CHAPTER 8️⃣8️⃣

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Samrat and Seerat reached the penthouse the next morning along with Saransh. In the penthouse, Mallika and Grandma were in their respective rooms. Arsalan and Armaan, along with Ahaan and Ishaan in the living room, talk among themselves. The girls were in the kitchen preparing breakfast, as the Malhotra family and the Chowdhury family will be gracing their presence at breakfast. As they were already going to come shopping for the wedding, Sara, along with the girls, invited them for breakfast together. The doorbell rang, and Armaan rushed to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, he was graced by a powerful punch by Saransh, making him scream loudly. The girls, along with Roshni, came rushing inside along with Samrat and Seerat, who were just coming out of the elevator.

"Mani! What happened? Why are you holing your mouth like that?" Said Roshni rushing towards him. Seerat smacked Saransh hard, "Anshu, what was that? Why did you punched Armaan?" Said Seerat, glaring at him. "Saransh, you punched him!" Said Roshni in disbelief. "Didn't I say sorry to you yesterday? I was the one who did that and not he." Said Roshni glaring at him.."Can anyone tell me what's happening? Roshni, dear, put some ice on his jaw otherwise its going to swell badly. The punch was very solid." Said Samrat touching his jaw, making him cry out loud in pain. "Major!" Said Seerat glaring. "Oh! I'm sorry, Armaan." Said Samrat looking at her. They all went inside. Seerat, who was all the time glaring at Saransh, finally got a view of an injured Ahaan. "Omg! Ahaan, what happened?" Said Seerat along with Samrat. "A small accident. I'm fine, now. Don't worry, Uncle and Auntie, you too." Said Ahaan looking at her. "Be careful, kids What is happening to all you? That stupid boy just punched Armaan and is sulking like this all day yesterday when he reached our house. I asked him but was not ready to say anything." Said Seerat looking at them. Grandma and Mallika entered at the same time, "Armaan, what happened to your jaw, and why is Shona putting an ice pack at it?" said Mallika upon looking at Roshni, helping him to put the ice pack. "Ask that idiot, Mom. He punched me." Said Armaan pointing towards Saranhsh. "Why??" Said Grandma puzzled.

Meanwhile, until the time their discussion is going on, Samrat embraced his favourite girls and its Sara's turn. "My doll! How are you? Aren't you taking your food on time? And Arsalan told me you're taking so much tension on your small head." Said Samrat embracing. "I'm fine, Uncle. And no bunny is too much sensitive for me. You know that. And is your sugar control. Are you following the diet plan that I gave you?" Said Sara. "Yes, absolutely. I'm following everything as per your instructions, and you can ask your auntie. Amd. my sugar level has gone down at a normal rate." Said Samrat looking proud. "No need to ask. I believe you, and I'm proud of you." Said Sara looking at him. "Okay, now concentrate on that." Said Sara whispering to him. "Aunty, I'll tell you the matter directly." said Ishaan and told her the happenings in detail. Samrat burst out in laughter, "Oh! Now I know the reason for your sulking face." Said Samrat. "Major! He's sad and you won't change, will you? Anshu, why do you say such things for her. And about that officer, invite her to your marriage reception." Said Seerat looking at him.

"And don't worry. I have invited Samaira and her parents too." Said Sara making towards him. "But!" Saransh was about to say something. Seerat stopped her. "No ifs and buts say sorry to Armaan now. He had just recorded it with a friendly intention, and the sending of the video isn't anyone's fault it was a mistake. Now, come on, be a good boy and say sorry for punching your friend like this." Said Seerat, glaring at him. "Maa, I'm not a kid." Said Saransh huffing. "Exactly my point you aren't a kid. So stop behaving like one. Or I know how to discipline a kid." Said Seerat. "Okay, fine. I'm sorry, Mani baby." Said Saransh, taking him a tight hug with an extra sweet smile, embracing him tightly. "No problem, Anshu baby." Said Armaan embracing even more tighter. Both of them are not ready to be back out with hold become tighter and tighter. "I think this much love is enough for today. You both are seriously looking like a couple." Said Ahaan interrupting them. And they quickly left each other and glared at Ahaan, who raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, now take a seat all of you. We'll get hot coffee for you all and tea for these three musketeers." Said Asma winking at Samrat and Saransh, who in turn flashed a wide grin at her in response.

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