CHAPTER 3️⃣5️⃣

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Arsalan wasn't ready to leave Sara, Sara was just caressing his head gently and telling him to be calm. Saransh was calling Arsalan and knocking at the door to open it . Sara tried to forcefully separate them, but Arsalan wasn't ready to let her go. After a lot of struggle and whispering sweet things and promising him to be careful from next time, Arsalan left her. Arsalan opened the door, which was locked, and they went to see Saransh.

Saransh entered the cabin, looking at them. He, too, took Sara in a bone crushing hug.. "Never do it again." Said Saransh looking at her. This was followed by Samaira and then the last one being Shruti, who was present inside the hospital room along with Rehan's mother. Rehan's mother, who was watching the person she called her son, was fighting so viciously with Arsalan. She saw everything with her own eyes and was very shocked with the occurrence. He was not all remorsed when he attacked Sara as he claimed to be in love with her. He's just obsessed with her. She didn't had any idea of how ferocious he can be, and today, looking at the live performance of his son's ferocity, the last bit of hope she had to get him back also diminished.

"Where is Rehan?" Asked Sara, looking at Saransh. "He's taken into custody, and my team has taken him to the headquarters, and there we are going to do the questioning and making him confess. Accordingly, his verdict will be decided. If you all want then you can accompany me and meet him and if you want to talk then you can talk to him in presence of us before his punishment is decided." Said Saransh informing Sara, and the rest was directed to Rehan's family. "I want to meet him." Declared Rehan's mother.

Altogether, they reached the headquarters where Rehan Is held captive. The officers were lining up and respectfully guiding Saransh to the place where Rehan is held in custody. The glass wall was the only thing that kept them separated, with Rehan on the opposite side of the glass wall. As Rehan was gaining his consciousness, he groaned and opened his eyes only to see the surroundings have been changed and he was not in the hospital anymore. He started struggling with the handcuffs. "Stay still. You are charged with numerous crimes, and if you confess them, then you'll be getting free from some charges, and maybe that'll lessen your punishment." Said Saransh looking at him. "I've not done anything. Why am I here?" Said Rehan back to the innocent facade. "You haven't done anything? Then let me refresh your memory so that it'll help. You are charged for kidnapping, stalking, attempting murder and you have diverted the evidence and made fake ones. You've allegedly attempted to murder your own sister." Said Saransh looking at Samaira, who was looking at Rehan with fear and maybe love.

Samaira's family was shattered to see Rehan in such a condition. The simple and sober Rehan has become a criminal just because of his medical condition. And it seems he wasn't even aware of it, whatever he had done was just the work of his other personality as they all are able to see how he's clueless at the moment he is and after he heard what he had done to Samaira he's looking disappointed in himself.

"What? I've attempted murder and that too on Samaira. Officer, in case you don't know, then she's my sister and my own little sister. I may have differences with her, but I'll never try to kill her even in my dreams. I'm sure you're mistaken. Please, you just call her up and ask her. She'll tell you. And even you can call my mom. She'll be alone at home and she lives with me. She'll be very worried. Please, sir. Just inform my mother about me being out somewhere and is safe. Otherwise, she'll be very tensed, and she's a heart patient, too." Said Rehan from the room where he's able to hear Saransh's voice as the glass wall was one sided and he won't be able to see what's going on outside but they all can see him which he's unaware of.

Rehan's mother was a sobbing mess looking at his condition. It seems to her that her son was able to remember any single thing that he had done, and it's like he's just blank. He was unable to believe that he could attack his sister, his baby Maira, to whom he loved dearly. Samura was also shedding tears as she could have a glimpse of his brother when they were together a very happy family. He was the best brother anyone could think of. He had done everything for her, including giving her piggyback rides and getting chocolates for her without her mother knowing and many more memories that they had shared together.

"He's telling the truth, Rehan. You've really done it. You have done all these things in your mental sonditions. I've told you not to stop your medications, but you are unable to do so. You have not only stopped it but also hidden your conditions from me. I'll not forgive you, Rehan. You've destroyed many things, and my trust was one of them. They all told me that you've done it, but me being an emotional mother who thought from a mother's heart that her son is not capable of the things that people are blaming him for. But after looking at you, I'm ashamed of you." Said Rehan's mother in the mic as he was listening. Listening to his mother, he was stilled, and he didn't expect his mother to side with them. It was not possible , he knows his condition was resurfacing, but he didn't think it to be at this extent.

#FunFact - In some cases, people with DID often forget what they had done in their subconsciousness.

Samaira and Samaira's mother
were not able to see Rehan in this condition, and they went out while Samaira's father wanted to talk to his son alone. Saransh thought for some time but allowed the father and son to talk, and Samaira's father went inside, and Rehan was very much angered to see him. "You, just get lost. I don't want to talk to you." Said Rehan loudly. Rehan's father went towards him and took his son in a hug amd Rehan started to choke him, and officers who went out rushed inside and took his father outside, separating them. "Where are you all taking him? He's the one. This all happened because of him. I'm not going to leave him. I'll kill him, " said Rehan, shouting loudly and going out of control, and Saransh applied the same method of knocking him out, and he was knocked out immediately. "Take him to the cells. And kept him there until further notice and kept him alone. Don't let him be partnered with anyone. Okay." Said Saransh, telling his officers to do the needful. "Okay, sir. As per your orders. He'll be taken care of." Said the officer and respectfully left from there but before not greeting Saransh.

Sara and Arsalan started their way towards the penthouse. Arsalan wanted Sara to rest and, on the way, took her to a nice restaurant, and they had some food there. After having a nice meal, Arsalan drove the car towards the penthouse and parked it under the building. He reached towards Sara's door, he took her towards the elevator, and pressed the desired floor. Reaching the penthouse, he took her to room & tucked her in bed. After ensuring she's comfortable, he was making his way out, but then was stopped when Sara called him. "I already said sorry. Are we going to play this silent game where you won't talk to me at all. This is not fair, bunny! Not fair at all." Said Sara holding his hand
"Everthing isn't fair, Seher. Today, after looking at you, bleeding, I had seriously gone into shock and was not able to do anything. Tell me what should I do? And sleep you need it. You are using your little barin too much, and you should try giving it a rest. I'm not angry, okay. I'm going to the hospital to see Roshni, and you sleep and get some rest without any excuses as I'm not having any." Said Arsalan. "Fine!" Said Sara. Arsalan, after bidding her, switched off the lights and made his way towards the hospital after locking the door. Grandma was shocked the person looking standing at the door. Mallika, Roshni's stepmother, was shocked at the sudden familiar voice that had made her stop in her tracks. "Why are you here?" Asked Grandma, looking at her. "She's my stepmother Grandma? Mallika Raza. Do you know her? Why did you react like that looking at her when you haven't met her till now?" Asked a puzzled Roshni. Now Mallika's attention went towards Roshni, who was looking better than before and was looking pale but a little healthier than before, even with the bandages.

"Is she?" Grandma was asking the question to Mallika, gesturing towards Roshni, and received a nod in agreement from the latter. Grnadma went and hugged Roshni tightly, crying and engulfing her in her warm embrace. Roshni and the group present there were totally confused and clueless about what's happening as there are many questions running in their mind. Why did Grandma react looking at Mallika like that? Why is Grandma crying when just now she had hugged Roshni to her heart's content? Do they know each other? There are so many questions within them, Asma haven't heard about her from Grandma, so she too didn't have any idea about it. The answers to their questions could only be given by them, which just two of them and that is either Grandma or Roshni's stepmom, Mallika Raza.






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