Part 44

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Part 44

Luke's POV

We sat in the courtyard waiting for the first bell to ring and Kota had received a text. He looked confused for a moment. After typing back and forth, with I can only assume Mr. B, he smiles at Sang and says, "before you leave Dr. Green's place with Victor tomorrow, I have to come over."

She smiled the most heart warming smile and replied, "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow."

Victor scoot in close to Sang and smiling said, "I'll be by to pick you up at 10:30am so we can be at the go-kart tracks by 11am. I am picking up your helmet today."

"What does it look like?" I asked not wanting to be left out of the conversation.

"Nope, Princess has to wait and see it tomorrow. But I will text the rest of you a picture of it when I pick it up." Victor responded.

Cupcake pouted her lip out. When she does that I just want to bite her pouty lip. I know Gabe has joked with her he is going to kiss the pout away, but I think biting could be more fun. And after seeing the bite marks from North, I think she would be good with a playful bite from me too.

The bell rang and I hooked her elbow with mine. "Are you coming Cupcake?" I can't help it, I am juvenile sometimes.

"I'm coming!" She responded as she hurried along with me. I laughed and I could hear Gabe sniggering with Nathan a few steps behind us. But then I got a thump on my head. It was North's hand.

"Don't do that to Baby at school!" He complained. He is right, maybe at our houses it is ok to tease like that but she already has a hard enough time at school.

"Sorry Sang. I'll save those comments for when we are alone." And I winked at her. Then I ducked just in time, before I got hit by North's hand again. So I did the real mature thing, I stuck my tongue out at him. He growled in response.

"Behave! Both of you. Or I will make you." Sang demanded. It was so damn cute I can't help but do what she tells me to. Like a sexy little drill sergeant. North too can't stop the smile she brings out on his face. He isn't nearly as scary when he is smiling. He should do it more often.

When we got to home room I sat in my usual seat and turned to face both Sang and North. "I am getting really excited to race and play laser tag on Sunday. Gabriel's birthday is going to be so much fun!"

"That reminds me!" Sang exclaimed and pulled her phone out of her bra. Then she aimed her phone at me. I realized she was about to take my picture so I tilted my head and stuck my tongue out. She laughed and said that was perfect. Then she turned around to North. She aimed her phone at him and he sneered at her.

"You aren't really going to take my picture are you?" His Eyebrows all scrunched up, eyes dark as night. Then she snapped the picture.

"Ha ha ha! That will work just fine." Sang said as she looked at her pictures. "If you could only say Happy birthday to Gabe in 30 letters or less what would you say?"

Strange question! "Happy 16th birthday bestie!" I chimed. Cupcake giggled and wrote in her notebook.

"Happy Birthday Little shit!" North chuckled as he grumped.

"I wouldn't expect anything less." Sang said nodding her head at North.

"What are you doing with what I said Sang Baby?" He whispered.

"Just coming up with my present for Gabriel."

"Are you going to tell us what it is?" I asked her. She just shook her head no and giggled.

"I want it to be a surprise. But I think you will like it just as much as Gabriel will. It took me a while to think it up and to find a place that would have it."

"I am sure it will be perfect Baby." North said with such love in his voice, my heart broke that we missed his birthday with Sang. He and Nathan were both cheated of a special Sang present.

The bell rang and I collected Sang's bag. North threw his arm over her shoulder and we made our way to English. People just get out of North's way when he walks down the hall. I don't get why everyone is so afraid of him. Sure, he looks mad all the time, but he isn't that scary. Not once you get to know him.

There was a feeling of excitement in the air. "Are we all in a good mood because it is Friday or because of Gabe's Birthday fun on Sunday?" I asked our group in English.

"Both!" Sang replied. I love this girl! She is always up for some fun.

"Oy! My 16th birthday is going to be f**king EPIC!"

"Of course it will be!" Kota responded happily. "But don't get a detention today for your foul mouth or your weekend will not be quite so epic." And he laughed.

"Sorry, Kota. Your right. I will have a Clean mouth the rest of the day."

"Good luck with that Gabe." I teased him.

After class I knew I wouldn't get to see Sang again until Lunch and then that was it for me the rest of the day. Every day starts out perfect. First two classes are with my Sugar and then my day tanks from there. I need more Sugar in my day than that.

What can I say, I am addicted to more than one kind of Sugar!

North's POV

After I walked Sang Baby to her English class, all I could think about was her. She was really going all out to come up with the perfect present for Gabe. Now I wish we hadn't skipped my Birthday. I am curious what she would have come up with for me.

