Part 25

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Part 25

Sang POV

We only had a couple of minutes until we needed to go to class and I was smiling and giggling because of the texts I just read. We were congregating outside in the courtyard and the air was crisp and cool. I was wondering where we would meet and eat once it was cold outside. I guess at the stairwell where we have eaten before when it rained.

"Love the skirt Aggele! Sporty and favorite, mmmm." Sials' low bass voice rumbled and the way he was appraising me had my stomach do a flip flop.

"Peanut's in red! I love it." Honey exclaimed.

"Oy! What did you do to your hair?" Meanie yells as he approaches me. Victor is walking next to him and he softly punches Gabe's arm. "Leave her alone. She looks beautiful."

"S**t, we all agree she looks beautiful! When I get through with her hair she will be mouthwatering."

"I didn't do anything to it. I knew you would do it when I got here."

"Damn straight. Turn around so I can work my magic."

"Do we want her to look mouthwatering?" Kota asked. "Don't we have enough trouble with the male population in this school?"

"She will just have to stay within arms length of one of us all day." Luke said happily.

"Don't you mean the rest of her life? We will be beating guys off with a stick forever with the way Sang Baby turns heads." North huffed.

As everyone discussed my need to be on a short leash, Gabe combed through my hair to let out the braid and my eyes closed. It feels really good to have someone play with your hair. I must have moaned a little because Meanie was at my ear whispering to me, "I like that too Trouble. Maybe we can have some time, just the two of us, where we play with each other's hair. I bet your fingers would feel f**king amazing in my hair."

I bit my lip and nodded my head yes, not sure I could speak right now. Why was my body feeling all tingly? Meanie was just talking to me. Pull yourself together Sang! My hair was down but Meanie had grabbed the locks of hair that framed my face and had twisted them and pulled them back with bobby pins. It kept my hair from being in my face but allowed my hair to be down, which the guys really liked.

Then he presented me to the guys like Vanna White. "Does Trouble scream Veteren's day or what?" So that's why I am wearing red, white and blue. In Illinois, we got this day off school, but not here.

The bell rang for us to go to class. Luke grabbed my hand to pull me along. North walked in front of us and people just moved without him saying anything. It was like he could part the Red Sea. Maybe I should start calling him Moses? Nah, I like North Star better.

After we sat down in home room I turned to the side so I could see both guys as I spoke. "So, do I get to have a practice run or two with the go-carts, or are you guys going to leave me at a disadvantage?"

"I would take you after school today, but I have to work at the diner." Luke told me.

"I can take you Baby. But only after homework is done." North smirked at me.

"Ugh! Hopefully we don't get a lot today." I replied.

We had to end the conversation when the announcements started. There is some kind of assembly that will be taking place during the last period of school in the gym. And we are all required to attend.

"Make sure you stay with Victor after Japanese. We will find you and all sit together at the assembly." North instructed as he started texting. But since my phone didn't vibrate, I wasn't included in that text.

We made our way to the trailers for our next class. "Bye North." I waved as he kept going to his class and Luke pulled me into English. Meanie and Kota weren't far behind us.

"Oy Trouble! No running today in PE! Are you excited?" Meanie asked.

"Do you even need to ask?" I smirked at him. Kota and Luke both chuckled at us as Ms. Johnson started class. Kota turned to face forward but reached his hand back and placed it on my knee. And I could feel Luke combing his fingers through my hair. Hopefully that was all he was doing or else Gabe would get mad at him for messing it up. But the gestures from both Luke and Kota right now, make me feel wanted and loved. How had I gone 16 years without any physical contact of love? Now I can't go a couple hours without that feeling.

We had to write an essay about Veteran's and their significance in forming the society we have today. It took all of our class time to write the required two pages. My hand was cramping now from writing so much.

As we left class I jokingly complained how I would have arthritis in my hand by the end of the school year. Meanie laughed at me and said bye as North was within eyesight. "Bye Meanie!" He just waved as he got further away.

"Ready for Geometry?" North asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

We walked quietly to class and Nathan was already there. The smile on my face lit up at seeing him. He was just so handsome. Well they all were, but I only got to briefly see him this morning before classes started. If I go too long without seeing one of them it is like having withdrawls. I get all jittery, edgy, cranky and nervous. Maybe the guys are my own personal drug. I need my daily fix of all of them.

