Part 40

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Part 40

Sang's POV

School was uneventful. All the guys seemed to like the dress I wore today. I don't usually wear dresses, but this one is more like a sundress. It is a strapless dress so you would think it was only for summer, but the coloring was Fall colors. I put the matching cardigan on and it made the summer dress a Fall/winter dress. Especially with the tall boots.

The best reaction I got was when I walked into the music room. Mr. B was at the piano playing a piece when I walked in. "Miss Soren..." He said as he turned around. He didn't finish my name as his eyes traveled from my feet up to my face slowly.

I just smiled a shy smile and responded, "Mr. Blackbourne". Then I walked across the room to where he was sitting at the piano. The dress really is playful like Silas said. It swished and bounced with each step I took. And Mr. B's eyes went from grey steel to liquid silver. I like watching his eyes change like that. Only his eyes and his millimeter smile give me any indication of his emotions.

We got to play the violin today again. I am still horrible, but the only way to get better is to practice. Part of the problem is that My hands shake under Mr. Blackbourne's scrutiny. I don't know if I will ever feel completely at ease around him.

At lunch, I sat between Kota and Nathan on the bench. North didn't want me sitting in the grass with my dress on. We shared sandwiches Nathan and Kota had made for everyone. I didn't want any of the chips they passed around either.

"So Peanut, what are we doing after school?"

"I have to do some laundry and we need to do some grocery shopping. We are running low on food if you hadn't noticed."

"I know. Ok, drop off book bags, put in a load of laundry, then to the grocery store. By the time we get back you can start a second load of laundry." Nathan planned.

"You're starting to sound like me, Nathan. Putting together a plan rather than flying by the seat of your pants." Kota chuckled.

"Well, you get to join us since we need to use your car. Lucky you!" Nathan retorted.

"If it means getting to hang out with Sang, I will do all the boring stuff she wants." He said to me with a gleam in his eyes. "Will I be helping you fold your clothes too?"

"Keep your f**king grubby hands off her delicates Kota!" North grouched.

That look Kota is giving me always has me catching my breath and my heart skipping a beat. *sigh*

"Princess, your helmet should be in tomorrow. Are we going to schedule a practice run time at the go-kart tracks before Sunday?" Victor asked me, pulling me out of the intimate gaze time with Kota.

Looking over at Victor's smoldering eyes I answered, "I almost forgot! Tomorrow I am going shopping with Mr. B and Dr. Green so can we practice Saturday?" He nodded his head yes.

"Oy! What the f**k do you mean you are going shopping with Mr. B and Doc? What do you need to shop for? I am the one who does the shopping. Except for groceries, and you are doing that today!" Meanie almost yelled.

"I can't go shopping with you for your Birthday present Meanie, so they are taking me tomorrow after school."

"Oh,...sorry for yelling Trouble." Then he smiled real big, "what are you getting me?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"I don't know. When I see it, I will know, you know?"

All the guys were laughing. "It's a good thing she doesn't know or you would be able to tell just by looking at her face what she got you." Luke teased.

"I guess that means you won't be able to see me from tomorrow at school until your Birthday day at Laser-fx, so I don't give away what I bought you." I pulled my phone out of my bra.

"Now who is being the meanie?" Meanie grumbled and stuck his tongue out at me. I snapped a picture of him like that. I knew he would make a face at me and I wanted to capture it on camera. I giggled hysterically and everyone joined in, even Meanie. Today was turning out to be one of the best days.

Later when I went to Japanese class, Dr. Green's reaction to my outfit and flirty attitude was priceless. Before I entered the class I think he almost choked on his own tongue. Silas knew that Doc hadn't seen me today and wanted to tease him. He told me to walk down that hall right behind me so he could hide me from Doc's view.

"Hello there Silas." Dr. Green called from halfway down the hall. "Where is Miss Sang today?" He asked sounding a little concerned.

I popped out from behind Silas, "right here!" And I bounced on my toes twirling a little right then left as I walked the last 10 feet. This caused my dress to twirl out a little like a Baby doll dress.

That's when Doc started coughing and bent over to catch his breath. Silas laughed and smacked Dr. Green on his back, "you ok Doc?" Silas asked him.

I was giggling that I could catch him off guard like that. He swallowed hard, "I'll be fine" he replied.

"Bye Silas" and I finger waved to him.

"Bye Aggele Mou." And he backed away without, turning around, still looking at me.

"Go Silas! It's my time with her now." He said with command. Then he gently held my elbow and directed me into class. "You look lovely", he whispered in my ear.

Throughout class I kept catching Dr. Green sneaking a peak at me. It was so fun and flirtatious.

Victor wouldn't tell me what the helmet looked like. Even though I had asked him a couple of times already. "What time are we going to go on Satuday?" I asked him.

"How about 11am? I think it will still be early enough that it won't be busy but late enough for you to sleep in and enjoy a relaxing morning."

"Sounds good to me. I guess I need to wear jeans or some kind of pants for driving go-karts don't I?"

"That is best, unless you want everyone to see your panties."

"That could work to my advantage for winning on Sunday!" I playfully teased. He groaned and put his head down on top of his arm on the desk. I giggled but stopped quickly remembering I was in Dr. Green's class. When I looked at him he was giving me a 'don't make me stop those giggles' look.

I mouthed, 'sorry' at him. He nodded his head and smiled.

In P.E. Coach French had us do stretches and then we had to do as many sit-ups in a minute as we could, and as many push-ups in a minute. Then we had to do a flex sitting test (sit with our feet against a gym mat and reach as far as we can). That is supposed to see how flexible we are. I could do 63 sit-ups, only 30 push-ups, but I was very flexible. I could fold over flat on my legs. So I guess I passed that test.

