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            *AUTHORS POV*

In another part of the city, a man is following a woman not caring about his surroundings. The woman is none other than Asmaara Jiwaani, aka Asma, an interior designer with a shy yet fierce personality. She shares an apartment with her best friends and cares for them like a possessive Mama Bear.Her grandmother and sister is her lifeline, with her being willing  to do anything for them.

So! back to the main point,  the man who's following her is  Ajay diwaan, her crazy, psycho stalker and landlord of her apartment for a much rejected marriage proposal not getting into his pea-sized brain the meaning of the word "engaged" With him being following her every other day without having an ounce of shame and acting like a total brute.

"You need to give me an answer today. Otherwise, I'm not letting you go," said the  psycho oops sorry Ajay. "Why wasting your and my time when you already know the answer? I've very politely declined your proposal with me being engaged is the basic sign for you to back off .Can't you get it stupid? If you are not going to stop with your useless tactics, then hell with the politeness, I'm going to report you to the police." warned Asma. "I'll see how you are going to report me." said Ajay, taking a step towards her.

With that being said, a scooty rammed into him from behind, throwing him at the side of the road. "And what are you going to do? Please enlighten me. I also would like to hear, " came a voice from behind. The person who was driving the scooty gets down wearing a  helmet. So here's our bold and beautiful lady with a killer sexy vibe.  (Sorry, can't help it🤷🏻‍♀️🤦‍♀️🙈😁😇) Sara Seher Khan.

"You!!!! How dare you???"said the furious psycho. "Yeah, me and oops, how dare I?" Replied  Sara, rolling her eyes. "Do you want me to show you what more I can dare to do as you already have seen it before, haven't you?" replied sara, taking a threatening step towards him. "This isn't over." Saying that he scurried away from there. "Bloody coward," said Sara while gesturing Asma to get on the scooty.

"How many times I've told you not to come alone at this hour that too from this lane?" said a furious, Sara. "Yeah, I know, but it's not my fault that I didn't get a ride." Mumbled a timid Asma."You should've asked your lover boy to drop you. He would've been willing to do so,"  said Sara. "Stop. Don't call him that. He's not my lover boy, stupid," replied Asma with a red hue adorning her cheeks. "Keep telling that to yourself,"  said Sara with a mischievous smile while parking her scooty under the building.

Ringing the doorbell,  both of them were waiting for the door to be opened. The door was opened by the sleeping beauty,  aka Roshni Raza. A bubbly girl with a smart mouth that can make anyones ear bleed. Standing at the door dressed in her fuzzy pyjamas, looking not less than a furious bear upon getting disturbed from her beauty sleep. "Can't you guys take keys with you. After doing night duty at the hospital and at home too, you people don't let me sleep," replied Roshni. "Cut the drama, Ro. You have been sleeping since the afternoon. I know it, and don't you dare lie," says Sara, raising her brows. ( Ro - Roshni ) Upon getting caught, she just sheepishly smiles at them, cutely scratching the back of her head.

"I'm hungry, babe. I need food." said Roshni, taking a seat on the sofa. "So, make and eat something I'm not stopping you," said Sara, taking a seat adjacent to hers. "Babe! you and me, we both know that  Ro and cooking can't be used in the same sentence, forget about doing a practical. We all know how did it end up with", replied a shuddering Asma as if remembering the incident. "Dude, don't make fun of me,  it's not my fault that even after trying.  I can't  make a decent meal." said Roshni with an adorable pout. "Okay. drama queen,  you go set up the table.  I'll make something, " said Sara, ordering her and making her way to the kitchen with asma making a beeline behind her.

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