Part 1 Nightmare

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Can You Teach Me?

Part 1

Sang POV

I was enjoying myself as I listened to Victor play at one of his concerts. He kept looking towards me with a smoldering fire in his eyes. It was amazing how special he makes me feel even when there are thousands of people near and he is twenty yards away.

Tonight I was the only one that could be here for Victor until after his concert. Kota is supposed to show up before it is over to be support in the crowd during the reception for Victor. That is part of his duties, to mingle with the high society crowd after the performance.

The smell of vanilla and sugar hit my nose and I knew Luke was approaching me from behind. Strong arms wrapped around my waist and I sighed. He pulled me tight into his chest and bent his head down to whisper in my ear, "Hi there cupcake. You look good enough to eat. But, we have to leave now." His whispering breath tickled my ear and I couldn't help but smile as I felt the desire to move even closer to him. But instead of getting closer, he pulled away from the embrace and linked our fingers together. I was in heaven.

We walked hand in hand out of the concert hall as I told him about the gorgeous music that Victor played tonight. I tried to paint a picture with my words of his performance, as I know that Luke would appreciate the dreamlike conversation. When we spoke like this, Luke and I could both get caught up in the dream. He was looking at me the whole time we walked to the car with a look of pure bliss on his face.

Luke let me into the passenger seat and was circling around to the drivers side when I saw a dark shadow jump out at him and attack him. I screamed, my voice catching as I got to loud, and jumped from the car, running to Luke as quickly as possible. Luke was laying on the ground, stabbed in the stomach, and blood is pooling around him. He appears to be unconscious. Did he hit his head or did he pass out?

My anxiety was rising quickly. I looked around, but no one was around. The concert was not over, and then there was the reception afterward. I have to do something, but I am not going to leave Luke here by himself while I run back to find help. The car is right here...but how am I going to get to the hospital? I don't know how to drive. And I don't know the way. If I call 911, will Luke survive? The average time it takes for the ambulance to get to the scene is 6 minutes. I know we are downtown. And I think the hospital is within 10 minutes. Should I redline Kota and leave Victor by himself at the reception? Or do I redline one of the other guys? As I look down at Luke, the pool of blood is getting bigger and he is going pale.

I sit up gasping for air, sweat trickling down my back. I have tears streaming down my face and I just realized that Kota and Nathan are talking to me and someone was holding me, or were they shaking me? I can't tell. All I know is that Luke was on the ground bleeding, unconscious, and could possibly die. But the fact that I am in Nathan's bed with Kota and Nathan means that must have been another nightmare. It started out as such a good dream but ended so badly. Why can't I just enjoy a good dream without it turning to a horror scene?

"Sang! Peanut! What was it? Tell me! What can I do to help you?" Nathan says loudly. Too loudly for my scattered brain at, what time is it? 2 am! Ugh!

"Another nightmare? Do you want to talk to North or do you want to brush your teeth first?" Kota asked, concern in his voice.

"I need to wake up" I mumbled as I make my way to the bathroom.

I washed my face with cold water then began brushing my teeth. Kota and Nathan were there in the bathroom with me. Nathan was rubbing my arms comfortingly and I could hear Kota on the phone. He was talking to North. I know once I talk to him, I will feel better. But, I do NOT want to see Luke bleeding to death in my mind again. I shudder a little at the memory behind my eyes.

Kota hands me the phone. "Sang Baby, another nightmare? Tell me." He states with an edge to his voice. As I shared the nightmare with North I saw the looks on Kota and Nathan's faces. They were worried and had an hint of fear as I spoke about watching Luke bleed out.

"It sounds to me like you are worried about not being able to help if something happens to one of us. Sang Baby? Listen to me. Luke is fine. He is here at our house. This was just a dream. Luke is fine." He breathed heavily then asked, "Will you be able to go back to sleep or do you need me to come over?"

"I can go back to sleep, I think. Kota and Nathan are both right here and awake with me."

"Have Nathan hold you tight for the rest of the night. I will see you in the morning." North ordered.

I hung up and handed the phone back to Kota. Kota caught my hand and pulled me in tight to his chest and cooed soothing words to me. "Sweetie, we are right here. No one is hurt. Luke is at his home asleep. We will be with you all night."

Nathan reached down and scooped me up. He gently placed me back in the middle of his bed. Kota climbed in on my right and turned on his side to face me. Nathan flipped off the light and climbed in behind me. I spoke up with a small smile on my lips, "North said you are supposed to hold me tight the rest of the night Nathan." He scoot in close and spooned me with his arm firmly around my waist.

"What order did North give me?" Kota asked.

"He didn't give you orders." I said shyly, hoping this didn't hurt his feelings.

Kota reached out and linked our fingers, then leaned in and rubbed his nose against mine. A warm tingling feeling welled up in my chest. He moved back just inches away from me and I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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