After P.E. Nathan and Gabriel walked with me out to Kota's car. The other guys said goodbye as I got into the front seat between Kota and Nathan. Nathan grabbed my hand and put my fingers in his mouth and Kota put his hand on my thigh. It just makes me smile that they feel comfortable doing these things in front of each other without the tension like in the beginning.

I got thinking I want to make something for Meanie as well as buy him something. Maybe make him something like a coupon book. I bet I could google ideas for coupons to give a boyfriend. Although, I can only imagine some of the things that might get suggested. I will have to work on that today or tomorrow.

When we arrived at Nathan's I put my school bag away and got my laundry sorted and started a load. Then we went to the grocery store. It took us an hour to get all that we needed.

After we did our homework, I pulled out my phone and googled what I needed. Yep, I was right. Coupon ides on the internet were clean house in the nude, one free strip tease, blow jobs, wash his car in a bikini. Yea, I'm not doing any of those!

"Sang, what are you looking up? You are blushing like crazy?" Kota asked me. I quickly closed out of the window I was in.

"Just looking up ideas for Gabriel's birthday."

"What kind of present ideas are you looking at that would make you look like a tomato?" Nathan pressed me.

I groaned, "fine. I thought I would make him a coupon book for his Birthday. And I have a couple of ideas but I was looking for additional ideas and some of the things suggested were a little more than I would do."

Kota took my phone to look back at the site I was on. "Clean house in the nude, one free strip tease, ha ha ha, Sang...maybe we should help give you some ideas."

"Thanks Kota."

"How about a day of shopping without complaint." Honey suggested.

"That's a good one!"

"What about making him a dinner of his choice?" Kota offered.

"Wait! I need to write these down so I don't forget."

"You could go dancing with him again." Honey said.

"Oooo, he does like to go dancing!"

"What about something to do with his hair?" Kota asked.

"Yes! I could give him a coupon for a hair washing! Thanks guys. That has helped me a lot. But you can't tell him." And I gave them a serious look.

"We won't. Promise." They both said while holding their hand up like they were swearing on a bible.

"Can I take pictures of each of you?" I asked them.

"Sure." And Honey flexed his biceps and kissed them as I snapped the pic.

Kota just smiled at me as I took his picture. "Thanks. I think I have my other idea for Gabriel's present."

"And what is that?" Kota asked me.

"Personalized guitar pics. You put a picture on the front and choose a color for the background on the back with 3 lines of text. It can have up to 10 character per line. What would you like yours to say.?"

"A 16th Birthday 2 remember!" Kota responded and I wrote it down.

"That is a great idea Peanut. I want mine to say Sweet 16 pretty boy!" Honey chuckled.

"If that's what you want it to say." And I shrugged my shoulders.

"Are you done with your work?" Kota asked me.

"Yes, it's done."

"What do you want to do now? It is just about dinner time."

"How about we make some dinner and go back to the Veterans hospital? Then I can introduce you to Mr. Peters."

"Who is Mr. Peters?" Nathan asked.

"He is this cute old man that is like 90 years old, but his wife died two years ago, and he is all alone." I told them with a bit of a pout.

"Ok, ok. No pouting. We will take you to see him." Kota reassured me. "Let's make a quick dinner and then we will go see him." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"How about grilled cheese? That's fast."

"I'll eat anything you make Peanut!"

We ate and drove to the Veterans hospital. I was excited to see Mr. Peters again and I am curious how he will react to me showing up with two other guys. I was bouncing up and down as we walked into the hospital.

"You would think she is going to see her best friend the way she is acting." Nathan complained.

"Maybe he is." Kota said and looked at me with his eyebrow raised.

"You will see what I mean when you meet him." And I pulled them along eager to get to Mr. Peters.

We knocked on the door before entering. When I stepped into the hospital room I heard, "it's my future wife! Come in, come in." And I giggled.

"Mr. Peters, I already told you I cannot marry you."

"I know, those two big boys said they had spoken for you."

"I would like you to meet two of my other boys. Kota and Nathan." And I motioned for them to come in to meet him. They entered his room looking as gorgeous as ever.

Mr. Peters looked confused at first then he motioned for me to come close so he could speak only to me. I leaned in to hear him better. "The other two said they had spoken for you and they joked about it taking nine of them to take care of you. Do you really have nine boyfriends?"

I smiled at him and nodded my head yes.

"And they are ok with that? They don't try to beat the s**t out of each other?" He asked but kept glancing at Kota and Nathan.

"They are all brothers by choice. Then I came along and joined their group." I whispered to him.

"Have you two spoken for this lovely young lady?" He asked Kota and Nathan firmly.

"Yes sir." Nathan replied.

"And you?" He looked pointedly at Kota.

Kota looked at me and stared intently into my eyes. I held his gaze and hoped he could see the look of love I have for him in my eyes. Then without looking away from me he answered Mr. Peters, "yes sir, I have spoken for her too."

"Good to know. She is special and it will take the whole lot of you to care for and protect her. Do right by her. Treat her well. And from my own experience with my wife of 66 years, if in an argument...she is always right. You will be happy men if you remember that advice." And he smiled a sweet smile at me and pat my hand.

We sat and talked with him until visiting hours were over. I promised him I would introduce him to my other five guys another time. "I am going to hold you to that."

"Goodbye Mr. Peters" I waved.

"Goodbye sir." Nathan said and grabbed me around my waist.

"Nice to meet you, and thank you for your advice. I will try to remember it." Kota responded then reached out for my hand. The three of us walked out holding each other close.


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