Part 31

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Part 31

Gabriel's POV

We got to Victor's house and I was anxious to have some Trouble time. She was teasing me and I was flirting today with her and now I am all worked up to have her play with my hair. After that mile run in P.E. we both need to wash our hair anyway. Even though Victor is here I think I can still have the time with her that I want.

We followed Victor to his room and he set Trouble's bag down. I could tell he was about to suggest something but I can't wait anymore. "Trouble, go put on your swimsuit. I'll go get the tub filled. Then I am washing your hair."

"Are you getting in too?" She asked me. How else are we supposed to wash each other's hair? Silly girl!

"Damn straight I am. Why else would I bring my f**king swimsuit?" I responded, showing her my swimsuit. I walked into Victor's bathroom and found the bath oils and bubble bath. Let's see which oils he has. Vanilla, spearmint, eucalyptus, ginger, citrus, Jasmine, and lavender. I am not ready to sleep so lavender is out. I'm not stressed so not the eucalyptus or spearmint. Do I want to use oils for energy or sensuality? Hmmmm, sensual! Vanilla and Jasmine it is.

While I got the tub filled up with the bubble bath, oils and hot water I quickly stripped and put my swimsuit on. We are so f**king lucky that Victor has a huge tub. I need to remember when I move to my own place to have a huge tub. It will just make washing Trouble's hair easier and I can imagine all the fun we could get up to in a tub this size. Where is she?

"Oy Trouble! Are you getting your bikini on or what?" I called out to the bedroom. After I didn't get a response I thought she might not be in the bedroom.

I poked my head out looking for Trouble but I only saw Victor. "Where did Trouble go?" Surely she still wanted to wash up after how sweaty she was.

"She is changing in my closet." Victor said while looking at my swimsuit. "Did you want bath oils too or bubble bath?"

"I already found it all. I just need her toiletry bag to get her shampoo and conditioner out."

He got her bag and dug through it until he found the pink toiletry bag and gave it to me. Trouble exited the closet in her hot pink and black bikini that I first helped her pick out. I was having the same reaction now as when I was in the changing room looking at her in the bikini for the first time. I better say or do something before she notices my dick is standing at attention just because she entered the room. "Come on beautiful! I want to feel your fingers all tangled in my hair." I held out my hand, palm up in invitation.

She smiled the sweetest smile and skipped over to grab my hand. How does she do it? She is a gorgeous woman that makes you want to rip her clothes off and enjoy every inch of her body, and she is a fun, playful girl that makes you want to giggle and skip while swinging our arms like we don't have a care in the world.

I placed my hands on her waist and picked her up to set her in the tub. Trouble lived up to her name and pulled my arms, throwing me off balance, and I went into the tub head first with my legs flopping over the edge with a splash. As I emerged from the water Trouble was laughing.

I smirked at her and grabbed a hold of my Trouble, one arm around her waist the other around her shoulders, and I dunked us both under the water, holding her firmly. Then I sat us both up and kissed her cheek with a smack.

"Ha ha ha, look at your head!" Trouble was saying through her laughing. Then she scooped up a handful of bubbles and dumped them on my head. I can't help but laugh along with Fun Trouble.

We both heard Victor laughing and I turned to see what was going on. Sang spoke up, "Victor, come get in. There is plenty of room!"

Wait, what? I thought we were getting to have some alone time in here. Oh well, time with Trouble is time with trouble, even if one of my brothers is there. Who can blame them for wanting time with her too? Victor climbed into the tub and made eye contact with me to make sure I was ok with him being here. I smiled to let him know we were all good.

"Have you already washed Princess' hair?" He asked me.

"No, we just got in and dunked our heads. When I came up I had bubbles on my head and Trouble here thought I looked funny. She wanted me to look even sillier so she stacked more bubbles on my head." I smirked at Trouble and she started giggling again. I could listen to that sound for the rest of eternity!

