CHAPTER 6️⃣1️⃣

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With the next day being the weekend, the people in the penthouse weren't up yet apart from Grandma, who was in her room, and Sara was in her room getting ready for going to her Uncle's house. Going to their maternal house is everyone's favourite thing to do and like everyone she was excited too as her uncle and aunt loved her very much even more than Saransh and it has been a while since she had met them. She was almost ready when her phone rang, indicating an incoming call. She took a look at the caller ID and just shook her head before receiving it.

"Hello!" Said Sara upon receiving the call. "Aren't you coming today, Doll? Haven't you got ready yet?" Said the person from the other side. "Pause for 2 mins. Very good now, listen carefully. I have gotten up early, and of course, I'm coming. I'm almost ready and will leave from here in 10 mins." Said Sara, making the person nod in response. "Okay, do you want me to come and pick you up?" Again came the same voice. "Nope, Bunny is coming with me too, and we'll be coming together. Now bye, let me get ready." Said Sara again responded and hung up the call. She again involved herself in getting ready and messaged Arsalan asking him when he would be ready.

Samaira was just running around her room like a headless chicken. Dresses were lying on the floor of her bedroom, and her dressing table was scattered with accessories. Her mom was sitting on the bed looking at her strolling around the room with a nervous expression as she wasn't able to decide anything and was very confused hence the nervousness when she likes her dress, her heels don't match and if she likes the heels her dress doesn't match and if she likes both, she feels that it isn't appropriate and her mother was just sitting quietly. Her father, too, was standing at her bedroom door, and the bedroom looked like a tornado passed through it.

Saransb was up at the correct time and was a little anxious too thinking about how his parents were going to react looking at Samaira as his whole life he hadn't even talked about a single girl nor he have any female friends, so this would be his very first time taking a girl home. He is sure that they're going to like Samaira. Even when he's an adult, his parents' choice matters to him the most, and he has full confidence that they are going to accept his choice. He's a little nervous about his father's reaction, as his mom is a sweetheart and will be elated upon finding that his son has already found a daughter-in-law for her. He was ready to go and was about to call Samaira but got a call from Samaira's mom, who told him to come fast as Samaira was going out of control. He left for Samaira's house, taking his jeep.

Arsalan was also ready to go, taking his phone he saw that Sara had texted him asking when he was going to be ready to which he told her to come to the parking and he would meet her there directly. Taking his car keys, he left Ishaan's apartment and reached towards the parking. He was waiting for Sara, with his phone in his hand, and was leaning on his car and looked up when he heard the sound of heels. Looking at her, he was just rooted at his spot. Sara was not looking less than a beautiful fairy dressed in a simple traditional suit. He just lost his heart again then and there. Sara just came and saw him looking at her without blinking, "Hello! Are you sleeping with your eyes open? Come, we are getting late. Uncle has already called me in the morning asking when we'll be arriving." Said Sara flicking him on the head.

"Not sleeping but feeling extremely grateful to the Lord that he had given me a beautiful fairy that is just mine." Said Arsalan making her smile. "You and your exceptional flirting." Said Sara, making her towards the car. But Arsalan stopped her by pulling her towards him, gently putting her hair towards the side. He kissed her forehead, making her close her eyes. "Now, come or we'll be late. Did I tell you that you look amazing in traditional dresses?" Said Arsalan starting his car. "Yes, innumerable times. Now drive." Said Sara shaking her head at him and telling him to drive the car. They started their journey with Arsalan intertwining their hands and Sara leaning on him.

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