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              *AUTHORS POV*

Arsalan reached the hospital in full force, driving with full speed on the deserted road. Reaching the hospital, he rushed towards Murat's ward. Looking at the person waiting near the door, he asked about Murat, only to be informed about the doctor examining him inside. The door opened with the doctor exiting Murat's room.

"How is he, doctor? asked Arsalan, looking at the doctor, questioning him. "He's fine. Nothing is wrong. The I.V. was injected with poison, but it was stopped by him, and we  removed it before it could  enter into his bloodstream, " said the doctor, gesturing towards the man standing beside Arsalan. Making Arsalan nod at him in gratitude.

Taking his leave after assuring him about Mr.siddique's health, the doctor left from there, leaving the remaining two standing. Arsalan entered Murat's room, looking at his peaceful sleeping face he stared at him for quite a long time before assuring his well-being and then left the room greeted by the man who managed to save Mr.Siddique at the correct time. "How did it happen?" asked Arsalan. "Sir, I had just left from here towards the washroom after a nurse entered the ward declaring her presence and claiming to be changing his I.V. After finishing my business, I was leaving until I noticed some movements happening in the room around the corner. After checking, I came across a lady struggling to get free from the ropes and looked as if she was trapped there forcefully. After rescuing her, she told me that she was the nurse assigned for Mr.Siddique for the night. I dashed towards Mr.Siddique's room only to find it empty with no trace of the nurse. The previous I.V. bottle was dumped in the bin, and with the nurse's help, we unhooked the poisoned I.V. and replace it with a fresh one with the doctor being called, " said the person after explaining the happenings in detail, making Arsalan clench his hand tightly  in a fist.

As the night makes its presence known, dominantly. A person was seen to be thrashing and sweating in the sleep calling for help. Living a real nightmare, Sara remembers the incidents of the past, making her sweat in her sleep. Suddenly, she woke up with the jerk taking in her surroundings only to find her safe in her room. A nightmare happens to be a person's dreadful imagination, but living a terrififc memory of the past repeating it front you in a nightmare is a very horrific feeling for anyone.

Not able to sleep after trying countless times, Sara drank some water. Making her way towards the balcony, staring at the peaceful night thinking about the nightmare. A tear rolled down her eyes, followed by many more. Looking at the sky, complaining about her past that is not letting her to  live in the present, she kept staring at it. Burning in the desire of revenge, the thirst to avenge the loss of her loved ones is making the fire of hatred and vengeance in her, burning her in the process too. The flame igniting is making her remember her loss that she had faced. She kept looking out as if promising the nature of the approaching storm.

At the hospital, Arsalan is grasping the situation, deciding to double his security. Gesturing towards the man; the man being, Saransh Malhotra his trusted friend cum bodyguard with him handling his father's security agency. A retired special officer who is working off duty and Arsalan's childhood buddy. Arsalan went to talk to the doctor regarding Mr. Siddique's safety. Arsalan entered the doctor's cabin after taking permission. "Yes, Mr. Khan. How can I help you?" motioning him to take a seat. "Dr., I wanted to talk about Mr. Siddique." Said Arsalan. "Yeah, say I will try to update as much as I can," permitted the doctor. "Dr., I wanted to ask that it is possible if we shift him somewhere else? After today's incident, I don't think it's safe to keep him here anymore, " Questoned Arsalan. "Acttually, Mr. Khan, After  today's incident, I personally would suggest you keep him here under observation for some days. After that, you are free to shift him elsewhere. A nurse will accompany you if you need further assistance. She'll stay with him 24*7." Said the doctor, making him nod in agreement. "Okay, thank you very much Dr.for your help," said Arsalan, shaking his hands. "No problem, Mr. Khan, it's my duty as a doctor." Said the doctor.

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