Part 181 Filler Fluff

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Sorry this one is just filler fluff. But I don't like just jumping around. Oh well, enjoy the filler fluff.

Part 181 - Saturday December 14th

Sang's POV

When Victor needed to leave, Nathan and Kota took me to the grocery store.  I decided I better make two apple pies for tomorrow night.  

I had also come up with my menu for Wednesday's lunch.  I am going to make a butternut squash soup for the appetizer, the main course will be a pecan crusted chicken breast with a yam soufflé and dilled zucchini.  And for dessert, a frozen strawberry dessert with a pecan crust.  It is something I can make in advance and just pull it out of the freezer to serve.  I saw a picture of this meal on the internet, it was so colorful and amazing looking.  The soup had the letter P drawn in it with cream.  The note under the picture said "to personalize the dinner party, drawn the guest's initial in the soup with cream before serving."  Let's hope this works and doesn't just look like a disaster.

Since I know Owen and Sean won't be here until after their teacher meeting, that gives me time to get the chicken in the oven and make the yam soufflé and dilled zucchini.  I can get up early on Wednesday and make the soup.  It can simmer on low in the crock pot while we are at school.

I had my list written out of all the ingredients I would need.  Nathan kept asking, "what exactly are you making for us?  I don't even know what this thing is!"  He was holding up one of the butternut squashes I had picked up.  "And why do you have so many zucchini?  I think the only ones that like green vegetables are North, Kota, Victor and Mr. B."

"No more complaining Nathan."  I gave him a firm stink-eye look.  "You don't have to eat it if you don't want."

"I don't know about you Nate, but I am not missing out on Sang's lunch."  Kota smirked at Nathan.  Nathan quit complaining, made a locking motion over his lips with his fingers and pretended to throw away the key.

We finished finding all that I needed and went back to Nathan's house so I could make the apple pies for tomorrow.  Just after dinner time, North showed up.  He didn't bang the door open but I knew it was him because of his clomping feet as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Hey Baby!  Miss me?"  He came up behind me, hugging me around the waist and kissing my neck, as I was just cutting slits in the tops of the apple pie crusts.  They were ready for the oven.

"Hello North Star.  Can you open the oven for me?"

"Baby, you open the oven, I'll put the pies in."  He picked up the pies and I hurried to open the oven.  He put them in for me then turned around and gave me a proper hello kiss.  North is full of strength and passion and when he kisses me like this my toes curl and my knees turn to jello.  He has to hold me up or I would be a heap on the floor.  I think it gives his ego a boost because he always pulls away chuckling and holding me close to his body.  

We went into the living room where Kota and Nathan were playing an Xbox game.  It was some kind of ninja fighting one.  I don't know much about this one so I wasn't offended that they would play this while I was cooking.  North sat on the couch and pulled me onto his lap.

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