This f**king school is so God Damn boring! I learned this s**t three years ago. The Academy really does help you learn at a quick pace. This public school s**t is holding kids back from their potential. It amazes me that Sang Baby is as f**king brilliant as she is, considering her parents lack of interest in her and the public school system she has been stuck in for the last 11 years.

I don't want to admit it in front of Luke, but I am excited for Sunday. Gabe's birthday fun at Laser-fx is just what the doctor ordered. We can't always work. And this time, Sang Baby is going to be spending two minutes in heaven with me. I am the best driver our group has. The only one that could maybe come close is Mr. B. Or maybe Kota, since no one can seem to beat him on those video game races. But this is real life, not computerized.

Silas' size works to his disadvantage. It just makes him awkward in the go-karts and I think they run a little slower due to his weight. Nathan also has a hard time fitting properly in the go-karts. It is his muscle bulk. Victor, Gabe, Luke, And Doc all have size on their side. They are lighter weight and not as bulky, but they don't have the driving skills Kota, Mr. B and I have.

But, Sang offering two minutes in Heaven to whoever wins.... That puts a whole new spin on everyone's desire to win. And I mean everyone's! I need to tell Mr. B it is time to get everyone on board with the plan. Maybe Silas can help me.

Me: Si, do you think Luke is ready to hear the plan?

Silas: I am surprised he doesn't know yet! You want me to talk to him about it?

Me: maybe we can both talk to him today after school?

Silas: sounds good. And Gabe and Kota?

Me: let's see how it goes with Luke, then we can see what he thinks about talking to Gabe. I don't think either of us are the right choice for talking to Kota.

Silas: yea, leave that one to Mr. B or Doc.

Me: or Nathan and Victor

Class ended and I hurried to Sang Baby's trailer. Luke and Gabe were hanging out with her, but Kota was already gone to his next class. "See you two at lunch. Come on Baby, let's get to Geometry." I grabbed her hand and walked with her, never letting go. I know at school she is Silas' girl, but I don't give a f**k right now.

"Are you bringing your Birthday present to Laser-fx or are we doing presents at someone's home afterward?"

"I don't know, maybe we should ask Victor. He planned it all didn't he?"

"Yes. I'll text him". She pulled out her phone from her bra and started texting.

"Victor says we will do cake and presents at his house after laser-fx."

"Ask him if he knows for sure his Dad will not be there. I don't want you mad at me for being overprotective because of that f**ker."

She typed again on her phone then showed me the screen with a smile. "He's sure!"

Sang: are you sure your Dad won't be there? North is worried.

Victor: positive! They are in New York this weekend.

We got to Geometry and Nathan was a bit antsy. He calmed down and stopped fidgeting when Sang sat down in front of him. She has magical powers it would seem. Saying she is Wonder Woman is about right.

Class was boring and we didn't get to talk because we had busy work to do. So I texted Nathan instead.

Me: do you think it is time to bring Kota into the plan?

Nathan: yea, I do. After last night I can tell he is ready. I can't tell him alone. And I don't know if I would tell him the right way.

Me: what about asking Victor to join you?

Nathan: Victor didn't tell me in the best way and I lost my s**t! Maybe Mr. B and Doc should tell him.

Me: let Mr. B know he is ready.

Nathan: will do.

Mr. Blackbourn's POV

Late during second period I got a text from Nathan.

Nathan: I think Kota is ready to hear the plan after last night. I don't know if I would tell him right and it is probably best if Victor doesn't tell him like he told me.

Me: thank you. I will handle it from here.

Nathan: oh, and Kota wants to talk to you about Thanksgiving.

Me: very well.

I am anxious to see Miss Sorenson for our violin lesson. She looked lovely this morning and I know she chose those particular clothes because she was spending the afternoon with Dr. Green and myself. It is pleasing to me that she dresses for us, knowing what we like.

North and Nathan are both there when they drop her off for class. "Thank you Mr. Griffin and Mr. Taylor. You may go to your classes now." Miss Sorenson walked across the room depositing her bag in a chair.

I was holding her open violin case out to her. "We are going to practice scales today then I have found a beginner violin 'Jingle Bells' that we can work on. That way, if you choose to share what you have learned with the boys at Christmas, you can have something festive to play.

"Thank you. Do you usually have a recital for each other at Christmas?" She asked.

"It is not a recital, but each of us know how to play an instrument. Mr. Morgan usually plays for us and I play something on the violin. Mr. Coleman likes to play the guitar and sing for us too. And when he is really in a cheerful mood, he will have us all play and sing Christmas songs together."

She was giggling and I can't help but smile my barely smile as she lights up. "It sounds like fun. But I have a hard time picturing Silas and North sitting around in festive Christmas sweaters, singing carols."

"Well, I never said we have an ugly Christmas sweater party. We just have our own family traditions. But we can talk about Christmas another day. Right now we are having violin lessons."