"I knew there was a reason to have such a big tub when I redid this bathroom. This is perfect." Victor said as he leaned back and placed his head against the edge of the tub. He closed his eyes and looked like he was ready to relax.

"It really is perfect. Thank you for letting us do this Victor." Sang said. A moment later Victor took in a quick breath like he was surprised. What the f**k is that about?

"What bath oils did you use Gabe? I think I smell Vanilla and" he sniffed air ,"what is that other scent? Jasmine?"

Does he know what all those bath oil scents are specifically for? He must if he has so many different oils.

"I like it. I am relaxed but not sleepy. More like a little tingly." Trouble responded. I don't think Sang knows what the different oils are for. And I don't know if she would be upset to know I was trying to encourage her sensual side. Tingly...yea, that's the point.

"Yea, Jasmine Vanilla." I said looking directly at Victor. Your bath oils for sensuality. He gave me a knowing look.

Then he got a mischievous look in his eyes when he said, "so, does Gabe get to wash your hair first or do I?"

Hot Damn! Now we are talking. "How about I shampoo her hair, and you can do the conditioner?" I suggest.

"As long as I get to have fun too! So if Meanie washes my hair first, then I get to wash Victor's hair while Meanie does mine. Like in a train. Then we can turn around and I get to wash Meanie's hair while Victor conditions mine."

S**t, this is going to be fun! "Ok Trouble, you sit in front of me and then Victor will sit in front of you." I instructed and grabbed the shampoo. They both moved into position in front of me.

"Victor, you have to dunk your head first to get your hair wet for me." Trouble giggled and Victor laid back right into her lap.

When he came back up, Victor told Sang, "put your knees up so I can lean back on you."

"The way we did last time?" She asked him. I was watching the way they looked at each other with that slight blush again. What exactly happened when they took a bath that last time? I will have to ask Victor about that later.

"Yes, you too Gabe. I think that will be the most comfortable for Princess." Whatever he wants, as long as Trouble is leaning on me. I then leaned forward and kissed her forehead. She and Victor smiled at the same time. I guess he doesn't mind the group kissing that seems to be happening with our family. I don't mind either, as long as I get to participate. And Trouble seems to enjoy all of the attention we all give her. She deserves it after sixteen years of neglect and abuse.

This was a new way to wash her hair, and I like it. Usually she is bent forward over the sink and I cannot see her reaction to what I am doing. I know she is busy washing and playing with Victor's hair, but the look of pleasure on her face is giving me an erection again.

Trouble is moaning quietly and Victor is too. I don't know how long I can listen to both of them making sexual noises. I am going to f**king lose it. How embarrassing would that be? I could never live that down.

"Time to rinse and switch" I say to save myself. Victor groaned and Sang giggled and placed a kiss on his forehead. Then she turned around to wash my hair.

I handed Victor Sang's conditioner as he got her situated on his legs. "Make sure you work it through the ends of her hair toward her scalp. Or her hair will be greasy." I explained and leaned back on Trouble's legs.

Trouble plopped a glob of shampoo on top of my head and then started kneading her fingers all around. Sometimes she put pressure on my head and other times her fingers felt like feathers in my hair. This is amazing! A hot girl playing with my hair is a turn on for me, but what Trouble is doing right now is causing me major trouble. I groaned, "s**t!" Get it together Gabe. Homework, Pam, baseball, Trouble's amazing hands combing through my hair, sweet Trouble caresses, kissing her forehead and cheeks. That's what I like Baby, "f**k" I bit my lip and groaned again involuntarily. Sang's sexy body in that tiny bikini looks so inviting, her skin is so soft, her breasts are so perfectly perky I just want to nibble on them, keep doing that Sang, oh yea! "Damn!" Houston we are about to have a problem. How do you stop someone from doing something that feels so good? No, I don't want her to stop. Wait! She is stopping! Did I scare her?

Just as I was about to see if I had traumatized her in some way she leaned forward and kissed my shoulder right where the collar bone meets the shoulder. Her lips are perfect and my shoulder is on fire where she just kissed me. But, she wasn't kissing me or washing my hair anymore. I turned around to see what was going on.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." Victor apologized and I saw he was giving Trouble a back massage.

