Part 4

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Part 4

Sang POV

I took Kota's keys since we were going to go in his car. North said he needed to put the real tire back on while we were gone, since I had put on the spare, and Luke was going into Nathan's house to make some phone calls. Nathan told me to wait just a moment while he went to grab something.

I got in the drivers seat with Kota in the passenger seat, adjusted my seat, and was adjusting the mirrors when Nathan climbed in the back. I turned around to smile at him and lost the smile instantly. He was wearing a football helmet and elbow pads and knee pads. And he was siting in the middle seat with all 3 seat belts buckling him in. "Ha ha, Honey!" I said annoyed.

"Hey, I am just protecting myself from potential injury. But I am ready now!" He said with a smile plastered on his face.

"Well, we all have on seat belts, your mirrors and seat are adjusted. Once you start the car, put your right foot on the brake, put the car in reverse, look both ways behind you and if it is all clear slowly back out of the driveway." Kota instructed.

I was suddenly nervous. What if I wasn't good at this. Would they let me continue to practice or prohibit me from driving at all? I started the car. I can do this! I want to do this. I put the car in gear. I looked behind me, smirking at Nathan for his antics, and saw it was all clear. I moved my foot to the gas pedal and pushed it down. The car moved faster than I thought.

"Stop! Brakes! No! Reverse!" They were both yelling words at the same time. It scared me and I slammed the brakes hard. We jerked to a stop and Kota said in a much calmer voice, "Sang, Sweetie, you had it in Drive, not Reverse. You almost hit the garage."

"See, now who is crazy for wearing all the protective equipment?" Nathan said with a laugh.

"Oops." I blushed red and ducked my head down in embarrassment. What else can you say when you almost drive through your friend's garage door? Nathan was making me nervous with all the gear he was wearing.

Kota lifted the console up and slid into the middle seat. "I think it will be safer if I am closer to you, just in case I need to grab the wheel or hit the brakes."

"Right, safer. That's what they call it. Are you sure it's not just an excuse to be close to Sang?" Nathan teased Kota.

"Sang, put the gear shift on the 'R' for reverse." Kota stated as if he hadn't just heard Nathan teasing.

I was able to reverse out of the driveway without another incident. I put the car in drive, then slowly pushed the gas pedal. The car was going down the street about 20 miles per hour. I was feeling good about myself for being so safe when Nathan had to pipe in again. "Peanut, I think I can run faster than you are driving. The advantage of driving a car is it is faster than running. But in your case, that statement is not true." He was razzing me again.

"Ignore him Sang. You are doing just fine. Let's just go around the block a couple times until you feel you are ready to go out on the highway." Kota said reassuringly.

I started driving at the posted 35 miles per hour speed and was feeling very comfortable. On my third time around the block, as we were passing the diner, someone drove out of the diner parking lot just barely missing an accident with me. Nathan shouted as he was leaning forward over the front seat, "S**t, f**k! Watch it!" Kota had to reach over for the wheel and maneuver us to keep us free of harm.

I stopped the car on the side of the road, looked at Kota and said, "I think I am done for now. That was a close call. And now that my adrenaline is wearing off...." I stopped talking because my body started to shake and I was breathing like I had just run a marathon. I put my hand over my heart, I think it was going to beat right out of my chest.

"Peanut, come sit back here with me while Kota drives us back." Nathan stated.

"I don't know if it would be very comfortable cuddling up with someone in all of that protective gear." I squeaked out.

Kota unbuckled me, scooped me up and switched our positions. He put me in the middle seat cuddled into his side. I leaned my head into his shoulder and closed my eyes taking deep breaths to calm my nerves.

"Sang, Peanut. I'm sorry for teasing you. I was just doing it to be funny. You did really well. And I mean that. So, do I get to take you out driving sometime?" Nathan asked.

"Not right now, I don't know that my heart could take it. And ONLY if you promise not to put on the helmet and pads." I said in my defense.

"Deal!" He proclaimed.

Luke POV

Kota gave me that silent command when Sang took his keys. 'Contact the guys and tell them what we are doing.' I told Cupcake I had to make some phone calls inside Nathan's house. Then Nathan came in and hurried to his room. He came back out all decked in helmet and pads and I couldn't help but laugh. And I thought Gabe and I were the only ones with a sense of humor. I looked out the front window and watched as he got in the car. Then I lost it when I saw the car go forward and almost hit the garage. The car jerked to a stop. I can't help myself. That was some funny stuff! I don't know if I can let her live that one down. I sat on the couch and texted the guys.

Luke: Cupcake asked Kota to teach her to drive and they are out right now, Nathan is with them.

Dr. Green: My Pookie is driving a car? :D

Gabriel: What the f**k? Why wasn't I there? Victor, where are you at? I have to see Trouble causing some trouble.

Silas: Aggele Mou behind the wheel of a car. Are we sure this is a good idea? What does North think?

Victor: Why didn't Princess tell me she wanted to learn to drive? I would have been there to teach her. I am on my way Gabe. Be there in 10.

Mr. B: Mr. Taylor explain, why now?

Luke: North knows. He taught her to change a flat tire and check the oil. It was HOT. I have pics. (Attached the pics of Sang changing tire and leaning over hood to push in dip stick of oil)

North: just putting the tire back on. Luke, nice pics! Sang Baby leaning under the hood of my Jeep....groan.

Dr. Green: oh Pookie! Sexy without knowing it. :)

Gabriel: Doesn't North f**king know that car grease and oil will ruin her clothes? But that is a sweet ass leaning under the hood.

Silas: does Aggele want to come look under my hood?

North: yes Gabe, you little s**t, I know what the f**k car grease and oil do to clothes. But Baby doesn't have any clothes for working on cars.

Victor: should I get her some clothes for working on cars?

Mr. B: Mr. Luke Taylor, report!

Luke: Sang had a nightmare last night that she and I were alone and everyone else was busy and I got stabbed, was knocked unconscious and bleeding to death. She felt helpless. In the nightmare we were next to the car and she felt that if she knew how to drive she could have saved me without hesitation. But she didn't know how to drive or how to get to the hospital.

Silas: Why does she keep getting these nightmares? Weren't Kota and Nathan with her last night?

Gabriel: God damn motherf**ker. These nightmares are s**t! But Trouble driving...that is just asking for trouble.

Mr. B: Mr. Coleman, language.

Luke: it was actually kind of funny. I watched as she went to back out of the driveway. Instead of going in reverse, she went forward and almost hit the garage. The car jerked to a stop inches away from the garage door. LOL!

Mr. B: sounds like we need a family meeting today, 30 minutes, Nathan's house.

Dr. Green: be there in 20

Victor: almost to Gabe's

Gabriel: be there in 15

Silas: already out the door.

North: just finished

Luke: what do we want for snacks?

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