry, Mr. Khan, we tried our best, but we couldn't save her. She doesn't have much time left she wanted to talk to you all. You could go in and see her." Said the doctor dejectedly before leaving. The people were shocked and stunned for the revelation. They were all thinking of the misfortunes that they're going to he facing. A nurse came out, "The patients want to meet the elders first." Said the nurse while eating. Seher was the first one to make her way in, entering she saw a pale Grandma with machines attached to her. She signalled Seher to come closer to her. "I'm sorry, Seher. The reason you have lost your family is my son. I don't know he could be so vile. If possible, forgive me for it. As a mother, I failed to identify him." Said Grandma weakly.

"Please, don't emberass me like this, Aunty. Whatever Arhaan did was on his own will. He was an adult, and he knew what he was doing. You don't have to ask for forgiveness." Said Seher. "Seher is right, Aunty. You aren't at fault, so don't think otherwise." Said Samrat while Seerat agreed with him. She took a look at Mallika, who was silent all this while. "He had done great damage to you, Malli. I won't forgive him for it, Kanika and Asfiya were like my Hana to me." Said Grandma. "It's not you fault, I was with him since our whole life. We, too, failed to identify his real face." said Mallika, holding her hand. Ali and Wali, too, ensure her that she doesn't have to ask for forgiveness on behalf of Arhaan. "I have a request for all of you." said Grandma, making them urge her to say it. "I want you all to get my Ashu and Hoorie married on the same day. I have already decided to get it done within a month. So, don't stop on my accord. I'm happily going to my creator. I don't have any complaints. Will you do it for me?" Said Grandma. "We will. They're our children too. We'll always be there for them." Said the elders.

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