CHAPTER 4️⃣0️⃣

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          *AUTHORS POV*

The next morning, Mallika and Grandma were already in the kitchen preparing breakfast for all of them. Sara, Asma, and Noorie, after freshing themselves up and completing their morning routine, were heading towards the kitchen with the intention to prepare breakfast but was shocked to see Grandma along with Mallika cooking for them. "Aunty and Grandma. What are you both doing here in the morning? Why are you preparing breakfast?" Said Asma looking at them. "You all are my best friend's children, and I wanted to treat you all with a nice breakfast. Can't I do that? It's my right to spoil you all. I know it's late, but the sooner, the better." Said Mallika grinning at them. "Yes, you can. But we are all so many people, and we would've helped." Said Sara looking at them. "I'm also present here, and if you are forgetting these old bones even now have many strengths left in it. I can single-handedly cook to feed you all. But  don't worry, I haven't and just helped her. All these are made by her and me being her what you say.. yes_sidekick?" Said grandma earning an amused look from them.

"Grandma, you are getting updated. Being with me you've learnt a lot and I'm proud that I'm a very good teacher." said Noorie, mischievously getting a playful glare from Grandma, making her run away to Mallika. "Aunty, now you have to be on my side and save me from these grandmother and granddaughter duo. They just find a chance to beat me and just twist for my poor ear like a doorknob. I'm telling you, Grandma, at this rate, I won't have an ear in the future. And nobody likes a bride without an ear." Said Noorie pouting, and the last was directed to Grandma. "Sure, Noorie, I'll save you. Now that I'm here, I'll always be on your side." Said Mallika. "No worries. Ahaan won't have any problem. He'll be very happy to wed a earless Noorie." Said Asma, earning a glare from Noorie. "Why do you just want to get married so fast? Sara, don't you think that it's time for her to get married?  I'm telling you Ishaan bro will get surely get bored of her if she takes any more time." Said Noorie looking at Asma, who glared at her flustered and Noorie making suggestive expressions as if to ask how does it feel. "Have you seen Aunty? How do they behave with me? She just wants to get me married and not think that she's already engaged and she's the one who needs to get married." said Noorie, looking at her. "Oh! Asma, you are engaged, I didn't know. Who's the lucky guy?" said Mallika, asking Asma, making her cheeks heat up.

"Oh, Aunty! You know the person who took Asma and Grandma yesterday in his car, he's the one. Ishaan, bro, if you don't remember, then I'll introduce you to him. I don't know why he selected her? You know our Ishaan bro was the one who himself came with the marriage proposal and he's was big bro's friend too and we had already known him from way before. So Grandma didn't have a problem but the main fact was that our dear Asma here had already had a crush on him that he doesn't know. Poor boy! Just giving her time so that she'll get used to the thought of him being his future husband, but apart from him, we already know that she's the most eager one between the two. Isn't it, Ashu?" Said Noorie with a big teasing grin. "You, duffer! You just know how to blurt out everything, don't you? You are so going to get it from me. And I'll surely be taking revenge, hiding behind Aunty will make safe this time. But let me get my hands on you, you need to be taught a lesson. You just wait and watch!" Said Asma, drilling holes in her, making her shrunk back, gulping. "Okay, enough now we'll have our meal. Sara and Ashu go and call Ishaan & Arsal and tell them to come up for having their breakfast." Said Grnadma looking at them. "But Grandma, you should call Haan too. He's also home." said Noorie, reminding her of Ahaan.

"Yes, I was waiting for you to say that. You should call your Haan, shall you?" said Grandma, teasing her. "Grandma, you've also started." said Noorie, whining like a small child, and went to grab her phone to call Ahaan. As they were setting out the breakfast, the doorbell rang, and Ishaan, Arsalan, and Ahaan reached there and took a seat after greeting them. After getting everyone together, they all started having their breakfast. "I thought they'll let Ro come home today itself , but after yesterday, I'm not so sure. Whoever will go today just sends Armaan home so that he can get fresh and rest for a while. He's been in the hospital for so many days? He'll come home and Grandma will be there, so she can give him breakfast, won't you, Grandma?" Said Sara looking at her. "Yes, I will. Otherwise, that boy is just going to roam around like a roadside romeo." Sakd Grandma causing Ahaan to choke on his food.

