CHAPTER 6️⃣6️⃣

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              *AUTHORS POV*

Weekend's over, and now it's time to go back to work. The penthouse is again lively with the girls getting ready for their work, including Roshni and Asma, who had finally recovered from their injuries and now is finally ready to return to their respective work. Sara was in the kitchen preparing breakfast along with Asma and Noorie with Roshni setting the breakfast table as they decided to give Grandma and Mallika some rest today , due to them being tired after coming late from the  celebratory dinner last night. Arsalan & Ishaan, along with Ahaan, reached the dining area for breakfast as per decided by Grandma, with they'll be having their meals together along with them.

The girls too came with the breakfast, at the table, while Roshni went to get some juice for them. Grandma and Mallika were sleeping till now, so they decided not to disturb them and have their breakfast without them or they'll be late for their respective works. "Arsal, I heard about the party that is going to take place in the hospital." Said Ishaan telling him about the party that is to be arranged for the introducing the chairperson who'll stake their position in the hospital. "Yeah, we'll be introducing the new chairperson, and it'll be for their introduction with the staff of the hospital." Said Arsalan informing them.

"Is everything ready?" Asked Ahaan, looking at them. "Yes, it is. We're ready with the preparations taking place, organised by the best event organisers, and Mr.Siddique also wanted to attend the party, So, he'll also be present." Informed Arsalan further. "But he hasn't fully recovered, has he?" Asked Roshni, looking at them. "Yes, sunshine. But he can use his voice and travel with the help of a wheelchair." Said Armaan, informing her to which she just nodded in understanding. "Aren't we invited too, big bro?" said Noorie, asking him. "Yes, you are Noorie Bear. But this time, too, we have a plus one, but it isn't compulsory for anyone. So you girls will be going to accompany the boys." Said Arsalan to which they just nodded in agreement.

Sara was just silently having her breakfast without taking part in the discussion. "Sara, what happened? Why are you so silent?" Said Asma inquiring her. "Nothing, just was thinking about something else." Said Sara diverting the topic. "So, Bunny. Have you extended the invitation to Anshu, Uncle & Auntie." Said Sara looking at him, gaining his attention. "Yes, Saransh will be accompanying Samaira as his plus one, and I've personally invited Uncle and Aunt too." Said Arsalan, informing her to which she nodded in response. "Okay, I'm done. Let me get some coffee. Sara, you'll take tea, right?" said Noorie, looking at her.

"No, Noorie. I have already taken my tea and bunny. I have to go to the hospital, can we go or will you have your coffee?" Said Sara looking at Arsalan. "No, I'm done, too. I also need to go early as Asad has called already, and I will have my coffee there. Come, let's go." Said Arsalan. "Okay, let me just get my bag." Said Sara towards her room. "What happened, Arsal? Why is she like this today?" Said Asma looking at her. "Yeah, yesterday she was so cheerful, and now suddenly she's so off." Said Roshni looking at her. "Yeah, I too sensed something is wrong with her mood, today." Said Armaan voicing out his opinion.

"Nothing has happened, guys. Just relax. She's just stressed out for Saransh & Samaira's marriage. She doesn't want anything bad to happen on Saransh & Samaira's special day. So, just behaving a little guarded, and whenever her guard goes up, she becomes aloof. It's her old habit, and haven't you heard that old habits die hard?" Said Arsalan easing their stress and questions regarding Sara. "Oh! We'll take necessary precautions and measures and everything will be fine. Just believe in the Almighty's plan. He's takes tests of the followers who's close to him and whom he chooses for the good cause. You all just see. All of the tensions and pain will soon come to an end, and we'll also have a new start." Said Noorie looking at them .

"Wow, Noorie, that's a powerful statement. It was really a motivational talk. I didn't know you could be sensible and mature, too. Today, you proved that you have a brain, too. I'm proud of  you, " said Roshn,  making them chuckle,  and Noorie just glared at her. "You just love to spoil my mood, don't you, Ro." Said Noorie with her glare still fixed on her. "And FYI, I have more brain than you. Did you forget my profession? I'm a hacker and the best one of that. Ain't I right, Ishaan bro?" Said Noorie looking at Ishaan. "Yes, absolutely Roshni,  that's true. Can't lie about that. She's best in her field." Said Ishaan looking at Roshni, taking Noorie's side, making her raise her invisible collar with pride. "Okay, you win. You're the one with the brain. Now, Noorie Bear, go, you were making coffee for us." Said Roshni smiling at her. "Not for us, if you want, then come and help me in the kitchen. I'm not your maid. And I'm sure this is the only thing that you can make without blasting the kitchen." Said Noorie with a sweet, sarcastic smile, making the people present to chuckle.

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