Part 53

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Part 53

Sang's POV

This place is much bigger than I would have ever thought. It is all inside. The go-karts, the laser tag room, the bounce room, the water wars room, the arcade, the climbing wall, even the batting cages. I am very excited to play all day tomorrow, but I am still not comfortable with the size of the crowd here.

Victor held the door to his car open for me. He reached for the helmet but I shook my head no. I just wanted to look at it again. He didn't press the issue.

"It is lunch time. Would you like to go eat somewhere?"

"How about a sandwich place. Something not very heavy."

"How do you feel about Panera Bread?"

"Sounds good to me."

As we drove to lunch I held the helmet on my lap. I kept running my fingers over all the hearts. This was amazing. It had their colors, and it had their nicknames for me. I might just set it on my nightstand so I can look at it every night while I fall asleep. I was getting choked up caressing the helmet and needed to break out of these thoughts before I started crying again.

"Do you have a helmet Victor?"

"Yes I do. That was partly why I was so grossed out by the communal one." I laughed remembering the look on his face.

"Why didn't you bring yours?"

"I only expected you to drive today. Did it help at all when I drove?"

"Yes, Blaze was nice enough to explain why your car seemed to move smoother than when I was driving and how to shave seconds off my time."

"And how do you shave seconds off your time?"

"No way! I am not sharing. I will have a hard enough time trying to beat all of you."

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked me.

"Of course."

"Can you tell me all the nicknames you have for all the guys?" I looked down at the helmet with all of their nicknames for me in their favorite colored heart.

Smiling I responded as I touched each heart. "Nathan is Honey. Gabriel is Meanie. Silas is Superman. North is North Star. Luke is Always. Kota is 52. You are Prince. Dr. Green is Dr. Sean. And Mr. Blackbourne is Mr. Blackbourne." I giggled.

"You don't have a nickname for Mr. B?"

"Nothing else fits him but Mr. Blackbourne."

"Thank you." He responded.

"Why did you want to know them?"

"Just an idea I had."

Victor reached over and laced our fingers together as we held hands. We sat in comfortable silence as we drove to the restaurant. I closed my eyes and inhaled Victor's marvelous scent of Berries and Moss.

I must have dozed because Victor was kissing my lips gently. "We are here Princess." I smiled as I opened my eyes. My stomach growled and Victor chuckled. "I guess it's a good thing I brought you here."

We went in and ordered. I got the roasted turkey and avocado BLT on sourdough. Victor ordered Frontega Chicken Panini grilled on Focaccia bread. We sat at a table that sat in front of a fireplace with a fire going. They brought us our food and both sandwiches were cut in half, so we traded the other halves so we could try both.

We talked about my first run and laughed at my complete stop on turn three. Victor asked me if there was anything I wanted to do during the afternoon, since no one else would be available until the evening. That's when I got the idea, "can I introduce you to my friend?" I asked excitedly.

"Is it someone from school?" He asked me.

"No, it is someone I met in the hospital. I promised him I would introduce you guys to him."

Victor looked a little leery, but agreed to go.

"You will like him, I promise Victor."

"Ok, I believe you." But his eyes didn't agree with his words.

We got to the Veterans Hospital and I practically skipped down the hall. I was holding Victor's hand and swinging our arms like a young girl. I was so happy to have Mr. Peters meet Victor.

We knocked on the door and waited for his response. I heard a quiet, "come in" from the other side of the door. I smiled at Victor as I opened the door.

Victor's POV

I was about to enter some guys hospital room that made friends with my Princess. She has never felt comfortable around other people outside our family. How come this guy has put such a big smile on my Princess' face?

Once we walked into the room Sang said, "Mr. Peters, I would like you to meet Victor, another one of my guys."

I about busted up laughing when I saw a small 90 something year old man. Leave it to Princess to make friends with an old man.

"Sang! Will you marry me?" He asked her. I about lost it but Sang was quick to respond.

"Mr. Peters, I already told you I have been spoken for."

"And Victor," he asked looking over at me still near the door, "have you spoken for Sang?"

I stepped up behind Sang, wrapped my arms around her waist, placed my chin on her shoulder and told him, "yes sir. Sang is my Princess."

"Well done Victor. You do know that she is a special girl, right?" He was smiling at me.

"I do. And I don't plan on letting anything happen to her."

"And you are a brother to those two big boys, that red head and the one in glasses?"

I chuckled at his description of my brothers. "Again, yes sir. Those are my brothers North, Silas, Nathan and Kota."

"I don't know how you boys do it, but as long as Sang is happy, I am happy for her."

We talked with him for a little bit longer and then we left. I drove to Nathan's house to pick up her clothes for tonight and tomorrow. As we drove I thought about the text I sent earlier when Sang was asleep in the car. I asked Luke to go collect all of the racing helmets of for everyone and take them to Nudge Graphic Designs for me. Then I texted Nudge that I wanted names painted on the helmets. Each of us has our favorite color helmet and now they will have Sang's nickname for us on the back.

When we got to Nathan's house, there was a bag right inside the front door with a note that said, 'Sang's bag for Saturday night and Sunday. See you tonight Trouble'. Sang giggled at his note.

"Do you need anything else? Or should we go to my house?"

"I guess we go to your house. I don't need anything else."

This is how it should be. Getting to bring my girl home to stay the night with me.

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