Part 10

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Part 10

Victor's POV

"Do you feel better Princess?" She looked absolutely relaxed. I should give Adam a bigger tip next time I am at the spa. The moans she let out as I massaged her shoulders made it hard to concentrate on what I was doing. It was a good thing Kota was there or I might have done something I know I shouldn't.

I was a bit surprised that Gabe didn't come in and start yelling at Kota for combing his fingers through Sang's hair all while I was giving her a massage. But I can see why the two man rule was enforced just now. After Silas lost his focus touching Sang, they ended up in an accident.

Once Gabe and I take Princess out driving the rest of the guys will most likely give Silas a piece of their mind. I am glad I don't have to be here to listen to Nathan and North yelling at Silas. I just hope their confrontation doesn't end up in hours tomorrow morning.

"Mmmmhhhmmm." That was all I was going to get out of her right now. Kota and I both started laughing. She looked up at us and blushed.

"I am going to go get Gabe. As soon as you are ready, we can go out driving once more today." Kota kissed her forehead and followed me out of the bedroom.

"That really was relaxing to just comb my fingers through her hair. Even more relaxing than counting. Well, that is until she started in with those moans." He bumped his fist against my shoulder with a smirk on his face.

"I know what you mean. I was really enjoying giving her the massage. It was almost like playing the piano for myself. My mind was clearing of all my worries and then she moaned. At first, I thought I was imagining it and then she did it again. Had you not been there, I don't know I could have kept myself in check." I confessed.

"Me too. It took all my concentration to not attack her." Kota said while shrugging his shoulders. "Go get Gabe. Sang will be ready any minute."

"Gabe, you ready to take Princess out driving?" I asked him.

"F**k yes! Let's go Trouble!" Gabe called back towards Nathan's bathroom.

Sang came into the living room with a relaxed smile. "I'm coming Meanie! Victor, are you sure you want me to drive your car after what I did to Silas' car?" She asked seriously.

"I trust you Princess. And I promise not to distract you like Silas did." I said pointedly at Silas, while laughing.

"I already took responsibility for my actions and now I will pay for my mistake." Silas said.

"You mean I will be paying since I will be the one doing the f**king work." North grumbled.

"Oy, let's go before the s**t hits the fan." Gabe snickered.

"Princess.....your chariot awaits." I said while holding the driver's door open for her. She just giggled then kissed my cheek as she climbed in. I hurried around to the passenger side while Sang adjusted the seat and mirrors. Gabe was sitting in the middle seat in the back.

"Trouble, while you were getting a massage, Mr. B, Luke and I were discussing how to help you learn your way around. Can you hand me your phone?" Gabe was asking.

"Here you go Meanie." Sang said while passing her phone back.

She started the ignition and checked all her mirrors again. "Princess, let's drive to the mall. That's a good place for you to learn directions and it will give us a chance to get on the highway. Just follow my directions until Gabe gets your phone set."

"Here Trouble, I put in the address to the mall. Just listen to the lady on the GPS tell you which roads to take." Gabe instructed as he handed the phone up front.

My car took off like a rocket and then stopped just as quickly. I looked at Sang with concern and confusion. "What just happened?" I asked her.

"I thought I just barely pushed down on the gas pedal and it took off like it had a mind of it's own. So I touched the brake and we screeched to a halt." Sang said looking sheepish.

"The BMW responds to a light touch versus Kota's, North's and Silas' cars. Their's you have to push down pretty far to get a response. It just takes practice. You will get the feel for how my car responds." I said reassuringly. But honestly I was a bit worried right now that I might have a wrecked car before the night is over.

Gabe had scooted over to the seat behind Sang and was holding the handle above the door. I looked at him with my eyebrow raised. "What? I'm holding the 'OH SHIT bar'! Maybe if I hold it I won't say it and scare Trouble." Gabe defended his actions.

By the time we got to the end of the street we were not jerking stop and go. She had finally figured out the amount of pressure to apply for a smooth drive. Then the GPS started talking and Sang cringed. "What's wrong Princess?" I asked her.

"I don't like that ladies voice. I am not sure I can handle her telling me what to do the entire time I drive." Sang groaned.

"Oy, your right Trouble! Her voice is s**t! Give me back the phone and I'll change it." She handed the phone back to Gabe. "Just tell me which of these voices you like."

He was going through the different options and Sang's face lit up as I hear a British guys voice. "Sounds like an ass pompous prick to me." He commented. I saw Sang's shoulders droop just a little as she quietly said to herself, "I kind of liked that voice."

The next GPS voice we heard was an Australian male voice. Again, Sang perked up and before Gabe could make another comment I blurted out, "that one!" Sang just smiled at me and Gabe looked confused.

"Is this the one you want Trouble?"

"Yes. I like that one." She said a little dreamily. I raised my eyebrow at the way she said she liked that one.

"Why do you like that one Princess?" I had to know why this voice was dreamy to her.

"That voice sounds a lot like Chris Hemsworth. He can tell me where to go every day." She said with a smile.

"Thor? He sounds like Thor to you?" Gabe questioned.

"Is it my fault you guys make me watch all those super hero movies? Guys might like the fighting scenes, but the eye candy is for the ladies." She said in defense.

"All right Thor, take Princess to the mall!" Anything for my Princess. Maybe I can start incorporating an Australian accent into my speech? Because if Thor is eye candy to her, then Luke must be eye candy, since he is the closest to looking like Thor.

I was lost in my thoughts until Gabe started yelling, "woe, woe, woe! Watch your blind spot Trouble!" We had entered the highway and there was a car that was in her left blind spot.

"Just make sure to look over your shoulder as you change lanes or enter or exit the highway as well as use your mirrors. Not all cars will be seen in your mirrors." S**t! She is going to give me a heart attack AND wreck my car! As I glance back at Gabe he is gripping the 'oh shit bar' with both hands.

Once we reach the mall it is dark. "So now you get to practice driving home in the dark. With the headlight on, it will be a little different. Do not look directly into any oncoming headlights. If you feel uncomfortable at all let me know and we will switch drivers." I wanted her to know she always had options.

She drove back a little slower but without incident. Sang really was doing well. Everyone has their ups and downs when they learn to drive. But I think she has had more ups than downs.

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