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              *AUTHORS POV*

Retiring to the bed, surrendering themselves to their dreams is the best feeling after the end of the tiring day. Courtesy of the starry night, everyone was sleeping in their respective homes. A person is staring at Sara in her room, as if admiring her with a tinge of smile on his face making it glow in the moonlight With utmost love and care he was caressing her hair gently as if scared to woke the pretty little thing.

In the next morning, Sara woke up from a much needed sleep and a jovial mood. After making her way towards the bathroom and taking a warm shower, she went for a jog to a nearby park. Asma was going to the kitchen but stopped looking at Sara's door, which was ajar. Not finding her at home, she searched for her mobile to ask about her whereabouts only to see her text, informing her about her going out for a walk to the nearby park.

Roshni, too, woke up and went ahead, not finding Sara at home she asked about her to Asma. Asma informed Roshni about her going for a jog. The doorbell rang, indicating someone's arrival only to receive an unwanted guest, Mrs.Preeta Dhillon, who was a lead gossiper of the building with a long nose poking into everyone's matters. Asma invited her inside, making Roshni frown at her, indicating her annoyance regarding the said individual. "Good morning, Mrs.Dhillon. I didn't expect to grace us with your presence early in the morning," asked Roshni with a sweet yet fake smile.

Not able to digest Roshni's extra sweetness, Asma cut her off, telling Mrs.Dhillon to take a seat. "Would you like a cup of coffee, Mrs.Dhillon?" Asked Asma. "You shouldn't have to do the formalities, Asmaara. I'll take anything you bring, including plain water. I'm just here to converse as I've talked to you for a long time. So, I thought to drop by today." replied Mrs. Dhillon, in a sweet voice that can give you diabetes. (These aunties I tell you 🤣🤣. This is their major trait killing with a sweet voice just like a bitter gourd dipped into sugar syrup.🤣😏🙄🤦‍♀️)

"Oh! Asma she doesn't need a coffee. You should throw_ I mean bring some chilled water for her," said Roshni, smiling at her, making her smile to falter a bit. "Yes, yes, just bring me a glass of water," said Mrs.Dhillon, making Asma bit her lips, stopping the grin, threatening to escape. "I've heard the commotion Asmaara. The police came and arrested Sara and Roshni, taking them along." said Mrs.Dhillon, making Roshni glare at her.


"No, you've heard wrong. Due to some fake charges made by a crazy stalker. We were very respectfully, I might add, taken to the police station, and after settling the matter, we were respectfully sent at home without any charges, " said Roshni, answering at her with a stern expression "Oh. By the way Mrs.Ghosh told me that Asmaara hugged a man when she was here at your floor and even exited the building yesterday with him, holding his hand," said Mrs.Dhillon, making Asma become stiff listening to her.

Sara entered the apartment with a bright smile, but listening to the conversation, happening inside the apartment, faded the smile on her face. "The man you are talking about is her fiance .I don't think she doesn't need to take your or someone's permission to meet him or hold his hands for a matter of fact." said Sar with a cold expression entering the apartment, making Mrs.Dhillon gulp. She stared at Sara, looking shit scared. Apart from Sara, she talks about everyone's affair not caring about the consequences, but in front of her, she's becomes mute to even utter a word. "No, Sara dear. I was just casually asking her about it. My intention was not to make her feel upset. " stuttered Mrs.Dhillon with her voice faltering a bit.

"So please refrain from doing so next time , Mrs.Dhillon. You should think before spreading  baseless rumours and next time, please restrict yourself from coming here if you want to come and collect gossips to entertain yourself with other people's misery," said Sara to Mrs.Dhillon, who went away without saying anything. You should not listen to her nonsense every time," said Sara, taking Asma in a gentle hug consoling her. "Okay, now done with a down face. I'm hungry. I need breakfast, " intervened Rsohni, earning an eye roll along with a done expression. "You're hungry 24*7." Said Asma, making Roshni frown at her.

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