"Shaan, give him water fast." Said Asma passing the water to him. Ishaan hurriedly gave him water, which he gulped greedily, getting his breathing stable. "Noor, I'm fine. Stop hitting so hard." Said Ahaan to Noorie, who was patting his back. "What? I just wanted to help. Grandma always says whenever someone chokes on water, you have to pat his back. Isn't it, Grandma?" said Noorie, asking Grandma. "Yes, dear, but you can't hit him like that it's called hitting, and you just have to pat gently and not so hard." said Grandma, causing everyone to laugh. "But you are pro in suggesting names looking at him. You just described him so perfectly, even though I was not able to do it." Said Ahaan winking at her and earning a playful glare from her, and everyone just let out a chuckle at his statement. "Okay, so I need to go. Seher, I think you should go along with Noorie, and Ahaan will drop you both, and Mallika Aunty will also be there. Ishaan and Asma will go to their work as Armaan is also not there. Ashu just contacted Armaan's P.A. Armaan was telling that he had some important documents which needed his attention urgently and his P.A is also going on a leave and he needs to sign the documents and he'll forwards it to you, just bring it along with you. As he won't be going to the office for some days more." Said Arsalan to Sara and Asma. To which Asma replied in positive and said she'll call Armaan and will get more information about it.

Arsalan reached his cabin and was going through some documents when Asad entered his cabin after taking his permission. "Sir, the hospital's financial funds are going down and many complaints have been registered on us after Rehan's incident and people are claiming that he had done many crimes before too but the absence of proof was the problem. Now, many people have started creating problems for us, along with unnecessary rumours. And according to the will of Mr.Siddique an anonymous person was ready to invest in the hospital and before his accident he has already given his consent but wasn't able to see the loophole and now the hospital is transferred on that person with him, being the owner of maximum number of shares." said Asad, updating him on the recent happenings. "But how can it be possible. Mr.Ahuja haven't told me anything. This was not at all acceptable. Suddenly, after taking the hospital under my control after so many days, the person wanted to make it official. If Mr.Siddique has already given his consent, then why was I not informed. Initially, I was never even interested in it." Said Arsalan unable to decide what he should do as the new partner of the hospital and chairman is soon going to take charge.

As Sara was ready to go towards the hospital, she got a call from Saransh. "Doll, good morning." Said Saransh on the call. "Saransh, I'm not small now and have already become a grown lady. So, stop with your doll already." Said Sara. "Yes, however big you become you are going to be the same girl who just roam around with doll on her side and was crazy about it." Said Saransh.  "Okay, tell me, why have you called?" Said Sara asking him. "Acttually, you said that you know a very good psychiatrist who'll be able to handle Rehan." Asked Saransh. "Yes, you just keep Rehan in your custody, and I've contacted her she's going to come to India shortly, and I'll keep you updated. Now you tell me how's Samaira." Said Sara. "Okay, as you say and Samaira's fine, just a little upset. Wait a minute, why are you asking about Samaira to me?" said Saransh, knowing that he had been fooled.

"Don't forget that just like you, I too have good observations.  I've been watching your extra sweetness for her. Listen to  and don't waste time and grab the first chance you get, or you'll be late." Teased Sara. "Shut up, Sara. You're very bad.  Go and trouble your lover boy, not me." Said Saransh hanging up the call. Sara just stared at her phone, amused at him, acting like a high schooler, who had a crush. Ahaan dropped Sara, Noorie, and Mallika and went away after dropping them as he had a very important work, not before telling them to inform whatever the doctor said. Sara, Mallika, and Noorie entered Roshni's ward, which was alloted to her. And as they entered inside, they were shocked and surprised, looking at the scene.







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