Part 124

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Part 124

Jessica's POV

I was normally in bed going to sleep by now, but with my mom and Kota both gone at work, I was feeling a little scared. I was only going to be home by myself for about 3 hours. Mom left for work at 6:30 and Kota would be home just after 9pm.

Nathan had called about an hour after my mom left to see if I needed him to come over. I know this was Kota having Nathan check on me like I am a 2 year old. I told him, "No! I am 12 years old! I can be by myself for a few hours."

"Ok, if you need anything, just call. I'm right across the street."

Kota should be coming in the door any minute. I am in my room laying under my covers just listening to the sounds of the house. It creaks and pops now and then but if I check, there never is anything.

The front door opened and I heard footsteps heading up the stairs and a separate set coming toward my room. Kota must have one of the guys staying over tonight. My door opened and Kota peeked his head in.

"You're awake." He said with surprise.

"I couldn't fall to sleep. It was too quiet." I told him.

He nodded his head and moved into my room and sat on the side of my bed. He ran his hand over my hair, "need anything?" He questioned.

"No, just glad I'm not home alone anymore."

"All your homework is done?"


"Your bag is ready for school in the morning?"


"I'll make sure everything is locked up. Do you want Max to sleep in here with you?"

I nodded my head. Max was a good dog. Kota had trained him well. Kota stood up and kissed my forehead. "I'll get Max, good night Jess."

"Good night Kota." Less than 2 minutes later, Max jumped on my bed and circled around at my feet until he settled on laying on top of my feet.

I could hear Kota and one of the guys moving about upstairs and the sound was reassuring. I fell to sleep fairly quickly with Kota home and Max at my feet.

I was awakened at 3 in the morning by a wave of nausea that rolled through my stomach. I was wide awake with the feeling. Not only did I feel sick, my stomach hurt. Max was standing at attention and kept sniffing my stomach. I went to the bathroom to throw up but nothing came out. I just stood there hunched over the toilet without wrenching.

I noticed my body felt clammy and I was starting to sweat. The nausea came back full force, but again, nothing. I decided I better get Kota? As I left the bathroom, Max was waiting there for me. "I'll go get Kota Max. Go lie down." He turned and went back to my room.

Maybe we should call Mom. I don't want to alarm him or wake up whichever guy is up there with him so I move as stealthy as possible. The pain in my stomach had me stop midway up the stairs. I breathed through the pain then quietly climbed the rest of the stairs.

His room was really dark. I could only make out a shape in his bed. I could have sworn there was someone else up here but don't see the extra bed pulled out. I tiptoed to the bed and lightly tapped Kota's shoulder.

Kota took in a sharp breath, "what?" He asked with surprise as he was flinging the covers off of him. All he had on were his boxers and he was wrapped around someone. That's when I saw Sang lift her head up.

"Sorry Kota." I mumbled.

"It's ok Jess. What's wrong?"

"I don't feel good. My stomach hurts and I keep feeling like throwing up but I don't."

Kota climbed out of bed and flipped his lamp on. He placed his hand on my forehead and said, "I don't think you have a fever, but you are really clammy. Come on kiddo. Let's get you some medicine." He put his arm around my shoulder to lead me out of the room.

"Wait! Kota...." Sang was quickly climbing out of the bed and she grabbed the blanket from his bed. "I'll help her. You go back to bed." She wrapped the blanket around my shoulders.

"Ten, it's my sister. I'll take care of her."

"I know, but what if she needs to take a cool bath? Are you going to help her get undressed?" Both Kota and I turned red at the thought. I don't want my brother to see me naked. It would be bad enough for Sang to see me naked.

"Point taken."

As we walked down the stairs I grabbed my stomach again as the pain hit. "I know Jessica. I know. We'll get you all sorted out soon." Sang reassured me.

Instead of taking me to my bedroom she took me to my bathroom. Maybe she wanted me to take a bath after all. She came in the bathroom with me, removed the blanket and turned me so my back was toward the mirror. "Look. This is how I knew you needed me and not your brother."

I looked in the mirror and saw blood on my pajamas. Was I having my first period? "Is this what I think it is?" I asked dumbly.

"Welcome to womanhood. You get to enjoy this feeling every month for the next 30 plus years. It sucks doesn't it?" The nausea hit me and I leaned over the toilet again.

"How do you deal with this every month?" I don't know if I can take this feeling once a month. My mom told me all about my upcoming period but I didn't expect this!

"With pain relievers and lots of chocolate." She smiled at me. "You might want to take a shower to get cleaned up. I'll go get you new clothes and the afore mentioned pain relievers. Do you have pads in your bathroom?"

"Yes, my mom stocked my bathroom about a year ago. Just in case." I looked down in embarrassment. Sang gave me a hug.

"I wish I had someone who did that for me. Instead I thought I was dying or bleeding internally or something. My sister just laughed at me and told me I was an idiot. Then threw the package of pads at me." Sang looked really sad and I was feeling all emotional so I hugged her tight and started crying. She cried with me then pat my back. "Let's get you all taken care of, ok?" I nodded my head and smiled through my tears.

When I got out of the shower I had new clothes sitting on the counter, a pad sitting on the top of my underwear, a glass of ice water and two pills in front of it. Once I got dressed, I stepped out of the bathroom and Sang was standing there holding a Hershey's chocolate bar.

"Eat some now and I'll tuck you back in. I'm not sure what it is about chocolate, but it alters your hormones somehow and the pain isn't as bad." Sang said as she lead me back to my bedroom. I climbed in my bed eating the top 3 squares of chocolate.

Sang pulled the covers up around me. "If you need me, I'll be upstairs. Ok?"

I nodded "thanks Sang."

"Anytime cutie." She pat my head and left the room. Max jumped back up but this time he laid next to my stomach. I curled around him and the heat from his body felt good on my stomach. I drifted back off to sleep.

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