CHAPTER 3️⃣8️⃣

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           *AUTHORS POV*

As soon as Sara said those words, everyone in the room was staring at each other, trying to find a better reason to come up with and was looking at each other. "Okay, now enough with staring session and come up with the correct answer fast." Said Sara putting a full stop at their staring session. Arsalan was looking at them but suddenly he realised something, "Did you cook?" Said Arsalan narrowing his eyes at her, making her eyes go wide.

"Yes, why?" Said Sara looking at him as he was glaring at her. "What? I had rested very well and woke feeling very refreshed, actually. So when I saw that no one had come home. And I came to know that you were all in the hospital, I thought to cook something and you all will be hungry. So I cooked as my hand was not paining and after cooking, I hailed a cab and landed here." Said Sara explaining Arsalan cutely display her beautiful smile which is quite rare to be seen nowadays. Making everyone present there to melt away instantly.

"How are you, my child?"said Grandma as she went towards her and patted her head,  to which she said that she's fine. "But Grandma,  why were getting so hyper? You already know about your blood pressure problems, don't you?" Said Sara making her sit beside Roshni as she got up and came towards her, so Sara again took her back. As they were talking suddenly, Sara saw Mallika looking at her. "Aunty, you are here too. When did you come?" Said Sara asking her.

To which Mallika just stared at her with a look of sorrow. She went towards her and cupped her face and looked at her carefully. "Is she the one that I'm thinking her to be?" Said Mallika looking at Grandma. "Yes, she is the one." said Grandma, looking at her. Mallika grabbed her in a bone crushing hug, again getting confused looks that were making them want to scratch their heads.  "You just look like her." said Mallika, cupping her face in her hands and earning a very confused look from Sara. "Can you be a little clear, please? I look like whom?" Said Sara asking her questions, which she hadn't gotten an answer. "This is not all done. You both are just confusing us." Said Asma, followed by Noorie, who said, "Is today hug day?" Earning chuckles from around the room and quickly forgetting the entire dense environment all were laughing at her.

"Why are you all laughing? I asked a serious question. Today, everyone is just  hugging each other." Said Nooorie innocently. This time, Armaan and Ahaan were not able to control burst out in laughing  and Noorie was glaring at them angrily. She wemt towards Ahaan and hit him on the back of the head, and Roshni doing the same to Armaan, making them sober up immediately. "She's just like her mother, isn't she?" Said Mallika looking at Noorie. Meanwhile, Asma fill in the details to Sara that has happened till now in her absence starting with Grandma knowing her and telling her about Mallika, who was Roshni's mother's sister and her aunt apart from being her stepmom. And the things that Grandma was saying they Sara had heard before coming in. She told her that it was directed towards Roshni's father, who had done something to her, and she was just telling them that just as she entered.

"Okay, so Mallika Aunty. You just continue and just tell us about how you were married to her father." Said Noorie, earning a nod from the group. "When I ran away and he forcefully married her, then our group decided to help her, but him being powerful, he threatened them, making to leave the place. Everything was going great, I wasn't aware of what he had done to her. But when Simran was 9 years old then her father died in a car accident and we went on lodge a complaint about the driver but they said that the car that was coming from the opposite was also crashed badly and the people in that had also died." Said Mallika with moist eyes.

"When I went to the hospital to get his body from the mortuary then again I was faced with the living nightmare which was Roshni's father and the person who died with my husband was my sister, Kanika and on that day, I lost the only family that I had. With a daughter and nowhere to go as our parents have transferred all their properties to us sister's children. But for that, I needed Wali's signatures on the required document as he was the witness that my parents had made, and they were also dead. So I was not able to think correctly, and for gaining my inheritance, I had to get his signature." Continued Mallika. "I went to him and asked him about the inheritance but he denied giving me the rights he told me to get married to him as he needs someone who could look after you and then I get to know about your existence just looking at you I know I had to save my kanika's last sign. And I married your father. At the time of marriage, he took my signature on prenuptial agreements and some documents in which he told me that he was ready to provide everything to my daughter and me. I just have to look after you. And then as the days went by, I saw that he's was a very good father to you but he failed to become a human. Whenever my Simi used to play with you and as a child, you are bound to get hurt. He used to shout at her. He had never seen her as a small child but a liability. But thinking of you, I stopped every time I thought I could get away from him. You weren't an adult as your legal guardian. He had the right to keep with him. And I didn't want to get away from you." Said Mallika.

