CHAPTER 3️⃣6️⃣

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The scene that was happening in front of them was not at all digestible to the group who was just staring at the two of them. Roshni, too, was thinking deeply about her showing any picture of her stepmother to Grnadma so that she'll be able to understand how they both know each other. According to her, neither Grandma nor Mallika has met each other before or if they have known each other from before. "Plaese, can someone tell me what's happening here? And grandma, why are you crying as you've already done It before when you were embracing her and now suddenly again you grabbed her in a hug and started crying like this?" said Noorie, trying to get a clear picture. "How are you, Roshni?" Said Mallika going to her and patting her head gently. "I'm fine but can you please tell me how you know her?" Said Roshni looking at her. She was staring at Grandma, and Grandma too was looking at her as if having an eye to eye talk.

As they were talking,Arsalan entered the room, and he was also confused at the scene that is taking place in the room. A teary-eyed Grandma was sitting beside Roshni at one side, and the other side, being a middle-aged woman whom he hadn't seen before, was standing holding Roshni's hand. Upon looking at Arsalan, Ishaan gestured for him to come inside, as they were waiting for him to know about Sara's plan. As he was about to tell, he signalled about grandma being present, and he can say it when she's not around. "Don't you all dare! You all are just hiding everything from me, and now I want to know each and everything that's happening with my grandchildren. And I'm not as weak as you all are thinking. I've taken the brunt of my children's death, and I sure can handle the rest of the things, too. So whatever you all were going to discuss in my absence that all I want to know it. And start with Roshni's accident." said Grandma, narrowing her eyes at the guilty ones standing with their heads down. There was nothing that they'll be able to hide it anymore from her, and not all wanted to face Grandma's wrath. They all decided to tell her about everything.

It was Arsalan who started first and started telling her about Roshni's disappearance, and on further investigation, they came to know that she was kidnapped. Next was Roshni who started telling her about how she was in an abandoned villa when she opened her eyes and ran away from the kidnapper not before injuring him amd taking his phone with her and the call to Armaan along with receiving the boss' call and again she ran away injuring him excluding the part of her being shot. Followed by Armaan, who continued ahead from getting her call and after reaching towards the spot of the accident and getting informed of her being in an accident and taken to the hospital till they laid a trap to catch the culprit and when Roshni was attacked again, from taking the goon in custody and him blurting out everything.

Then next was Ishaan, who told her about what information he gave and along with the name that they heard from him. After that, when Roshni came to her senses, she gave her statement telling the cops about the man being the part of hospital staff along with what happened with Samaira. And Samaira revealing the truth about her brother being the main mastermind till Sara's plan which is till now unknown to them and now everyone was waiting for Arsalan to fill in the next thing that has happened which they aren't aware of along with Sara's plan.

Arsalan started telling them about Sara's plan of how they got to know of the nurse who was helping Rehan. With her help and feeding her fake information about his mother, they lured him into the trap, and the same thing happened, which they predicted when he came running to see her. The next step was to make Rehan believe that someone else was responsible for his mother's condition and not Samaira. And that someone being Sara, how they faked a fight between Samaira confronting Sara about everything and Sara purposely spite him, making him angered and out of control.

When he was about to lunged towards Sara how a fight broke out between them and when he was trying to attack him, Sara came in between taking the brunt of the attack and getting injured herself not before making him unconscious. The last one was how Saransh took him into his custody, and before coming here, he left her at home, giving her a rest. As soon as he finished all the mama bears which were present there start fussing about her wound which were obviously first being Asma then Grandma followed by Noorie and Roshni with the boys asking about her being fine worriedly. Roshni's stepmom was also genuinely worried about Sara's wellbeing as because of her only Roshni has agreed to meet her and she finds her familiar as she has seen her somewhere before or its was just her face which resembles someone she knew.

"WAIT!" Shouted Arsalan loudly, getting a smack from Grandma. "Ow! Grandma. Why are you hitting me?" Asked Arsalan, rubbing the spot where he had been hit. "Why are you shouting so loudly? Don't you know that patients are resting here and you shouldn't disturb them being a doctor yourself?" said Grandma, glaring at him. "I just shouted so that you all could give a breath and give me a chance to say about her. You all are bombarding me with questions. How am I supposed to say something?" Said Arsalan glancing at everyone who doesn't have any decency to look guilty. "Okay. Now listen to me, everyone, as I already have informed. I've taken care of her wound, and it's not that deep, but that woman surely has more blood, which bleeds out even with a paper cut. And giving her medicines and making her eat something, I've already taken her home, and she's resting there." Said Arsalan compelting his sentence in go and nor giving anyone a chance to interrupt in between. "And now you all tell me what's happening here?" Said Arsalan gesturing towards Mallika. "Big bro, we are also waiting like you even if we don't know what is going on here?" Said Noorie telling on everyone's behalf who was still very much unaware of the happenings that just took place not too long ago.

Grandma was looking at Mallika again, making Ahaan interrupt this time. "Grandma, please, no eye to eye conversations, okay? We also want to know what's happening and that we've told you everything truthfully. You should also do the same. And please end this suspense that's bubbling within us." Said Ahaan, earning a glare from her. "Wait, I'll tell you all that what's happening here and how do we know each other. But before that, Roshni, you should know something. I'm not just your stepmother. We share one more relationship." said Mallika, making Roshni confused. "What! But how can it be. Apart from being a stepmother, what more relation could we have?" Asked a puzzled Roshni. "I'm your not just your stepmother but your maternal aunt too. Your mom was my sister. We were twins, but it looks totally different." Said Mallika, making the people in the room shocked expect Grandma. "But how? Dad didn't tell me anything about you, and you too didn't tell me anything, I was too small when mom died, so I don't even remember her. This can not be possible. My father would've told me, and that doesn't explain why you hated me back then. Please explain it in detail. I'm not able to understand anything." Said Roshni, totally confused, and her blood pressure was suddenly going up, making Armaan rush towards her along with Arsalan.

Arsalan was on his toes, checking her and telling her to be calm. "Armaan, make her calm. Otherwise, it'll be dangerous for her. Her heart monitor is shooting up. Do something Armaan she isn't responding to me. Tell her to be calm." Said Arsalan yelling at Armaan. "Sunshine, sunshine! look at me. I'm here with you. You know already that we're in this together, don't you? Please take deep breaths. Yes, it's very good, just like this. Follow my movements." Said Armaan showing her to breath in slowly "Perfect. Roshni, listen to everything that's happening here. Always remember that you're not alone. You have 3 brothers with you standing like a shield. So, just relax and don't pressurise yourself." Said Arsalan gesturing towards him, Ishaan and Ahaan making the latter to nod in agreement.

"Hey! Not just brothers, you have sisters, too, along with Grandma. Don't forget us." said Noorie, gaining their attention and earning a small smile from Roshni and a grateful smile from Armaan to make her smile. "Nope, Noor. You all are sisters-in-law." Said Ahaan playfully, earning a glare from a flustered looking Noorie, making the people present there to chuckle at their cute exchange. "Yes, Grandma. I think it's time to make Noorie our Ahaan's bride fast. Look how he is also eager to make her our sister-in-law. Isn't it, Ro? " said Asma, winking at Roshni and getting a playful nod from Grandma and the blushing lovely soon-to-be couple.







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