Part 96

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Part 96
Silas's POV

It is hard to believe it is already the end of November. Tuesday the 26th to be exact. I met Sang in August but fell in love in a heartbeat. I don't care if people say it is puppy love in the first year of a relationship. I cannot imagine feeling this way about anyone else. I have never felt like this for anyone before Sang.

Today we are making a day of activities at the NASCAR Hall of Fame. We pulled up at 10am, when it opened, and everyone could feel the excitement radiating off of North. Aggele Mou looked hot in her lacy layered black skirt with the black shirt that had the pink stripe across it. And those thigh highs. The outfit she wore at our first sleepover. Fuck me now! She is prettier than Aphrodite.

North must be on stimulation overload. He loves Aggele in black, especially when it is accented with her favorite color pink. After breakfast Gabe had painted Sang's nails. They were the same color hot pink that is in her shirt. But her pinkies had tiny black hearts in the middle. North was goo-goo over our girl on the ride in the party bus.

He was kissing each of her fingers, and kept her firmly in his lap the whole time. "Kiss her senseless if you want, but DO NOT bite her! She has to go to Victor's concert in two days North. And I am NOT covering your love bites with gobs of makeup."

North growled toward Gabe but Aggele threw her head back in a fit of giggles. Her face was upside down next to me. I knew North wouldn't do anything to me so I leaned down and kissed her. We were upside down from each other, like that kiss Spider-Man shared with Mary Jane. Holy Hotness Batman! I will have to do that again sometime very soon.

"That is quite enough gentlemen." Mr. B said to us. "We cannot have a wobbly, loopy Sang wondering around the hall of fame."

Inside the Museum there were the actual cars of the famous racers that had won numerous races all through the ages. Can you believe it? The Hudson Hornet is real, not just a character on the Car's Disney movie Aggele made us watch one night.

"Baby, let's see how you do as a pit crew member." North said with excitement. Luke pulled out his phone to video her.

"I have to record this for posterity." Luke told us.

First she had to raise the car on it's jack with the huge car jack, then using the power tool to remove the lug nuts, the tire comes off, put the tire back on, use the power tool to put the lug nuts back on and finally drop the car back to the ground.

There is a giant stop watch to time yourself. North went first, to show Aggele how to do it. His time was 25 seconds for one tire. When Sang took her turn, North was right next to her to help her remove and put the tire back on.

When she cranked the jack I heard her grunt, "oomph!" With the power tool I heard her use an exploitive. But a Sang style exploitive. "Oh bananas!" As the power drill slipped off the lug nut. North pulled the tire, put it back on and she had to put the lug nuts back on. "Stupid lug nuts!" Then she twisted the handle on the jack so the car came back to the floor. Her time was 64 seconds.

"Oh Bananas? I think that is the cutest thing I have heard in a long time." Nathan laughed.

"I like that Princess doesn't have a potty mouth like so many of you do." Victor glared at Gabe, North and Nathan. He ran his hand through her hair and she blushed.

"Quite right Mr. Morgan. I will not have you gentlemen corrupting Miss Sorenson's mind."

Each of us took our turn being a pit crew member. No one was as fast as North, but Aggele was the slowest. Her size wasn't helpful for that one.

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