"So where are we all meeting up for the assembly?" Nathan asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "North told me to just stay with Victor and you guys would find us."

"Outside the gym." North replied.

Class began and we had to stop talking. There never seems to be enough time to just talk and enjoy during the school day. The math assignment was pretty straight forward, but tedious. Since I didn't want to have homework, I focused and worked through the assignment as quickly as possible.

Class ended and Nathan walked with me to the music room. I think I will actually get to play the violin today. It seems like forever since I have been able to do that. The week leading up to Homecoming we barely even got to attend class. All those bomb threats all week. Then last week, Mr. B had me work on self defense instead of violin.

Nathan opened the door for me and said a quiet goodbye. "Bye Honey." I replied.

"Miss Sorenson" Mr. B said as I entered the room.

"Mr. Blackbourne" I responded as I walked into the middle of the room. I deposited my things in the chairs and Mr. B pulled out my violin. He had just kept it in his office for me so I wouldn't have to keep carrying it around all the time.

"Shall we have a real lesson then?" He asked me.

"Sounds good to me."

Most of the notes I played sounded squeaky to me. And I cringed at how horrible it sounded. Here I want to show him that I can learn quickly and I slaughter the sound of something that should be beautiful.

"It takes time and practice, that's all." Mr. B reassured. But class was over and Victor was waiting for me at the door. "I'll get your violin put away. You hurry on to class."

"Bye Mr. Blackbourne."

"Goodbye Miss Sorenson."

Victor grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand. "I've missed seeing you today Princess." As I looked up at him, his eyes burned bright. Had he not been holding my hand, keeping me grounded, I might have fainted. Gorgeous! There is no other way to describe him.

"I-I kn-know." I finally stammered out. "After spending the last two days with everyone, I feel at a loss without everyone together." I replied.

"You don't ever have to be without us." He said as we got to Mr. Morris' history class. To my surprise, he actually had a lecture today rather than have us do busy work. He lectured on Veterans, how Veterans Day came about and ways to show your support and respect to those who have served our country.

This really got me thinking. This morning was just a fun morning, waking up at the Taylor home, having breakfast with the boys, and the silly texting about go-cart racing and 2 minutes in Heaven. Meanie had realized it was Veterans Day since he dressed me for the occasion, but I hadn't given it much thought until now.

As we walked to lunch Victor and North kept studying me intently. "What's on your mind Princess?"

"Just thinking about our History lecture today."

"Some people sacrifice everything for what they love and believe in." North responded.

"Exactly. It's really a beautiful thought." I said.

We got to lunch and Luke was there already pouring soup for everyone. I love how every member of this family cares and looks out for the others. They bring a smile to my face to see them all carefree and relaxed together. I pull my phone out and snap a picture of them laughing and relaxing.

"What did you just take a picture of Aggele?" Silas asked me.

"All of you. I just wanted to capture the moment."

"Let me see!" Nathan jumped up looking at my phone. "It's a good pic."

I sat between Nathan and Meanie as we ate our soup and chips. "How much homework do you have so far Sang Baby?"

"None! I have been pushing hard through class to get it done so I am free after school."

"What's going on?" Kota asked.

"I asked North and Luke if I would get any practice runs on the go-carts before Sunday or if you guys were going to leave me at a disadvantage since I haven't driven them before."

"I told her I would take her to practice but only after her homework was done." North informed him.

"F**k! I want to go but I have a shift at the diner." Gabe complains and Luke laughs.

"Ah, Not fair! North gets to take you for your first run?" Silas whines.

"I think we all wanted to see your first time driving go-carts, looking all cute in your helmet." Nathan chimed in.

"Helmet! Victor, we need to get Trouble her own helmet." Gabe shouted, pointing and waving his finger at me.

Victor pulled out his phone and said, "I'm on it."

"What's it going to look like?" Kota asked leaning over Victor's shoulder to see what he was ordering.

"Do I really need my own helmet? Don't they have helmets they give you?" I questioned.

"Of course they do! But not Cupcake worthy helmets." Luke winked at me as he said this.

"Ugh! Victor, please don't spend money on me."

"Just say thank you Princess because it is already done."

