CHAPTER 7️⃣7️⃣

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Ahaan wanted to gift Noorie something special, but he got to know that he had to fly to another city for an important case and he had to depart before Noorie's birthday, so he won't be able to attend it. He had to be there for his work on the day of Noorie's birthday, and he could already imagine his plan going down the drain. He had already selected the gifts and was very excited about her expressions when she'll see it. Alas! That all won't be possible now, he had tried to postpone or cancel it but it was very important for him. He took out his phone and quickly dialled a number, and it was received too. "Hello are you free?"I wanted to meet you."I need your help, it's urgent." "Okay I'm reaching the hospital." Said Ahaan hanging the call after getting a positive reply.

Saransh and Arsalan, along with Sara, reached Arsalan's cabin. Asad and Shruti, too, reached into his cabin. Shruti, as soon as he saw Saransh, greeted him. "Congratulations, lover boy. You sure are very fast. First meeting then proposing and then settling." Said Shruti looking at her. "Thanks. And congrats to the new parents too. How's the little one?" Said Saransh looking at her. "Absolutely fine, just troubling their mum." Said Shruti rubbing her stomach with a small pout. "Yeah! And that mama is troubling baby's daddy in return." Mumbled Asad, which was only heard by Saransh and Arsalan who chuckled out loudly. "What happened, Saad? Arsalan and Saransh, why are both laughing?" Said Shruti, narrowing her eyes. "Nothing Ritu. They're just laughing out loud. I think they remembered a joke, don't you, sir?" said Asad, looking at them signalling from his eyes to save him. "Yes, I remember a joke, so Saransh too laughed out loud." Said Arsalan, making Saransh nod in agreement. Shruti just stared at them weirdly.

"Okay, guys. I've called Ishaan, Asma, and Armaan along with Roshni and Samaira, and They're just coming, and I'm just going till my cabin. Anshu, wait here for me as they'll be coming here directly." Said Sara before going towards her previous cabin. Sara entered the cabin , took a look at the things, and began to collect her belongings in a box that needed to be shifted. Someone knocked on the door, and she permitted the person to enter. "Yes, Ahaan. How can I help you?" Said Sara looking at Ahaan. "I wanted to discuss something with you about Noor's birthday." Said Ahaan looking at her. "So, you should have told me before, as we all are gathering together for discussing her birthday." Said Sara.

"Actually, I wanted to do something on her birthday, but I had a major problem, and I'm very confused. I need some advice or guidance, you say as you like. But please, can you help me?" Said Ahaan looking her. She urged him to tell her his problem , he narrated the problem about he won't be available on her birthday. He told her his idea of celebrating her birthday. After finishing, he was waiting for Sara to say something. "This is very simple. See, you're going for work and it can't wait, you just prepare your gift and send it to her doorstep through delivery if you want to give at 12 on the night and call her at the same time. This way, she'll be able to receive it on her birthday. And about your surprise, you could take her out to celebrate before going, so the day after tomorrow is her birthday and tomorrow you could take her for her pre-birthday celebrations. And pass on the gift later." Said Sara looking at her. His face radiated happiness, and his eyes showed relief. Appreciating her help, he thanked her profusely. "Now, come, let's get some help with the boys as we had to do many preparations, and the gang would also be waiting." Said Sara, and she and Ahaan made their way towards Arsalan's cabin.

Ishaan along Asma and Armaan reached the hospital and were in Arsalan's cabin, waiting for more to come. Arsalan and Saransh were, as usual, busy bickering, Ishaan and Armaan amused, just stared at them. Asma went towards Shruti, and they both exchanged pleasantries, and Asma asked her about her health. Roshni, along with Samaira, entered the cabin. As soon as Saransh saw Samaira, he straightened up and went to greet her, making the boys roll their eyes at him. Armaan went towards Roshni and asked her whether she had taken lunch or not. To which she replied with an eye roll as there's still some time for lunch. Sara, too, entered the cabin with Ahaan. "Now that we all are present here, we would have start with some planning for Noorie's birthday that's after 2 days, if anyone has any idea apart from a surprise party then you'll are free to share." Said Sara looking at them. All of them nodded their head in negative, "Before you all say anything, our Ahaan would like to say something." Said Sara looking at him he cleared his throat and informed them about his short trip along with his idea combined with Sara's idea for pre-birthday celebration, to which everybody liked.

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