"As a mother, it was unacceptable to me, I loved you, but my daughter was unhappy. Then, because of him, I used to do the same thing to you. Whenever I scolded, that was for him to show that I could too hurt you. Just like a perfect father, he was he had stopped hurting her, but he also stopped the expenses that he used to do on my simi's education. I was so frustrated that I stopped doing your chores too because at that moment, you were her only weakness in my mind. When Simran was able to grab a scholarship, I purposely sent her away without asking her the place that she's going. I just wanted her safety. He also gave me divorce, and as the day went, Roshni was also able to understand my behaviour and started to hate me. Every time she looked at me in hatred, my heart hurts but I was unable to do anything because he threatened me. If I told you anything about his crimes, then he's going to murder my Simran. Just like he did to my husband and my sister because he wanted to take revenge from me and her for cheating him and putting his reputation at stake." Said Mallika and by the time she completed she was already in tears with Grandma not able to believe at what level he can stoop and for his fake pride and reputation he killed and destroyed two happy families.

"Why didn't you come to us, Mallika? We would've helped. Arhan was looking for you everywhere. He searched for you and Anika everywhere, but it was like you all were invisible from the earth's surface. He, along with Ali, Rehana's husband , were both trying to find you everywhere." Said Grnadma looking at them. Asma was shocked to listen to her father's name. "Grandma, why did you take dad's name along with Aunt? Do they know her, too?" Asked Asma, looking at her, making Grandma nod in agreement.

"Yes, they are. The five in our group were me, Kanika, Arhan-your father, Rehana-Noories mother, and Seher- Sara's mother.. Rehana and Seher were friends, so she was also included in our group," said Mallika, earning shock, shocked gasps from them. "And he was looking after you because he was a good father. How could I forget that person doesn't know the meaning of relation? He was just waiting for you to complete 18 years whatever was there in our children's name that my father had left along with a trust fund that was in your name which your mother had kept in your name, she already knew that this was going to happen so she had kept it under your name the trust fund he had taken up under his name from you fooling you into signing it." Said Mallika looking at Roshni with bloodshot eyes.

"And the properties that were in my name that I've transferred in your name." Said Roshni, asking her with a shaky breath. "That was actually fraud. He knew that by transferring the properties in your name. I'm not going to sit quiet and was going to ask my right from as in my anger I can't think straight, and that was my biggest mistake. The properties he had given before dying were the fraudulent ones. That was under his name. He had taken numerous loans and had lost his each and every property, including the trust fund in gambling. And had died leaving you in debts. So when you transferred the properties to me, the loan shark and the debtors came looking for me. If my Simran with her husband Raj hadn't come on time, then I couldn't imagine the consequences of what they're capable of doing and what they would've done with me." Said Mallika venting out the truth of Roshni's father, which she wasn't unaware of.

Shocked would be an understatement to describe the conditions of them who were present there. Asma was the one who was shocked the most as he got to know that Roshni's mother and her father were best friends, and he was threatened by Roshni's father. Arsalan and Noorie's condition, along with Sara and Armaan, were the same. Ishaan rushed towards Asma, comforting her. In amidst all of this, they were unaware of Roshni's condition. She had gone in the state of shock and was not able to breathe. Grandma, looking at her, quickly alerted everyone.  The doctors rushed inside, and they were all waiting out, anticipating any news on her. But alas, there wasn't any news on her and nurse who went inside and told them the patient being serious and had the chance of going into the state of coma.







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