CHAPTER 1️⃣1️⃣

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         *AUTHORS POV*

Sara reached the hospital along with Roshni making their way inside the hospital. At the hospital corridor, they saw Shruti running towards them. "What happened, Shruti? Why are you running around the hospital like a headless chicken?" asked Sara, making Roshni chuckle. "Hm, very funny, isn't it?" Said Shruti, giving a dry response to Sara rolling her eyes. "Yeah, what seems to be the problem, Shruti? Why are you running?" This time, it was Roshni who asked this question.

"Our hospital is arranging a party. I was informed by Rehan, sir. I was actually coming to look for you." Said Shruti looking at Sara. "Why? Don't tell me that they've given me the task to organise the party. Sorry to say, I'm happy with being a doctor and not interested in being an event organiser." Said Sara dramatically. "Done. Now, May I continue?" Deadpanned Shruti. "Yeah, yeah, sure. You have my permission, my child. Please continue." said Sara, acting a monk. "But let us take the discussion in my chamber and continue it there rather than standing in the middle of the hospital. Come." Said sara, making Shruti and Roshni follow her.

Upon entering her cabin, Shruti asked her, "Okay. So do you remember you told me you were looking for an apartment?" making the latter  nod in agreement. "I've searched quite a few. But as I was talking to a friend about searching for an apartment on the phone, Rehan sir heard me. Later, he approached me regrading the matter. I told him about you all searching for one, he suggested some apartments near his place. You can contact him if you like." Breathed Shruti after completing her long speech in detail without leaving any inch. "Yeah, we are open to it." Said Sara looking at Roshni, making her nod in agreement.

Arsalan reached the hospital after meeting Ishaan and Noorie, quite cheerful after meeting Noorie. That girl sure knows how to lit up anyone's mood with her childish yet cute antics, and the second reason is.... (the author clears her throat) someone's delicious breakfast. After having homemade food after such a long time last being when he was in London, he was very satisfied with the service rating the food with full stars. As he reaches his cabin, he is greeted by Asad, updating him with the recent updates in his schedule. "Asad, have you notified the staff about the upcoming party?" asked Arsalan, looking at the papers asking him. "Yes, sir, as you said, I've already notified the HOD to circulate it within the staff." Replied Asad.

"Make all the arrangements and make sure to hire a team of best event organisers. There shouldn't be any mistakes. I want the party to be perfect and everything should be in perfect order as this will help us with further growth of the hospital. With the board already looking for a chance to find mistakes in the administration of the hospital under my guidance." Imstructed Arsalan. Making Asad to reply in positive. "Okay, as per your instructions, I'll look into it. Don't worry, sir, we will be very careful regarding it, hoping for absolute zero mistakes and no errors, " said Asad, making Arsalan look at him in gratitude. "Bring along your wife too and have the invitations distributed," said Arsalan, making Asad grin at him. "Sure, sir. I will." replied Asad

"Roshni, I need you to talk to sir regarding the apartment," said Sara, making Shruti puzzled. "But why Roshni, you too can ask, right?" asked a curious Shruti much to Sara's dismay and a grinning Roshni with a knowing glint. "Actually, I need to check on my patient's file urgently. Roshni will do the needful. Don't worry, and don't you have any other work today?" Said Sara, making Shruti glare at her and exiting the Shruti. "By the way, I know the reason too," said Shruti while leaving, winking at her with a mischievous grin much to Sara's annoyance.

"So, you are very busy today, aren't you?" Said Roshni, further teasing her. "Shut your mouth. Now, go and ask Sir about the required information regarding the apartment." Making Roshni to stare at her in disbelief. "No, first ask me nicely. Then only I'll go otherwise, I'm not going, " said Roshni, making her grit her teeth in annoyance. "My dear sweetheart Ro, please go and ask Rehan sir about the apartment," said Sara with a tight-lipped smile. "This much sweetness is injurious to health, babe.Don't want me to die from diabetes you know, but no problem if you are requesting me sooooo much I'll go. You don't worry, okay, " said a grinning Roshni, running towards the exit, making Sara shake her head in irritation.

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