"I understand. Besides it was probably a good thing she stopped playing with my hair." I shrugged my shoulders and smirked at him. You understand don't you? He obviously did.

He stopped the massage. "Let's get out of the tub now. We will do homework, eat dinner and play some Xbox racing games so you can be ready for our races on Sunday Princess." He told us.

"Speaking of Sunday, that is your Birthday Gabriel. I don't want to take away from your day. What do you want to do on Sunday?" Trouble looked concerned as she asked me this. How sweet she is to remember and be willing to change her original plans.

"I want to spend the day with the family doing fun activities. Go kart racing is a fun activity, so that won't take away from my birthday." I responded.

Victor interrupted before I could say anything else. "Why don't we go to Laser-FX? They have go-kart racing, batting cages, arcades, rock climbing, laser tag, a bounce room, water wars and pizza. We can make a day of it."

"That sounds fun! What do you think Meanie?" Sang latched onto my arm with a pleading look in her eyes. Well f**k! Who could say no to that face even if they wanted to? Which I don't, but still, not the point.

I chuckled, "of course it sounds like fun. We will have a f**king awesome time."

"I will go make the arrangements." Victor climbed out of the tub, wrapped a towel around his waist, reached under the towel to pull off his swimsuit, draped it over the edge of the tub, winked and smiled at Sang and left the bathroom. Moutherf**ker! You know exactly what you are doing!

Trouble stared at him with wide eyes and a goofy grin on her face. I rolled my eyes at him, the little s**t, and said, "go do your thing Mr. High and mighty." And laughed at his antics. But jokes on you, buddy! Now I have Trouble all to myself for a little bit.

Sang's POV

I looked over at Meanie because he was laughing. At me or at what Victor just did, I don't know. But whichever it is, he is definitely happy. I love happy Gabriel! "You really do have the best collar bones." And I reached out and ran my fingers lightly across them. Starting at his neck and working my way out to his shoulders. His eyes rolled back in his head as his eyes closed.

I am always braver when their eyes are closed or it is dark. I leaned forward and kissed the hollow of his neck. He ran his fingers through my hair from my scalp to the ends of my hair. I know he was enjoying earlier when I washed his hair, so I again stroked my fingers in his hair.

"Oh, f**k yes, Sang! I know I'm not to bite you, but I want you to bite me again." He pleaded.

I want him to feel amazing, but I don't want to leave a visible mark for the others to see, so I bit him just above the collar bone next to the crook of his neck. His grip tightened in my hair and his breathing became erratic. I didn't want to hurt him so I stopped biting and kissed gently the spot I had bit. "Damn, f**k me! Sang,, s**t! I need a better vocabulary." And he started laughing.

It was funny, he couldn't think straight enough to form a coherent sentence. I know how he feels. I was laughing too. "Let's get out and get dressed." I told him as I stood up and offered him my hand.

He took it and stood, wrapped his arms around my waist and said, "you really are the most perfect girl, Sang, my Trouble." And he hovered his lips less than a centimeter from mine. I knew they couldn't make the first move on kissing but he was obviously wanting to kiss me right now. I leaned in the last centimeter.

The kiss really was perfectly Gabriel. He pushed back with his lips on mine. He covered my lips with his open mouth and sucked my lips into his mouth just a bit, then released them with an audible pop sound. I giggled at this. I could feel the smile on his lips as we kissed some more. He ended the kiss by running the flat of his tongue across my lips. "Mine!"

"I'm not sure you can claim my lips as yours, Meanie."

"Fine, but when we are alone...they are Mine." He said with a twinkle in his eyes.

We climbed out of the tub and wrapped up in towels. Meanie pulled the same move that Victor did with taking his swimsuit off under the towel. These boys were definitely teasing me. And I quite enjoy their teasing. Too bad the towels didn't accidentally come undone on either of them.

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