Part 22

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Part 22

Kota's POV

"Well then, come with me birdie, you can spread your wings in my kitchen." Sang got up smiling and Luke spanked her ass. What is he doing? She looked back at him with surprise and he winked.

North looked like he could kill Luke and I am not far behind him. It's one thing to spank her thigh, it's another to spank her ass. It's a little too possessive.

Looking at Uncle, I notice he is smiling at Luke's antics. Ahhh, I get it. Luke is showing Uncle she is here with him.

Uncle led Sang out of the room as he asked her, "what did you think of my special dessert?" And the last thing we heard before they disappeared back to the kitchen was, "they were soooooo good!" Followed by a moan.

I groaned and I think half my brothers did too. A few were shifting in their seats. Ha ha! We are acting like 13 year old boys with their first crush.

"Does she not know what that sound does to a guy?" Victor asked with his cheeks turning pink.

"I don't think she does. F**k she is so innocent." North grumbled running his fingers through his hair.

"Well then, since Miss Sorenson is no longer present, does anyone feel the need to discuss anything from this weekend?" Mr. B asked. "If so, whatever is said here and now stays to here and now. There will be no backlash. And, no one is allowed to repeat what is said here tonight. Agreed?"

"Agreed." We all accepted.

"When we played Dare or Double Dare, Luke picked double dare and they had to lick peanut butter off the banana. It would have been funny watching you do that Luke, but when Sang had to do it too...." Nathan was saying. "I about blew my load holding that banana for her. It took all the control I had not to embarrass myself."

"S**t! You weren't f**king alone Nate. I might have been holding the banana for Luke but my damn eyes were glued to Trouble sucking that motherf**king banana." Gabe agreed.

"It was fine by me! I got the best photo of Cupcake sucking that banana like a pro and I get rewarded with watching the movie Thor with her." Luke said happily.

"You better keep your hands to yourself when you are watching that movie with her. Aggele already told us you remind her of Thor." Silas threatened.

"You should have seen the way she lit up when her GPS first spoke in a British accent, that Gabe called a pompous prick, and then he found the 'voice of Thor' on her GPS and I swear you could see in her face she was turned on." Victor recalled.

"All accents turn the ladies on." Silas said in a thick Greek accent. We all laughed at that.

"When she and I were driving here, she was telling me she likes the sound of an accent yes, but that I reminded her of Thor and she felt lucky to have her own personal Thor superhero. That she not only found 1 personal superhero but 9 personal superheroes. And I let my daydreams and hormones take over. I kissed her neck and down her jaw line as she was driving." Luke confessed.

"You little s**t! Sang Baby could have gotten into another accident!" North griped.

"She pulled over and stopped the car and told me Dr. Green told her if any of us were distracting her she was to pull over. I apologized and kept my hand and lips to myself the rest of the way." Luke continued.

"Did Sang come up with a superhero for each of us? Or was it just Luke, Nathan, Gabe and I?" Doc asked curiously.

"She gave us all superhero alter egos. Do you want to hear who everyone is, according to Princess?" Victor asked.

"Absolutely!" Doc exclaimed.

"I am the Flash, Silas is Superman, Doc you are Dr. Fate, Kota is Spider-man, Gabe is Dare Devil, North is the Hulk, Luke is Thor, Victor is Iron Man and Mr. B is Captain America." Nathan stated. Mr. Blackbourne actually started laughing.

"Miss Sorenson has a beautiful mind. And gorgeous legs." Mr. B said quietly.

"Why do you think she and I were in an accident? It all started because Luke sent us those pics of Aggele changing that tire and leaning under the hood to check the oil." More groans and shifting as we all remembered THAT picture. "I wanted her to be reassured she was doing well and since I already had my hand on her thigh I gave it a little squeeze and started running my fingers in tiny circles. Oh f**k, her inner thigh is so soft to the touch. I looked over at the beauty that was sitting next to me and I slid my hand up her thigh just a few inches. Touching her is intoxicating. That's when she hit the car." Silas had hung his head in shame.

"She hits a car because of Silas touching her thigh, yet she can evade a superb tail as if she has been doing so for years." Mr. B states.

"Who would have thought video games could help you so much?" Nathan asked with a smile.

"She might have been proficient with shaking the tail but she almost f**king wrecked Victor's car when we went out!" Gabe exclaimed.

"I know my car can easily be replaced, but Gabe is right. Princess almost got into an accident getting on the highway because she didn't properly check her blind spot. And for the first time I really was worried about my car." Victor said with real sorrow.

"It is perfectly normal for you to want to keep your possessions in perfect order Mr. Morgan." Mr. B assured him.

"Gabe, why did you torture all of us today by dressing Sang in that skater skirt with Brazilian cut panties on underneath? Doc asked.

"How the f**k do you know what kind of damn panties she is wearing?" North was growing angry.

"North, we all agreed." I said with authority.

"I's just hard sometimes." North grumbled.

"In the closet I was standing with my back against the wall and she had wrapped her legs around my waist. I felt along the back of her thigh and ended with my palm flat on her ass. I didn't do anything, I didn't even squeeze her perfect little ass. Then I pulled my hand away and lowered her to the ground." Doc confessed.

"I put her in those, oh so perfect orange lace brazillian cut panties, because of the skirt she was wearing. I knew with just the right wind, her skirt would pull a Marilyn Monroe, and if she is going to show off her ass, she better be in the perfect ass showing panties." Gabe defended himself.

"Well thank you for that beautiful description. I now have a perfect visual of Sang in those panties." I said with a chuckle.

"Sorry Kota, but the perfect visual was mine when Trouble walked into the diner and her skirt did exactly what I thought it could do." Gabe said apologetically.

"Me too, at the hospital. She spun around to leave and her skirt just fanned out and I saw for just a brief moment of the perfect ass showing panties." Doc shrugged his shoulders.

The room was quiet as everyone was lost in their own thoughts and fantasies. Every single one of us had Sang starring in those fantasies. I know every time I dream now, she is center stage.

"It is getting late. As a doctor, I am diagnosing cold showers for all!" Doc used his I am a doctor and you do as I say look.

"Everyone is to retire to their own residences. Only Luke and North are to stay here tonight. I shall see you all on time at school tomorrow." Mr. B commanded.

We could all hear Sang and Uncle heading our way. She was giggling her angelic laugh. Once they rejoined us Mr. B said, "Mr. Taylor, Miss Sorenson, it was a pleasure to see you. I must be going now."

"Actually Sang, we all need to leave or else we will be zombies at school tomorrow." I told her.

"Why don't we see them all out to their cars Cupcake?" Luke said.

And we all said our goodbyes.

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