CHAPTER 3️⃣7️⃣

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            *AUTHORS POV*

Noorie was going to be Ahaan's bride, which soon became the topic of discussion as they were already betrothed. Noorie was blushing like a teenager girl upon hearing about the marriage discussion. She was annoyed that she signalled her big bro to save her from her sister and Grandma, who looked ready to wed her in this hospital itself. Ishaan and Arsalan, looking at her signal, they decided to intervene.

"Ashima, it's enough now. You can't just tease my little sister. First, it should be you who should be married first as you are elder and then after your then we'll see about her. Ahaan, you first have to come with all the customs and rituals you'll come and ask her hand as her big brother it's my responsibility to first approve you and then we can think about marriage." Said Arsalan getting a flustered glare from Asma and a horrified look from Ahaan. "What do you mean by think? Grandma!!!" Whined a horrified Ahaan.

"Arsal, you are teasing him now. Don't tease the poor boy, " said Grandma, taking Ahaan's side, to which Armaan replied that he's not at all joking and very much serious about the words that he had just now utter. At this, Ahaan began to sulk, and Noorie was very much amused looking at him, who looked very much eager to marry her. As this thought came into her mind, she started blushing. "Okay, so if all your discussions are completed, then can we proceed at the matter in our hands?" Said Ishaan diverting their attention to the main topic of discussion.

Roshni looked at Asma and Noorie, giving them a reassuring nod about her being fine and was ready to listen at whatever is to come her way. Meanwhile, Arsalan and Ishaan told them that they'll get something from the cafeteria from them to drink but Roshni stopped them saying she wanted them to listen whatever her stepmom now aunt was saying and as her brothers she needed their support and she don't have any problem with them being present here. So Mallika, after informing them about her being Roshni's aunt and she was the elder twin with her mother, being younger one started her side of the story, which is unknown to her.

"We were very loving sisters and not like the typical one just fighting if she had done something, then I'll always be ready to take the blame and with her being vice versa. We had a best friend and he was too in our group along with his sister and her best friend. We all five were a group always doing mischief together and taking the punishment together. But when we were in college, I fell in love with Simran's father, Azad, and was ready to get married to him. But my parents were against it as they had fixed my marriage with Wali Raza, and he was your father, Roshni." Said Mallika looking at Roshni. "So if your marriage was fixed with dad, then how come my mom got married to him?" Asked Roshni, looking at her.

"Kanika, your mother was ready to do anything for me. So when I told her about my love and our parents forcing me to get married, she, along with our best friend. Both of them decided to help me elope, and then I eloped with him and got married with their help. But at that time, I didn't know that my mistake of running away would cost my sister's life. Your father was not an ordinary person to take the things lightly, so when his reputation was at stake, he threatened my parents to get my sister married to him. And that time.our best fried who helped me elope along with Kanika decided to intervene and helped her too. But by the time they could make it far, they were caught and he was beaten up very badly and he, along with his family, was threatened and shifted somewhere else." said Mallika, completing her sentence.

By the time she completed her sentence, she was in tears and was not able to complete it further. Arsalan rushed towards her, giving her a glass of water and telling her to calm. "You don't have to continue. Please give yourself a rest. If remembering it is giving you pain and bringing sadness, then it's absolutely fine if you don't want to continue." Said Roshni looking at her. Mallika was looking at her and remembered her sister. "Please forgive me, my child. It's not my intention to hate you or abuse you verbally. I don't hate you at all. You are my Kanika last sign. And now that I know that he's dead and never coming back, I'll not let you away from me." Saod Mallika crying in Roshni's arms.

Sara was resting in her room but suddenly started thrashing in her sleep. Her nightmare was very dreadful and a terrific memory to live that she's unable to forget even after 15 long years she's hasn't forgotten how her whole family along with Arsalan's were burnt in their own house and the case was closed stating an accident that occurred due to short circuit. But she knows because she had seen him running away after the house was burning. He left in his car, letting the house burn into ashes with Arsalan with his sibling. He was out with Grandma along with the others, so they were safe. She was the one who wanted to stay with them and didn't leave them. She remembered how her father had saved her and told her to run without turning back and she ran but was waiting for her bunny to come and console her but in amidst that she got to know the ugly face behind the heinous crimes.

Sara suddenly jerked from her sleep and woke up. She saw the time and looked outside to see that she had indeed slept till late. Because of the recent happenings starting with Roshni's kidnapping till today, she was unable to sleep and hadn't slept a wink. So today, after Arsalan had given her painkillers, she slept like a baby without any disturbance. Making her way towards the washroom and taking a much needed warm shower and relaxing herself, she thought to pamper herself and had done her skin and hair care routines, giving her a relaxed look. After getting ready and going out and she saw that no one's home till now. She knew at once that they were at the hospital and hadn't come back yet. So she thought to cook some food for them and take some chicken soup for Roshni as poor gurl is just eating the bland and tasteless food.  Amd. Roshni likes the chicken soup made by her very much. As a matter of fact, Roshni can eat anything made by her. She started doing her work, careful not to put much pressure on her injured hand, and started  preparing the food, and in no time, the food was done. She  packing the soup for Roshni and  some food for Armaan too and packed the other items, keeping it aside so that they'll eat it together after coming here. Hailing a cab, she started her journey towards the hospital.

Mallika was staring at Roshni looking at her. "Can you tell me about my mom?" Said Roshni looking at her in hope. "Your Mom. She was the sunshine. Always happy and cheerful, and her smile can light up anyone's day. She can't see anyone sad. Amongst us, she has the best bonding with our best friend. They both had the best bonding, and they they were Tom and jerry Duo." Said Mallika smiling as if reminiscing the memories and imagining her smiley face earning an admiring smile from Grandma too. "Grandma, looking at you smiling like this. I'm sure that you know Roshni's mother too. Isn't it?" said Noorie, grabbing everyone's attention. Everyone was also in agreement with Noorie's statement and was looking at Grandma. "Yes, I know her. In fact, Malli and Anika both." said Grandma, looking at them with a fond smile. They made them confused because they were confused hearing the names Malli and Anika. "By Malli, she means me, and by anika, she means Kanika. That's our nickname that they used to call us." said Mallika, clearing their confusion. Making then to nod in understanding. "Grandma, if you know them, then you would've known my father, too," said Roshni, asking her. "Yes, how can I forget the person who was responsible for our miseries. I can never forget him and can never forgive him. The things that he has done are not worth forgiving. He had destroyed lives just to maintain his fake reputation. I know, Roshni, that you're unable to believe ut, but trust me. I've seen him and he was not a normal person. He was the son of a criminal politician who also wanted to colour his hands with cheat, deceitfulness, and greed of power just like his father." Said Grandma with hatred and anger shining in her eyes.  Meanwhile, Sara had already reached the hospital building, and she was all set to move inside. With her left hand being injured, she took the packets in her right hand along with her purse, which had her phone. She went towards the elevator. Reaching the elevator, she told the nurse who was with her to press the elevator's button for her. Reaching at the entrance of Roshni's room, she can hear that Grandma was aggressively saying something and sounded very angry and agitated.

As soon as she opened the door, the people present inside were staring at her like she's alien. "Why are you all staring at me like this?" Said Sara asking then. As she finished saying she was lunged into a bone crushing hug along with Asma. Making her balance to give out, but thanks to Arsalan, who came to her rescue, save her along with food packets that she bought and took them with him, keeping them aside. "I'm fine, guys. Look as you'll can see. But I don't think  everything is fine here. I heard Grandma talking loudly as if she were angry. What happened??" Said Sara, making every one of them stare at each other.






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