CHAPTER 2️⃣5️⃣

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            *AUTHORS POV*

Armaan was sitting in front of Roshni holding her hand while  the officer stood at the entrance of the gate.  Looking at her and talking to her, He was reminiscing the memories that they have spent together. The crazy banters, her cute nickname for him, her beautiful smile, her savage replies, she was his angry bird each, and everything of her was replaying in front of him like a fond memory. Their first meet, her angry eyes, her cute smile, her innocence, every thing of hers is very precious to   him, the ever so cheerful Sunshine is the reason is life is the beginning of a bright morning and end of a day peacefully. He couldn't even describe how much love he is in with her, even if it is listening to her sarcastic comments, which she seems to be their love language, funny, isn't it?

Sara, Arsalan, Noorie, Ahaan, Ishaan, Asma reached the building's parking at the same time. With Arsalan & Sara getting out of Arsalan's car. Ishaan & Asma from his car, Ahaan and Noor from Ahaan's, they went to the elevator discussing about Roshni's matter and about the reply that they are going to give Grandma as she is going to ask numerous questions about them being late. As the elevator reached Ishaan's floor, they decided that they were going to face Grandma's wrath together, not just the girls alone.

So, with that thought, they all were headed towards the penthouse. On entering, they saw that Grandma wasn't there. Upon checking, they took a sigh of relief to find her sleeping. All of them, after exchanging the good nights and the pleasantries and the girls telling the boys to inform them if they get any updates, reached out for their rooms to get a good sleep. While Arsalan  stayed with Ishaan in  his apartment. Due to today's occurings, they decided to skip dinner as not a single person was in favour of eating anything. They retired themselves to bed after a stressful day in the hope of restoring their energy for tomorrow.

In the silence of the night, in Roshni's hospital room, only beeping of the heart monitor along is heard with Armaan's peaceful breath as he was sleeping. In the threshold of the night, a person entered the room with a sharp knife in his hands with an intention to kill someone. As he was about to attack, suddenly Roshni's eyes opened and pushed him hard before rolling down the bed alerting Armaan. The masked man rushed towards the door only to find a furious Saransh ready to grab him. Looking at Saransh, the person reached tor the door to escape. But as he was going out, he was trapped by the officer who was at the entrance. Armaan rushed towards Roshni holding her and picking her up he put her to bed. "Are you okay, Sunshine?" Asked Armaan, looking at Roshni. "Yes, Mani. I'm absolutely fine." Replied Roshni.

On getting the reply, they rushed towards the masked person and unmasked his face when Roshni shouted loudly, "Maan! He is the one." To which Armaan asked about him being the mastermind or if she knew him from before. "He was the person who attacked me and kidnapped me." Said Roshni, making Armaan see red. He lunged at him, furiously throwing punches and kept hitting him while repeating the same thing. "How dare you? You dared to kidnap my Sunshine! You attacked her and now came to kill her. I'll not leave you. I'm going to kill you." Shouted Armaan while hitting him. Saransh & the officer rushed to stop him, and after trying to stop him at the same time with full force, they finally succeeded.  Armaan left him after beating him till he's half conscious. Roshni screamed loudly, catching their attention and making Armaan and Saransh rush towards her.

Arsalan and Ishaan got a call at dawn from the hospital notifying them about the attack on Roshni. Ishaan and Arsalan decided to go there after calling Ahaan, making him rush hurriedly towards them. They told him about the call and told him that they were going to the hospital and that he should come in the morning after notifying the girls. To which outrightly denied and was adamant to go with them. The trio reached the hospital in Ishaan's car. After going to Roshni's ward, they caught the sight of an agitated Armaan sitting on the bench and Sraansh trying his best to make him calm. "What happened, Armaan? Where is Roshni, and why are you sitting here?" Said Ishaan asking him questions after questions. "As per our plan, the attacker came, but he was the same person who  kidnapped her. He had rushed here with an intention to kill her. He's undergoing treatment  as our dear Armaan has not left him in the condition to say anything by thrashing him badly." Said Saransh, glaring at him with a sarcastic smile.

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