CHAPTER 3️⃣0️⃣

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After discussing and taking in whatever Samaira has disclosed, the things are a lot to take in. But they are trying to absorb it within themselves. Roshni was stunned to find the back story of Rehan's condition. Looking at him every time, the gentle talks and the way he sided with them when Samaira was fighting about them, He didn't even let an inch of suspicion to fall on him. Saransh was remembering when he was asking Rehan the required questions even if the professionals weren't able to conceal their expressions like that.

They are all in their deep thoughts, analysing and trying to find different scenarios in their mind. Armaan was too thinking about the night of the party when he was talking to Roshni and was apologising to her for whatever Samaira had done. He knew that there's something wrong with him, but he would be like this was totally uncalled for him. Ishaan and Ahaan have the same thoughts. Arsalan was thinking about the weird plan that Sara is going to come up with. Her plans are a mixture of unique, dangerous, and weird, a very deadly combination. And if she has decided about it, she's not going to back down.

"Sara, at least tell us about your plan. I surely wanted to know what you are exactly going to do?" Said Samaira looking at her. "You all don't need to worry about it. Just relax and go with the flow." Said Sara assuring her. "Saransh, she isn't safe in the hospital anymore. It's your responsibility to keep her safe. If necessary, bring her mother and father here. I'm sure there are more rooms and space here for them, too." Said Sara looking at him. "Yes. I absolutely don't have any problem with it. And as for her father and mother, if they don't want to stay here, then I can also arrange a safe house for them." Said Saransh, earning a knowing glance with Arsalan and Sara.

"Okay. So, take care, Samaira and you too." Said Arsalan looking at Saransh. "Yes. I, too, need to go. Sunshine will be waiting for me, and she also wanted to know the whole truth, and she was just jumping and sulking when I came here." Said Armaan. "Yes, Noor was also the same. She was ready to come, but one glare from Asma, and she's back to her place like a scared kitten." Said Ahaan, and both of them were chuckling remembering their sulking faces, not all aware that they were listening to them and they are in for trouble. Ishaan cleared his throat loudly and tried his best to signal them to stop, but like the dumb heads they were, they were not all understanding it.

"What are you doing, Ishaan? Do you have something in your throat?" Asked Arsalan to which he shook his head in negative. "Are you telling us to stop? Weren't you the one who was telling that nowadays Asma has become like a ferocious lioness ready to eat you alive and just threatening you?" Said Ahaan, making his eyes go wide, and he was drilling holes in his head. "Maara, I didn't say like that. Don't listen to him. Hello! Hello! Maara!" But the call was cut.

Looking at Ishaan's behaviour, Armaan and Ahaan quickly got alerted. "WTH!!! Are you talking to yourself?" Said a horrified Ahaan. "No, you stupid. That dog was on the call with Asma." Said Armaan glaring at him. "You. Idiot!!! You both were talking about Noorie and Roshni what was needed to drag me in it. Because of you, Ahaan! Now Maara is again angry with me. I'm going to kill you." Said Ishaan running behind him. But he quickly makes Arsalan as a shield and takes refugee behind him. "I was just kidding because I thought when we were telling about them, you were just mocking us by clearing your throat. Can't you just tell us to stop and they were listening?" Said Ahaan saying from behind Arsalan.

"Ishaan, what was the need to call them?" Said Armaan while asking him. "She was adamant to listen to it and didn't want to wait. And by the way, this call was Roshni's idea because they wanted to hear. So the call was on speaker, and three of them were listening to it." Said Ishaan, getting hilarious reactions from them. "WHAT???" was the response that Ahaan gave him acting like he was about to faint. And Armaan sat with a thud on the sofa holding his head. "I don't about you two, but my wife is going to kill me, and my body wouldn't be found." Said a very scared Armaan. "Because Sick Sunshine is more dangerous than the normal one." Added Armaan, gaining chuckles from Saransh and Arsalan, and they burst out laughing. A mischievous smile was on Sara and an amused Samaira who was watching the whole exchange not at all expecting them to be scared like this from their respective partners after looking at them being so serious.

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