Part 20

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(Side note, I do not own the rights to the "Friends" episode I talk about.)

Part 20

Sean's POV

"No, it wasn't Sean." Sang said with pleasure in her eyes. I smiled and leaned close to her ear while opening the door, "I love the way your ass fits perfectly into my hand. You truly are a goddess." My phone alarm went off and I linked our hands to walk her back to the living room where everyone else was.

I can hear they have the TV on. I hear, 'she didn't agree with me as much as she agreed with Joey.' It sounds like they are watching an old episode of "Friends". As we enter the living room Sang bounds over to Victor and curls up in his lap. If I didn't know about Owen's plan to all "love her, or lose her" I would be hurt that she went to cuddle with another guy after our closet moment. It's a good thing I am so easy going and can see the big picture. I worry about some of the guys. Mainly Nathan, Kota and Gabriel.

The show is going on as I sit down lost in my thoughts but I wasn't really paying attention to it, same as Owen, who is obviously glued to his phone. CNN news must be interesting tonight.

'Monica: All right, I'm gonna show you something a lot of guys don't know. Rach, give me that pad of paper, please? All right. Now...
Chandler: Wait, you don't have to draw an actual wo.... Whoa! She's hot!'

I came out of my worries about the boys accepting the plan when I realized this episode is the seven erogenous zones of a woman. "Luke, turn that off!" I say quickly before Sang gets completely embarrassed. Luke hit pause.

To my surprise, Sang was laughing while watching the episode. She looked at me, "why do we have to turn it off? It was really funny!"

"I'm not sure you really want to watch this particular episode, especially with 9 guys." I try to explain to her without telling her what the show is about.

"Well, whatever was said on the show was ok for people to watch during Prime Time TV, so it should be ok for me to watch too." Sang defends her point. I know she sees more than this in the halls at Ashley Waters, but she can't get away from it there. She shouldn't be forced to watch things that make her uncomfortable in our homes. She should feel safe with us.

"Which episode is this one Sean?" Owen asked me.

Gabe and Luke scream "SEVEN!" And then they giggle.

"Ah, Dr. Green has a point Miss Sorenson. But if you feel you want to continue watching, we are the best group of men for you to watch it with. Besides, we have a doctor among us in case you feel you have any questions after." Owen says looking pointedly at me. I guess I better prepare myself for a discussion after we are done watching. "Gentlemen, I believe we can watch this like adults. Of course laughing at the humor is fine, but making crude remarks will not be tolerated."

"I am willing and I will obey" they all chorused.

I know I am a doctor, but it is different to have to talk to the girl you like about all her erogenous zones in a doctorly manner. Hopefully, we will not have to have a discussion. "Why don't you give the remote to Sang. If she feels uncomfortable at any point or has a question I want her to feel she can control the TV."

"Can we push play again now?" Luke asks.

"Whatever Miss Sorenson prefers." Owen says formally. I swear, he was just in a closet with her for 2 minutes uninterrupted and I am sure something more than talking was going on. He will be telling me later.

Sang pushed play to continue the episode.

'Monica: Now everybody knows the basic erogenous zones. You got one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven!
Chandler: There are seven?'

Sang hit pause as she looks at me and repeats Chandler, "there are SEVEN?!"

"There are seven areas that generally will please all women." I start.

"That doesn't mean there are ONLY seven. Any area that turns you on would be considered an erotic zone." Owen states.

"That's true, so who is to say how many erotic zones any one person actually has?" I question.

"I think there were a lot of guys that were finally taught how to actually please a woman after watching this episode." Victor joins the conversation.

"Like Rachel says, 'when you go to Disneyland you don't spend all day on the Matterhorn.' " Nathan quotes. North and Silas are chuckling a deep rumble.

"Monica's advice is the most informative to men in this episode. 'The important thing is to take your time, you want to hit them all, and mix it up'." Luke says smiling.

"Chandler was only focused on his own pleasure, like most young guys, namely the horn dogs that roam the halls at Ashley Waters, but Chandler finally realized the need to please his new girlfriend." Kota began discussing.

"Maybe the schools should start including this "Friends" episode as a standard part of the curriculum in the Health and Human Development class. You know, stop worrying about carrying around an egg that is supposed to represent a baby and talk about the things they are doing to make those babies." Gabe says thoughtfully.

"If we are going to start talking idiots, let's talk about some of the football players we have heard in the locker room. When they learned to put a condom on a banana at school, they thought putting a condom on a banana before having sex would prevent pregnancy." North shakes his head. Obviously there are absolute idiots on the football team. Those guys should have their heads checked. Maybe they have taken a few too many hits over the years.

"Ha ha! In Greece, sex education starts young and it goes something like, 'If she screams your name, you are doing it right. If not, you must not be a true Greek'." Silas laughs, everyone joins in.

"We digress here. Sang do you want to finish watching the episode, or do you want to stop and just continue this discussion?" I asked her.

"You guys have an interesting conversation going on, but let's just finish this show." Sang says with a small smile.

'Chandler: That's one?
Monica: Kind of an important one!
Chandler: Oh, y'know... y'know what? I was looking at it upside down.
Rachel: Well, y'know, sometimes that helps.
Monica: most guys will hit 1-2-3 then go to 7 and set up camp.
Chandler: That's bad?
Rachel: Well when you go to Disneyland you don't spend the whole day on the Matterhorn.
Chandler: Well you might, if it's anything like 7!
Monica: The important thing is to take your time, you want to hit them all, and mix it up. You got to keep them on their toes.
Rachel: oh, TOES! For some people.
Monica: All right. You could, uh, start out with a little 1, a 2, a 1-2-3, a 3, a 5, a 4, a 3-2, 2, a 2-4-6, 2-4-6, 4, 2, 2-4-7, 5-7, 6-7, 7... 7... 7... 7 7 7 7 7 7... seven.'

I watched Sang when it got to the last part "1, a 2 ...." Her eyes got wide, and a blush crept up her cheeks and looked to extend down her neck below her shirt collar. Ha ha. I love this girl! When the time comes I should have this particular pattern memorized so I can try it out on her.

I took a quick glance at Owen. He is intently watching Sang too. I bet he is thinking the same as me. Sang better watch out, when we get to that point in our relationship, she will have 9 of us ready to rock her world.

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