Chapter 45: The Holding Room (Jed)

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I pulled back the curtains and wished I hadn't. Some many people had gathered outside. I wrung my hands in my lap. This was part of being mated to a beta, but see all those werewolves was wrecking my nerves.

"Relax." Judah patted the top of my head. "The pack just wants to be a part of your first moon. Come tomorrow we'll be doing this again and they'll get to see your pretty wolf," laughed Judah. "Enjoy your last few hours of being human."

I stared at my feet. "Are my parents going to come?"

"They were invited. Max and his mate have confirmed they are coming, along with your other siblings. Your parents were undecided."

My shoulders sagged as I let out a deep breath. I did all this for them and they might not even show.

"Alright." Judah stood in front of the doors as servants checked to make sure everything was in place. "It's time. Axil."

My mate took his place beside the alpha. I stood and was immediately swarmed by servants. I stood there awkwardly as they adjusted the little amount of clothing I had on and made sure my hair was laying right. I was directed to tile square behind the alpha.

"Remain there until I motion for you," said Judah.

I nodded.

The alpha faced the door and gave the signal. The doors opened. Applause and cheers rang through the area. Howls joined in as the leaders of Wolfsbane stepped out onto the balcony.

Judah held out his arms. "My packmates."

Howls sounded from below. It wasn't a sound I was fond of hearing. Back home the overseers would howl to tell the other werewolves they needed help handling a human. I jumped when a servant fixed my oversized necklace.

"Finally, your beta has found a worthy mate."

Laughter and hollering filled the crowd.

"Tonight his mate will experience his first moon and join our ranks. As for now, let me introduce you to Jedrek, mate of the Beta of Wolfsbane." He reached a hand out to me.

Axil turned and smiled slightly. With a deep breath, I stepped forward. I emerged onto the balcony. A roar sounded up from below. My eyes grew wide at the sea of werewolves. This was what I was up against? I swallowed hard. The rebellion had some work to do if this was just a small portion of this pack's powers. Axil's hand landed on my shoulder, startling me. I tried to play it off, but his coy smile told me, he wasn't buying it.

"What a fine werewolf he will make," said the alpha. "Perfect coloring for the mate of a beta." He touched the back of my head.

Axil and Judah started to wave. I just stood there.

"Wave," whispered Axil. "You can be a rebel later." He winked at me.

I glared at him and kept my hands at my side.

He leaned down to my ear and tried not to laugh loud enough for the mics to pick up. "You little ass."

I raised my hand and waved slightly. The volume increased. This was way to surreal for me. Nothing could have prepared me for standing in front of all these werewolves.

Judah turned to us and ushered back inside. "Now to prepare for the main event."


The noise from the party going on downstairs was rising up through the floor. I was glad that Axil wasn't making me go to it. I sat curled up on the couch by the window, watching the sunset. I had already been stripped down and would only enter the Observatory in a blanket before being placed on the platform naked. I wasn't excited for that part, but I knew the pain that went with a transformation. That was what I was dreading the most.

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