Part 177 The Other Car

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Part 177 - Friday Dec. 13th

Luke's POV

As soon as Sang was out the door and into Kota's, I was a lost little puppy.

"Get the fuck in!"  North demanded as I stood there staring after Kota's car, driving away with my heart and soul, the sweet in my tea, the milk in my chocolate, the cream filling of my Cadbury egg.  Sang is literally sugar and spice and all things nice!

I felt a hand grab the back of my shirt, pulling me backward.  It was North, yanking my ass in the car.  The others were already driving away.  Victor was monitoring Kota's car and we knew our job was to round up the mice before they scattered.

Doc would give us direction if we needed it.  For now, we are to head on a straight course to the Sargent Jasper.  Axel's team was already informed of our approach.  My heart beat raced like I was on a serious sugar high.

North was driving like a mad man to keep close enough behind them to know if they changed course, but not close enough they would see us and get spooked.  Mr. B had driven over three streets to the right and was driving parallel to us while Silas was doing the same to the left.  As long as everything went according to plan, we would have them trapped and be able to end this, once and for all.

Just as we pulled into the parking lot, North had killed the lights, but we could still see Kota, sang and Nathan's dark shapes running toward the building.  That's when I saw the familiar car, "there!  The second tail!"  I was pointing toward the second car that was following Cupcake tonight.

North whipped into a parking spot and we saw the other two cars from our team.  "Go!"  North demanded.

I flew out of the car toward Silas' and motioned as I went by.  Gabriel got out and followed me as silently as possible.  Sugar would have been quieter.  She doesn't feel the need to whisper comments like Gabe does, especially when he is agitated.

"Where the fuck are we going?"  Gabe whisper yelled.

I ducked down and made a motion toward the second car.  Ten yards away I saw movement and froze.  "Which way?  The shitty lights are out again."  One of them asked in a pissed off tone.  I wanted to laugh since I recognized the voice.

Tapping Gabe, I pointed toward our friends.  Gabe made a move while still hunched over.  A couple rows of cars over, he stood up and got their attention.  I recognized Marc's voice but couldn't tell who was with him.

Shortly I was joined by Axel, Marc and Gabe.  "What's your plan?"  Axel quietly asked.

"The man in the car right there is who we need to get.  I can't see from here who it is, but they are after our bird.  This car seems to be the backup, so he hasn't gotten out or made any moves, but his car is still running, making escape that much easier."

"Raven is helping with the other car.  How about a smash and grab?"  Marc offers.

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