CHAPTER 1️⃣0️⃣

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              *AUTHORS POV*

Getting up in the morning, Arsalan feels refreshed, getting a peaceful sleep after a long time. Going towards the washroom, he finished his morning business. Entering his room, he took a look at the time. He decided to go for a jog as the gym in the mansion was under repair and could not be used until the renovation. Getting in the closet, putting on a suitable attire. He went out for a jog.

The wait for Grandma was getting unbearable for both Roshni and Noorie. While Sara and Asma were busy with their phones. At last, the wait was over when the doorbell rang, indicating her arrival. Grandma entered the room, making Asma rush towards her. Taking Asma in a loving embrace, she proceeded towards Sara, taking her in a motherly hug. "Did you forget about me, showering your love just on them?" asked Roshni, getting her ear in Grandma's hold. "Ow, Grandma, it's paining. I'm sorry, leave me, please." said Roshni, trying to escape from her firm grip only to be embraced by her.

"Okay, now if your reunion is finished. Can we start having breakfast? I'm hungry, and I can't wait more," said Noorie, rushing towards to eat. "Yeah, you just know how to eat," said Grandma, taking a seat teasing her. "Grandma, how can you say that to me? I also do many things apart from eating," said Noorie, defending herself. "Yeah, yeah. Then tell me when was the last time you cleaned your room?" asked Grandma, looking at her, raising her brows and daring her to lie.

"Oh! I've been wanting to do it. But you know how busy I can get. In fact, I was thinking of doing this weekend, I promise," stuttered Noorie, trying to escape from her predatory gaze, gesturing Sara to save her. "Leave it, grandma. Come let's have breakfast," changing the topic saving Noorie. Grandma took a seat, serving herself, ordering Sara to have her food. "I can serve myself very well. I'm not a guest. You sit and eat."

"But why is there so much food?" asked grandma, making them stare at each other wide-eyed. "Actually, grandma, that As_Asma. Yes, Asma wanted to take breakfast for Ishaan, so she helped Sara in preparing all of it," said a stuttering Roshni, making Asma glare at her. "Oh! That's wonderful. I didn't know my Ashu is so romantic, " teased Grandma, making Asma go red and intensified her glare at Roshni, making her gulp.

"Okay, It's getting late already. we wasted so much time waiting for Grandma," said Noorie, saving Roshni from Asma and diverting grandma's attention from Asma. Roshni looked at her gratefully, and grandma hit her the back of the head, making her cry in pain. "Ow, why is everyone hitting me today? First, Ashu and now you Grandma, that too at the same spot" whined Noorie. Making everyone ignore her and dig into their food.

By the time Arsalan returned, the breakfast was served by the workers. Arsalan went to take a shower, getting rid of the sweat glistening from his body. After changing, he went to have his morning coffee. Not in the mood to have breakfast, he informed the cook not to prepare breakfast for him from tomorrow. After instructing them to distribute the food among themselves and urging them to take their breakfast without any hesitancy, he finished his coffee and went to his room to grab his phone. Deciding to visit Ishaan, he made his way towards his car, making his way to his office.

While having their breakfast, Grandma cleared her throat, grabbing their attention. "I met Mrs.Dhillon near the elevator, she told me what happened. You all should've told me instead of hiding it from me, " making them groan in annoyance at the mention of Mrs.Dhillon. "Oh! So that old lady was Mrs.Dhillon, " said Noorie, making them roll her eyes at her. "What? If i wouldve known, I would not have let her fill Grandma's ears." Said Nooire, earning a glare from her. " Shesh! Stop with glaring already. Everyone just tries to scare me, " mumbled Noorie, not daring to utter a word. "Grandma, we didn't hide it from you deliberately. It's just that the matter was handled perfectly by Ishaan and Ahaan, so we didn't dwell on it." said Sara, explaining her calmly.

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