CHAPTER 3️⃣2️⃣

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After Rehan's mother had decided that she's going to help Sara with whatever plan she has, she deeply apologised to Roshni, to which Roshni denied to her saying, "I won't forgive you, simply because you aren't at fault and it's not all you who ordered the goon to kidnap me nor you were the one who executed it. So, please don't make me embarrassed by asking for forgiveness." To which Samaira's mother smiled at her and put her hand on her head, she told her to get well soon.

Before going out, she told Armaan never to lose her as she's a diamond, to which he replied, "Never in my dreams. She's life, the reason for my living." Said Armaan adoring her and earning a shy yet admiring Roshni to glance at him lovingly. Samaira's mother went out to see Samaira sitting outside the room, at the bench with tears shining in her eyes. "Maira" Listening to her mother calling her the name which she used to say when they were together and happy. As soon as Samaira looked at her, she lunged towards her mother with a sobbing mess, pulling her in a comforting hug, shrinking herself in her mother's embrace just like a child seeking for mother's warmth.

"Please forgive me. It was not at all my intention to make you feel neglected. I never visited you because I was very much guilty for putting my elder first and not at all asking your opinion. I was scared to look at you, at the hatred that you had towards me. I know I've wronged you, and from now on, I'll try my best to give you the love and care you deserve." Said her mother. "Not just your mother, I'm too going to prove myself as a father that you deserve not the best father but the best one that my baby Maira needs and wants. Give a chance to your old father, too. I don't want to die in regret." Said Samaira's father. "Dad, don't talk about dying now. You'll always be the world's best father. And stop with that childish nickname. I'm not baby Maira now. Look, I've gotten so big." Said Samaira gesturing towards her height.

"You'll always be my Baby Maira, no matter how old you are even when you become a grandmother." Said her father laughing at her. "Now we're going to be a happy family again. Except Rehan, he's going to face the crimes he had done his illness doesn't matter.He very easily fooled me and told me that he's already fine and doesn't need his medicine and the doctor. And like a fool, I listened to whatever he said. It's all because of me that he viciously attacked you irrespective of your relationship you both share, and the poor girl is lying on the hospital bed. Even if the police spare him, I'm not going to forgive him ever." Said her mother with determination.

Meanwhile, in Roshni's room, Armaan remembered about her stepmother and step-sister visiting her when she was unconscious. "Sunshine, I forgot to tell you something." Asked Armaan, looking at her. "What? Say I'm listening." Said Roshni while keeping her head on his chest, enjoying the warmth she's getting. "When you were unconscious, your step-sister and stepmother visited you. In fact, she was the one who admitted you to the hospital. She wanted to talk to you and told us to inform her whenever you are ready to talk, " said Armaan, making Roshni jerk up. "What!!!!" Exclaimed Roshni. "But why now? After so many years she suddenly came and decided that she wanted to communicate with me. What does she want now when I'm happily living my life." Said Roshni looking at him with unshed tears lining in her eyes.

"You don't have to talk to her now. But do talk with Sara she can give you a clear picture because I came when they were leaving. You want me to call her, she'll be here in the hospital premises." Said Armaan asking her. "Yes, can you do it, please? Call her, I want to talk to her now." Said Roshni getting hyper. "Okay, relax and calm down. There's no need to hype up. I'm calling her." Said Armaan while calling Sara and telling her to come to Roshni's room ASAP. To which he got a positive response, and she told him that she's on the way and coming in a few minutes.

As Armaan was trying to make Roshni calm, the door opened as Sara entered the room looking worried , "What happened, Armaan? Why did you call me in a rush, and why is Roshni looking tensed?" Said Sara going towards her and rubbing her back gently and instructing her to take deep breaths. "Actually, I told her about the visit of stepmother and step-sister," said Armaan, making her nod in understanding. "What do they want from me now? I've given them whatever I had." Said Roshni looking at her. "Ro, relax and let me complete, okay. Don't interrupt me in between. Just listen to everything I say, very calmly, and try to think with a clear mind without involving any negative thoughts. Okay, can you do it for me, Ro?" Said Sara, telling her to which she gave a positive response.

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