The bell rang to go to class and I just groaned. Silas wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked to Biology. Why does Victor keep spending so much on me? Doesn't he see how far apart socially we are? I love Victor, but I always feel so guilty when he spends money on me.

"Aggele, why did the skeleton cross the road?"

"I don't know, why?"

"To get to the body shop." He was looking expectantly. I smiled, it was cute, but not belly laugh funny.

"Not good enough."

"Why did Cinderella bring a calendar to the prom?"

I giggled just a little in anticipation of his joke, "why?"

"Because she forgot the date." He says it so seriously, it is funny the way he delivers the joke. "Almost there." We found our seats. "Do you want to hear my joke about the toilet?"


"Wait..I can't tell it to you" he leans in and whispers to me,"....because it's dirty."

"HA HA HA!" I blurted out.

Everyone turned and looked at me like I had two heads. I was turning red and trying to stop laughing because class was starting. Silas wrapped his legs around mine and it soothed me a bit. He rubbed my back between my shoulder blades and I calmed down enough to pay attention.

We had an opportunity to work with a partner in class today. Silas is so smart, he doesn't need any books and he knows all the answers. I am in awe. A true Greek God! My Greek God!

When class was over Silas walked me to Dr. Green's Japanese class. He doesn't need to fill the silence with nonsense and the silence is not awkward. It is nice.

"Bye Aggele Mou. Remember to stick with Victor after class."

"Well Hello there! It is my star student!" Dr. Green cheerfully greeted me and winked. I began giggling. I think he does that on purpose. "Now, now Miss Sang. There is no giggling in my classroom." But that just made me giggle more. He let out a chuckle, then clamped his hand over his mouth and took in a deep breath. He let the breath out calmly. Then he looked at me and started laughing again. He turned his back to me to gain his composure.

Victor sat behind me and asked quietly, "what is wrong with Dr. Green?"

"He made me laugh, then he started laughing." I giggled again thinking about it and Victor joined in laughing with me.

"NO! Victor, Sang, outside now!" Dr. Green commanded with teacher authority. Immediately I stopped laughing and worried I was really in trouble. We got up from our seats and went into the hall. Dr. Green followed us out and shut the classroom door. He covered his eyes with his hand and leaned his back against the wall. "You two have to stop laughing. Or I will lose all control in the class." He said as he wiped his hand down his face.

I looked at him apologetically. "Sorry Dr. Green." I said.

"Sorry Doc." Victor looked like Mr. B.

"I know. We can giggle in our private time, but right now I have to be a boring Japanese teacher."

"You are not boring. You are one of the best teachers at this school." I was serious.

"Thank you Sang. Now let's go learn"

All eyes stared at us as we came back in the class. We, of course, were not smiling anymore and I heard a few "oooo's". We sat down and kept quiet as Dr. Green taught the class. Just as class came to a close, Dr. Green asked Victor and I to stay after class. Everyone thought we were getting detention, as most kids would be if they were asked to stay after.

When the last student left, Dr. Green doubled over in laughter. "I think it was worse asking the two of you NOT to laugh. Ha ha ha ha!" He was clutching his stomach as he continued laughing. "Victor looked to be channeling Owen. Ha ha ha ha! And he only looks at me like that when I know I am getting a rise out of him. Ha ha ha ha! Which makes me want to laugh and keep doing it more!"

Victor was smiling a huge smile and his shoulders were shaking with silent laughter. I let out a bunch of peels of laughter. They were high pitched like a giddy school girl kind of laugh.

Both of them finished laughing and just looked at me. But it was a look of love on their faces. Victor put his arms around me and hugged me close to his chest. And Sean hugged around us both from behind me. I was sandwiched and it felt good. "I love this family Pookie! I'm glad you have chosen us."

We stepped out of the embrace, after all we are at school. "We better get to the assembly before the others send out a search party for us." Victor rolls his eyes while he says this.

Victor and I walked hand in hand with Sean right behind us as we made our way to the gym. They were all there waiting outside the door looking a little anxious. Kota said something and all heads snapped our way at the same time. They all visibly relaxed at the same moment. It was like watching synchronized swimming.

"What is the assembly for?" I asked.

"Honoring Veterans Day, Miss Sorenson." We went to find a seat together.

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