CHAPTER 9️⃣8️⃣

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Asma was in her room taking a nap when her phone rang, she received without taking a look at it. "Hello!" Said a very sleepy Asma. "Hello. How are you, my dear? I know you don't know me but I know you very well." Said the person from the other side, and the sleep faded from her eyes. "Who's this?" Asked Asma. "I'm Manish Khattar, you're father-in-law, and you're fiancé Ishaan's father." He replied. "I'm sorry, I don't know you. And my fiancé is an orphan, so I don't believe you." Said Asma. "Wait, please! Don't hang up. I know Ishaan told you everything. But he never listened to my side of the story. Will you please hear me out? I swear if you don't want to meet me after that, then I'll leave you two alone. It's just that I don't have much time. Please, I'll wait for you tomorrow at the address that I messaged you. Bye, take care." He said before hanging up, leaving her in deep thought.

"What should I do? I know Shaan had told me not to talk with him. But in his voice there'sa kind of pain that isn't hard to miss. I'm not able to ignore it. What should I do? Ah! I need help." Said Asma talking to herself before texting someone. She got ready and went out before Grandma could notice her. "Asma, you're home early, and when are you going again?" said Mallika, calling her. She closed her eyes and bit her lips upon getting caught. She turned towards her. "Actually, Aunty, I came early as there wasn't much work, and I had lunch with Shaan. I took a short nap & I'm feeling bored , so I thought to take a stroll nearby. Don't worry, I'll be back within an hour. Bye." Said Asma before leaving without giving her a chance to reply, leaving Mallika puzzled, looking at her rushing out. She rushed out of the building and took a cab going towards a cafe. Upon reaching the cafe, she went inside searching for the person she called. There Sara was sitting waiting for her, "What happened? Why did you call to meet here instead of coming to the hospital?" Said Sara asking her. "I don't want to let Arsal know. And I'm in dire need of advice." Said Asma taking a seat.

"Advice? And why didn't you want a bunny to know about it?" Said Sara looking at her. She ordered a cold coffee for her before telling her the problem. She described it in short, not wanting to go in detail. She just told her about how Ishaan had warned her to stay away from him and how his father called her and asked her to meet up. "So, in short, I'm totally confused about what to do. My heart says to visit him, and my brain says to follow Ishaan's warning. Now you're the only one who could help me." Said Asma, taking a sip of her cold drink. Sara was thinking about it, drinking her hot chocolate. "I think you should go," said Sara, looking at her. "You think so too." Said Asma looking at her. She nodded, "I mean, if you think he was genuine and you would like to meet him, then I'll surely come with you, just text me the address." Said Sara looking at her. "Okay, tomorrow, meet me here at the same place. We'll go by cab." Saod Asma looking at her. "Now, I have to go home and we'll meet there. Okay, bye." Said Asma before taking her leave.

Roshni and Samaira were ready to leave as they would be going to the same place. "Maira, tell me, how's your married life going?" Said Roshni. "Absolutely perfect. I bragged a good husband for myself." Said Samaira mischievously. "Yeah, that is. We are surely lucky in this department, mine is also the same and I absolutely love it." Said Roshni. As they reached the parking lot, they saw their respective husbands waiting for them. "Hey girls. How's your day?" Said Saransh, taking Samaira in a gentle hug. "It was good." Said Roshni. "I'm tired." Said Roshni taking a seat in the car. "Did you eat sunshine?" Said Armaan looking at her. "Yeah , I did_I think." Said Roshni pretending to think. "Sunshine!" Said Armaan before narrowing his eyes at her. "Okay, fine. I ate a chocolate just before lunchtime and when it was the time to eat, I wasn't hungry so I thought to have it later then I got busy somewhere else. Don't worry, I'm not feeling hungry I had some snacks just a while ago" Said Roshni smiling sheepishly at him, to which he just shook his head at her and stared the drive till the apartment. Samaira and Saransh, too, were making their way to their apartment. "Ansh, just drive towards the mart, I need to buy some necessities for home." Said Samaira, making him nod. He stopped the car reaching the mart. "You go. I'll just park the car and come." Said Saransh and Samaira went inside. Saransh parked the car and saw a guy talking to Samaira. He quickly rushed towards them, trying to know the person.

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