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           *AUTHORS POV*

They say new days bring new beginnings, isn't it? In this case, the day is about to end. In the dark night, unknown to everyone, a man was resting on the couch with his eyes closed in a dimly lit room with the moonlight being the only source of light entering the room. Suddenly, the room was illuminated with bright light only to get a glimpse of hundreds of sketches, perfectly aligned and decorating the whole room. He was staring at the person's sketch, admiring it with a lot of love. The sketches were lively, detailed, and perfect, like the person in the frame was actually standing in real life. The person in the sketch was none other than Sara.

Ahaan was driving through the deserted road with rain pouring from the sky. Through the mirror, he saw a drenched figure walking at the side of the door, making him halt the car, recognising the figure. A car stopped in front of Noorie, making her scared, which resulted in her searching for something in her bag. Removing the bottle of Pepper spray from her bag, she waited for the driver to come out of the car. Lunging at the person driving the car only to see, it happened to be Ahaan. "Haan, what are you doing here?" asked a very drenched and scared Noorie, shivering a bit due to the harsh weather. "That would be my question for you, Noor. What are you thinking walking on a deserted road at this hour in this heavy downfall?" Said Ahaan, taking in her appearance and giving his jacket to her.

"Actually, my friend was going to give me a ride but ditched me at the last moment for a stupid party. And me, being the unluckiest person alive, didn't get any ride, and my cab also got cancelled due to the heavy rains." said Noorie, clenching the jacket around herself tightly and rolling her eyes infuriated at her friend and the unpredictable weather. "Okay. Come get in the car. I'll drop you," said Ahaan, telling her to enter the car. "Are you sure? Your car seat will get dirty. I'm drenched from head to toe, " said Noorie, gesturing towards her drenched form. "Positive, now come fast." Said Ahaan. Getting in the car. Ahaan turned on the heater, asking for the address of her destination. With Ahaan breaking the silence, he asked her, "You should have asked Ishaan. Didn't you have the same workplace? He would have gladly dropped you." making her look at him. "Yes, he would have dropped me in a heartbeat, but unfortunately, he had an important meeting somewhere today, so he went there to attend it. He left the office way before me." Said Noorie. "You're lucky that I recognised you from the car and stopped by for you." Said Ahaan looking at her. "Yeah, that I'm, and I'm very thankful for it. Otherwise, I would've surely freezed in this thundering weather." said Noorie, grinning at him. Ahaan just stared at her with a fond smile.

Reaching towards their destination, he parked the car and, like a true gentleman, decided to drop her till the door. Upon taking the lift, they reached the desired floor. Ringing the doorbell of her flat, they waited for the door to be opened. The door was opened by her grandmother, Safa Jiwani, a strong lady with great morals and principles , irrespective of her age. A worried looking grandma opened the door, taking in Noorie's drenched form, telling her to come inside along with Ahaan. As Ahaan was taking his leave, he was stopped by grandma inviting him to come inside. "Have a seat, son. Thank you very much for dropping her home safely. I was getting very tense of her absence as it is very late and with the sudden change in the weather, I'm really thankful that you found her." said Grandma, thanking him."Please, don't thank me. It was my duty as a responsible citizen and a good friend. No need to thank me, " said Ahaan politely, making him smile gratefully. "Call me grandma, young man just like my Noorie," said a cheerful Grandma, making Ahaan smile at her.

"Come, Have dinner with us, it's already prepared be me and don't you dare deny, I'm not letting you go without having dinner," said Grandma, making Ahaan emotional at her caring tone. "No, Grandma. I wasn't denying it. I won't let this golden opportunity slide. Having homemade food after a long time." Said Ahaan taking a seat, making Grandma serve him dinner. Noorie came after changing her clothes and entered the dining room only to be surprised at the scene in front of her. Gramdma was feeding a morsel to Ahaan. Taking a seat beside them, she made Grandma feed her too, and she too fed her. While chatting, they dive into the delicious meal.

VEILS OF ROSETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon