CHAPTER 5️⃣7️⃣

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          *AUTHORS POV*

Arsalan was in his cabin and was going through the reports of the finances of the hospital, as he was looking through it m, he saw many loopholes and many losses which has been incurring and doesn't match with each other at all. The finance amount taken was perfectly alright, but it doesn't match the files earlier in which there are many things which includes the result as per the report, finances were taken but not used at the proper place and on proper assets. He was puzzled as to why such a thing could be possible.

As he knew Murat isn't the one who'll sanction the amounts and not go through the maintenance and the detailed report of where it had been spent and there are many complaints recieved from the patients with the hospital being not able to provide proper medical supervision with doctor's performing malpractices with the patients by charging them more than the required charges. It's against the rules and doesn't  fit with the medical ethics as per the rules and regulations.

The complaints were dated way back but haven't taken any actions according to it. Arsalan was very much stunned with the sudden change of event. He made a mental note to discuss this Murat later. As he had already said, many of the things today and more will affect his mental health as he is already recovering. He called Asad to meet him in his cabin. After some time, Asad entered the cabin according to his instructions. "Asad, take these files and prepare a detailed report on all the complaints that have been received this year along with their dates and against which doctors they had been given. And make a record of this one and keep these all financial documents in it along with the maintenance record." Said Arsalan handling him the documents folder and the file. "Sure, sir. Anything else." Said Asad taking it. "No, thank you. You can leave as this much is enough for now." Said Arsalan, making him take his leave.

Sara, along IshMaara, reached the hospital, Sara went to her cabin, and the couple went towards the doctor as they knew where to go, so they told Sara that they would go on their own. Sara reached her cabin and was about to leave for Arsalan's cabin but was stopped by the ringing of the phone. "Yes, Anshu say." Said Sara receiving the call. "Doll, Rehan has gone missing." Said Saransh informing here. "What do you mean by missing?" Said Sara looking at him. "When they were shifting him towards the cell, he made run and has is not found till yet." Said Saransh clearing her doubt. "So, now what?" Asked Saransh 

"Now nothing. Are you going to find him?" Said Sara asking him. "If you want him to be found then, of course, we can search. Do you want it?" Said Saransh, making her grin. "Let it be. We'll leave him for the time being. He'll come out on his own if he needs to be found. Don't waste your efforts. And be careful not to let this information leak out. we don't want to make Samaira and her family get hyper, and moreover, whatever you informed me about Samaira, you need to take special care. Never ever let her feel that she is liable to you and make sure to let her know that you don't have any problem with her condition. Be normal, and did you tell her about you taking her tomorrow." Saod Sara asking him.

"Yes, I have said it. After reaching, message me first, and I'll pick up Samaira, and we will come together. She's very anxious about it and very nervous, too, despite me telling her to relax multiple times. She keeps fussing about her dress, her makeup, and everything after every 5 minutes." Said Saransh, making her chuckle at his situation. "Poor Anshu baby. This is just the start. Just wait and watch. I know how you used to tease boys. Now, it's their turn, and BTW, when are you going to tell them? Noorie is getting impatient." Said Sara. "I'll first tell mom and dad. When we'll come back from there, then let's have a dinner party out, my treat and everyone will be there, and I'll break the news to them together.. Okay." Said Saransh suggesting it. "Done, whatever you wish. Okay, bye. See you tomorrow." Said Sara hanging up.

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