Part 80

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Part 80

Sang's POV

Wednesday came and went in a flash. I went to school, then worked at the diner and after work I stayed the night at Silas' apartment. Charlie was happy to see me but had a sad look in his eyes. I think he misses Theo.

Theo was sent back to Greece just after Homecoming. Silas seems to have a weight released from his shoulders to know that his brother is where he wants to be, even if he knows Theo will most likely fall in with the wrong crowd of friends and end up in trouble with the law. Silas told me, "we all make our own choices in life. He is choosing his."

After we had a late dinner at Silas' apartment, we did our homework and went to bed. It still surprises me that Charlie knows I am staying here in his son's room and is not upset with that. My mother...I mean step-mother, would have blown a gasket. She would have called me a whore and given me some ungodly punishment.

And now I am going to go away on a road trip with my true family for six days. I got thinking about my upcoming trip and was excited and wound up with energy again. Silas was laying next to me, his arm around my waist, and my face in his chest. I was silently giggling to release my pent up energy.

"Aggele, why are you shaking the bed?"

I let the giggles out is a torent.

"Did I miss the joke? You know how much I love funny jokes."

"No" giggle "I just have" giggle "lots of" giggle "excitement" giggle "for our trip." Deep heavy breaths.

He made a noise deep in his chest, that was like a hum or maybe similar to a lion purring. He pulled me in tight to his body, "I'm excited to get to spend that time with my family. You complete our family! You know that right Aggele? Normally, only one of us would have gone with Victor while the others all did their own thing for Thanksgiving. But with you in the family, we are stronger as a whole. I love you Aggele, and so do all my brothers."

He wrapped his leg around both of my legs and with the way he was holding me close I felt like he was pinning me. He began the kiss just like he had taught me at the end of October. But then he pushed his tongue into my mouth and rolled over so I was laying on top of him. He still held me tight but with me on top of him his hands were free to move about.

It was hard to concentrate as Silas kissed me with all his Greek God passion. His hands were tangled up in my hair, massaging the base of my skull, they were on my lower back rubbing small circles, his hands were up and down my sides squeezing my hips and tickling my ribs. It was all so wonderful and a bit overwhelming too.

"Aggele....I think we should stop now." He said on my lips as he continued to kiss me like in the beginning, without tongue." I groaned.

I didn't want to stop. He was creating some warm, wonderful feeling in my body. We stopped kissing but when I tried to shift to lay next to Silas again, he held me firmly in place on top of him.

"Hold still Aggele. You fit so perfectly on my chest. As long as you are comfortable, I want you to stay just like this." He said with a bit of a stained sound to his voice.

"But won't I get too heavy on top of you?"

"Aggele, you are as light as a feather. Just go to sleep, agapi mou." (My love)

He tickled the back of my head with his left hand and held it against his right pec. His left hand was tickling the edge of my hip and butt. I was feeling fully loved and content and allowed my eyes to close.

I could hear the distorted voice of Volto telling me that I was making a mistake going on this trip with the boys. I tried to tell him he was wrong, but I couldn't see him. His voice was always coming from behind me and the hair on the back of my neck was standing up.

"Why is it a mistake?" I asked him.

"You will get hurt. You always get hurt when they are all around you."

"That's not true! We were just all together at Gabe's birthday and I didn't get hurt! I didn't ruin another birthday." I pointed out.

Then it was silent and I couldn't feel anyone behind me anymore.

I woke with a start. I pushed myself up off of Silas' chest and realized I made Volto go away by proving he was wrong. I would continue to prove his doubts wrong by having a great time with my family. I saw the clock said 5:30am.

"Aggele Mou, stop trying to start the day so early." Silas grumbled and pulled me back to his chest. I stated laughing and it shook my body. He groaned and rolled me so I was laying next to him. "That is dangerous in the morning Aggele."

I was confused. "What is dangerous?" I asked him.

"Your giggles." Was all he responded.

Whatever! I laid there just looking at his chest and content in the knowledge that I get to vacation in just four days! Eek!

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