Part 100

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Part 100

Luke's POV

When we got back to the house we went straight to the kitchen to eat dinner. The house smelled divine. I started getting out the sour cream and cheese and Cupcake grabbed the green onions to chop up.

"Let me do that Forever. You don't need your hands smelling like onions for the rest of the night."

"Well thank you, but yours will smell now." She pointed out.

"Yea, but I'm a gross boy and we smell bad anyway." I shrugged.

"I don't think you smell bad. You smell sweet to me, like icing."

"Does that mean you find yourself wanting to lick me when you are near me?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

"Maybe..." She turned away from me to go get the chips. She cannot leave me with that thought! Sugar wants to lick me!

Doc came up behind Sang as she came back to the kitchen island and was setting out the chips. "Mmmm, you know the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I believe you have all our hearts Pookie. Dinner smells scrumptious!" He hugged her around her shoulders from behind.

"Thank you Sean. But let me know what you think once you try it." She pat his arm with her hand.

"I never got to tell you, this dress looks enticing on you." He stepped back to look at her in the dress, then he ran his fingers down her spine from her neck to her waist and back up again. She blushed as he provocatively touched her back. "I just realized, you couldn't be wearing a bra in this dress."

The room went silent, all eyes on Sang. Gabe saved her, "are you all done undressing Trouble with your minds because I'm hungry and dinner is ready." He came around the island, took her hand and twirled her around before escorting her to the table. I know he did that twirl to give us a view of her bra less back. Bastard!

Damn! That was sexy though! Am I glad I didn't realize this information until now. I am behind Sang so I can adjust my growing appendage before I am uncomfortable.

This time when we went to eat, forever was the one to sit back and watch. She wanted to see if Doc and Mr. B really liked it or not. The rest of us dove into our soup, shoveling as fast as possible just for the chance of getting seconds. With nine guys around, if you don't eat quickly, you don't get any.

"Wow Pookie! Why haven't you made me this before?"

"When we ate at your house, you always had dinner planned or we ate out."

"Never again! If you eat at my house, you cook. Meths uus yo vood." Doc said after putting a spoonful of soup in his mouth.

Sang laughed and quickly covered her mouth. "Sorry, Sean. I didn't understand that."

Doc swallowed what was in his mouth and smiled a huge smile, "I said, this is so good!"

"In deed it is Sean. Is this your own recipe Miss Sorenson? The flavors blend so well together. So many taco soups just taste like you are drinking water with taco seasoning in it. Not this recipe. This soups has a full body flavor and..."

"Stop Mr. B! It is soup. You eat it, you don't discuss it!" Nathan cut Mr. B off. We all looked at Nate like he was crazy. Who cuts Mr. B off? You might tune him out, but you never cut him off.

To break the silence and tension that was in the room Cupcake reached out to touch Mr. B's hand. "Thank you Owen for giving me a compliment. That was rude of Nathan for cutting you off mid sentence and he should apologize." She gave him the evil eye. "We can sit down together after dinner and have a foodie conversation if you would like."

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