Part 142

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Part 142 - Thursday Dec. 5th

Sang's POV

We had a nice time at dinner. Yes, Outback is a steakhouse, but not a fancy one. Owen had on his suit and I was still in my clothes from school. So I wasn't completely out of place next to him.

Owen ordered the steak, salad and baked potato while I ordered the grilled chicken, soup and French fries. We had a quiet and easy conversation about school, how my week has gone since we got home, and what I wanted to do with the house and car Mr. Peters left to me.

"I want to keep the house just like it is. That's what Mr. Peters wanted and I will obey his wishes. As for the car, I will probably only take it out every once in a while. I think it is more a collector than an everyday driver. But North said the engine won't run properly if I don't drive it at least once a month. Besides, I still need to learn to drive a stick shift. And that is not the car to learn on." I shook my head, just at the thought of stripping the gears on Mr. Peters car. No way would I ruin His car like that.

"Well, maybe one of us can take you for a drive in it once a month, just to keep the engine tuned." Owen offered. I nodded, liking the idea of sharing one on one time with the boys while enjoying my gift.

By the time we left the restaurant, it was 8:30pm. I haven't done a lick of homework yet, nor do I want to do it. Owen drove to his house quietly, never letting go of my hand. I didn't want him to let go either. Occasionally his thumb or finger would trace over my skin sending tingly sensations into my stomach.

I was finding it hard to focus on where we were driving because I was too busy remembering Owen's comment from earlier about not caring if he was naked on a date, as long as he was on that naked date with me. Even though I was looking out the passenger window, I had a clear vision in front of my eyes of Owen's perfect hands undoing his tie, untucking his dress shirt from his suit pants, then slowly unbuttoning each button on his shirt. Just seeing a bit of his stomach and chest in my vision, my stomach flipped and the corners of my mouth turn up into a smile. While keeping eye contact, Owen removes his shirt. Ah yes! Perfection at its finest!

I started blushing from just my thoughts. The blush crept all the way down to my toes. My heart beat picked up and I could hear the sounds of the blood pumping in my ear. I was vaguely aware that my breathing rate had increased too.

"Sang, is everything all right?"

"Yes." I croaked. Then tried to clear my throat.

"I can feel your blush heat down to your fingers, and your breathing sped up. Want to tell me what brought this on?" Owen had a half smile as he looked at me from the corner of his eye.

"I was thinking about my homework that I haven't done and don't feel like doing. For whatever reason, your comment came back into my mind from earlier. The blush was a result of your comment." I turned my face to look out the side window again, embarrassed. Owen lifted our joined hand and kissed my fingers.

"Thank you for being honest with me Sang. I love that I cause you to blush even if I don't know which comment from earlier brought this on. It is a real stroke to my ego." He laughed quietly.

"I aim to please." I teased. The car stopped and I noticed I was in the garage of a house. Is this Mr. Blackbourne's house? Where am I anyway?

Owen went around to my side of the car and opened my door. He held his hand out to me, "would you like to come in?"

"Y-yes pl-please." Ugh, here I go stuttering with nervousness again. It never fails, new place or new person and my nervousness takes over in full force. When I stood up my legs were shaking, my hands trembled, and I bit my lower lip.

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