CHAPTER 5️⃣3️⃣

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                *AUTHORS POV*

Samaira was taken aback with a sudden change of events, not all expecting such a thing to happen. She was in a daze, totally shocked of the incident that had taken place not too long ago. One moment, she was enjoying with Saransh in his company, playing games, and then eating together. The next moment, she saw Saransh pulling her towards him, and a car very rapidly rushed past her without stopping, not caring about the aftermath. If not for Saransh, she would've been surely lying on the ground bleeding.

Going towards his car and taking a seat inside, Saransh quickly called a number and updated about the car that rushed past them along with its number. He took Samaira and started driving the car. "Samaira, I wanted to say something to you." Said Saransh looking at her and stopping the car at a side. "Yes, Saransh. What happened?" Said Samaira asking him."I hate an ideology of saying things as I feel. I'm not the one to hide things or sugar-coat it." Said Saransh, turning towards her and having her full attention.

"When I had seen you for the first time. The first thing that I saw was your eyes, and it depicted pain that was alluring for me. I haven't felt  like this in my entire life for anyone. You are the first one whose tears affected me, whose pain was very painful for me. Without you saying anything, I can too hear what your eyes want to say. I want to spend my entire my life and won't be able to imagine it without you. I'm fond of straight forwardness. Hence, I won't be able to hide my feelings anymore. Today, when the car was rushing towards you, it felt like my heart was going to burst anytime soon. I'm ready to hear whatever your decision is, and I promise you that I won't force you even if your reply is negative." Said Saransh everything in one  breath, and Samaira was just trying to process his words.

Saransh just started his car and made his way towards her father's mansion. Samaira hasn't responded yet, making him feel scared. He knew that she had taken him as a good friend, but confessing his heart out may have put a strain on their friendship. He just decided to give her time and will just accept whatever she decides. If she doesn't want to be friends with him, he won't force and will just accept her decision as she wishes. They were passing through the gates of Samaira's father's mansion, and Saransh stopped the car nudging Samaira as she seemed to be like in a trance.

He opened the door for her and helped her outside. He just took her inside and rang the doorbell. Samaira's mom opened the door, taking in her scared form, "Maira, what happened, baby?" Asked her mother, taking her inside. Her father, too, who was present there, just rushed towards her. "Officer, is something the matter?" Said Samaira's father looking at her. "No, Mr.Chowdhury. Everything's fine and we are good too. It's just that while she was walking by the road, a car rushed past her, and she got scared because of that." Said Saransh looking at her. He was confused as to why she was sweating and became a mess like this, when she was fine in the car.

"Maya. Go and bring her meds fast." Said Samaira's father to her mom. "Yes, I'm coming." Said her room rushing towards her room. "What meds, sir? Is she fine? Should I call Sara? She's scared here but in the car she was fine. Suddenly, what happened and why is she sweating so much? What meds are you talking about?" Said Saransh shooting a series of questions and rushing towards her, holding her hand in comfort, rubbing  it.  Her mom quickly rushed past her and gave her the meds along with water.

She took the meds and started going back to normal. "Aira, are you fine?" Said Saransh asking her, and Samaira held his in comfort. "I'm fine, Ansh." Said Samaira, assuring him meanwhile her parents were looking at them carefully. Her mother was amused at the interaction and was staring at them with a knowing glint. "Are these meds for PTSD?" Said Saransh looking at her. "Yes," said Samaira, looking at him. "After the incident of Rehan, I was diagnosed with it. I was also diagnosed with it before, but it was not so severe just a little. But now I need meds whenever I'm scared as I get panicked attacks." Said Samaira looking at him.

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