CHAPTER 3️⃣3️⃣

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After hearing of Roshni's accident, Grandma was not in the right state of mind. She was thinking as a guardian and a mother figure to all of them she had failed them. As she was not unaware of the nightmares that Sara got and the food that she cooked, they thought that they could fool her by lying. But she knows everything. Nothing is left from her old eyes. Yes, she is old but not at all weak she's the same woman who had taken care of her children and nurtured them.

As Grandma was sitting in her room with the lights dim, Asma entered the room along with Noorie. "Grandma, are you angry with your Ashu?" Said Asma, making a cute child like face trying to cajole her. "Yes, Grandma, are you very angry at us. Then you should beat Big bro, Ishaan bro, Armaan bro, and Ahaan because they know everything, and most of all, they are our senior. Even when we didn't tell you, they should've told you we are your cute, sweet children. How can we do anything? Look at my innocent face." Said Noorie, making an innocent face, and Asma gaped at her for changing parties like a chameleon.

Grandma lets out a laugh at the poor excuse of the acting that Noorie is doing. With an innocent face, she's the most naughtiest one amongst her grandchildren. "Oh, my Noorie baby is innocent, isn't she?" Said Asma, going towards her and twisted her ear in her hands lightly. "Grandma, don't believe this lying idiot. In fact, she was the one who knew even before me. I was the last one to know. After everything is done then they had called me. Stupid, Idiots!" Said Asma, earning a chuckle from Grandma. "Ow! You all are very bad. Is it a doorknob that whenever you like, you come and twist it? That's my ear in case if you've forgotten." Said Noorie whining loudly.

Grandma was looking at the sister's duo amused. She knows what they are trying to do, and she absolutely loved it about them. Whenever her mood is off, her all grandchildren will come up and make her cheer up. It'll be a lie if she says that she doesn't have a favourite. Sara is the one whom she favours the most amongst them. That girl is the most strongest one out there, even after seeing her loved ones burnt to ashes she hadn't shed a drop of tear just the image of fire dancing in her eyes promising for even more dreadful revenge for those who are responsible for it.

"Okay, now that your acting is done, then can we leave for visiting Roshni. It's like I haven't my Roshan in ages." Said Grandma, earning an offended look from Asma and Noorie immediately burst out in laughter. "Grandma, I'm surely going to tell your 'Roshan' that you're missing her. Come on, let Ishaan bro and Haan come first, then we'll leave. Your 'Roshan' is waiting." Said Noorie in between her laughs. "Don't you dare make fun of my poor baby. You're getting naughtier day by day. I'll have you married first, even before Ashu." said Grandma, earning a horrified look from her.

"Yes, Grandma. And Ahaan won't mind he is already set to take his bride. Isn't it, Noorie?" Said Asma teasing her. "Shut up both you. I'm still the youngest. You've your other grandchildren, too. Get them married first. And I think the doorbell is ringing. Maybe Ishaan bro and Haan are here." Said Noorie running away from there and getting amused looks from Grnadma and Asma. "Have you packed something?" Said Grnadma looking at her. "Yes, I jave packed some homemade juice and some food too for Armaan. That poor boy is running around so much and not have eaten more than a morsel in these days." Said Asma looking at her.

Sara and the others were set with her plan. As per the plan, Arsalan called Nurse Mary and told her the required things that were mentioned by Sara. Sara was watching her expressions carefully and knew, and it's starting to change from nervous to fearful to horrified. The nurse took Arsalan's leave and went out of the cabin. "So, the trap has been laid, now it's time to trap the prey. He'll come running without us doing anything." Said Sara looking at Arsalan.

Samaira and her father were waiting as per Sara's plan outside the hospital room in which her mother was admitted. Sara and Arsalan reached there and were waiting for Saransh's and his team's signals, who were waiting for Rehan to pass through them. As they were all dressed like civilians without their uniform, he won't be able to suspect a thing. Arsalan was on alert and he was not leaving Sara's side because he knows that according to her plan, she'll try to lure him out and that person is not less than a crazy dog on loose and just looking for a chance to attack someone. Sara was exactly giving him that, the open invitation to attack her and putting her life at stake even if she's a great fighter and defend her very well but he can't help but being scared for her safety.

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