She began running through the scales. She was getting much better. Fewer notes made a screeching sound. I am quite proud of her, my star student. I showed her the beginner 'Jingle Bells' piece to see what she thinks.

"Why is there a tiny line of music written below what I play?"

"That is the teachers line to play. Would you like to hear it?"

"Yes!" She accepted eagerly. I reached out for her violin and allowed my hand to linger on hers as I took the violin and bow. Then I played the intricate teachers line. It helps to make the new student sound like they are playing something much more difficult than what they really are. I think I might look for another easy Christmas piece that has a piano accompaniment with it. That way she and Victor can play for us too. He would enjoy that immensely. And by Christmas, we should all be openly aware of the plan including Sang.

Miss Sorenson began clapping and pulled me out of my thoughts. I took a slight bow at her applause. "We have a month to work on it. Once you can play your part without error, we will put it together. I think the others will be impressed."

"I don't know about impressing them, but just being able to play is enough for me."

"Don't sell yourself short Miss Sorenson." The bell rang ending our time together.

"I will take care of the violin. Have a good rest of your day and we will see you after school ends."

"Bye Mr. Blackbourne, and thank you."

Victor stuck his head in the door, "ready Princess?"

"Yes thank you." She responded and joined his side to go to class.

Victor's POV

I opened the music room door and took in the beauty standing next to Mr. B. "Ready Princess?" I asked.

"Yes thank you." She said smiling at me. As she came to walk next to me her sweet flora scent enveloped me. It really is a good match for her. Gabriel did a good job making this one. I reached for her hand and ran my thumb over the skin between her thumb and pointer finger.

"Did you have a good time in music class?" I asked her.

"Yes. I am getting better. And Mr. B is having me learn a Christmas song."

"Will you play it for us at Christmas?" I asked eagerly.

"If it is good enough, then I will."

"Which one?"

"Jingle Bells" she giggled.

"I'm sure it will be wonderful! Gabriel will be thrilled to have you perform for us. He will probably put together a music program for us to do as a family." And I had to chuckle at some of the complaints from the others in years past. I have a feeling with Sang here, we won't have any complaining.

We got to History and North was right behind us entering the room. "As soon as class ends, can I get a quick picture of you Victor?" Sang asked.

"Of course Princess."

"If you could say happy birthday to Gabe in 30 words or less, what would you say?"

"Have it your way Gabriel!" It might be weird, but I would want him to have exactly what he wants. I looked into her eyes with love and desire, as I think about all the things I want with Princess! At least I get to see her tomorrow and Sunday. Not everyone is as lucky.

Again, History was just reading the chapter and answering the questions at the end. You would think we could actually learn something in an AP class, not just teach ourselves.

When class ended we didn't rush out of the room like everyone else. Princess pulled out her phone, "say cheese!" She snapped my picture and told me it was perfect. And something about my fire eyes even showing in the picture. She is adorable.

After arriving in our usual spot at lunch I was surprised to see 2 pizza boxes. "Who brought pizza?"

"Doc had to leave earlier because some kid had to go to the hospital and he picked us up some pizza." Silas told us all.

"That was nice of him. Aren't they going to eat any?" Sang asked looking around the courtyard.

"They already took some out then gave me the boxes. It was a good thing I was the one carrying the boxes out here because some of these s**theads looked ready to tackle me for the pizza." Silas was laughing as he told us.

I can't imagine wanting pizza so bad I would consider attacking Silas for it. I would have to be really hungry to fight Silas for food.

"What exactly is the plan this weekend Victor?" Kota asked and everyone was watching me and listening.

"Tomorrow morning I am taking Sang to practice driving go-karts at 11am. And Sunday we are scheduled at Laser-fx to do all activities starting at 10am and finishing by 5pm. They will also have pizza and salad bar available for us when we want to eat lunch. Afterward, we will go back to my house for cake and presents. And yes, my parents are gone all weekend. They left this morning and they won't be back until Monday night."

"Oy! Can we spend tomorrow night at your place Victor?"

"Not until you finish your assignments! We need it all done by Sunday morning. Anyone's assignments not completed, do not get to go to Laser-fx." Kota firmly stated. All the guys grumbled but accepted his command.

"Ok, as each person completes their assignment, you are welcome to come to my house. I will let the security staff know that each of you will be arriving at some point. I will bring Princess back to my house after we go on Saturday. Is that ok with you, Princess?"

"Yes, I only packed for tonight, so we will have to go get more clothes for Saturday night and Sunday."

"That's fine. We have time to do that. So that is the plan." I looked back at Kota.

"Sounds like our weekend is planned. Does that work for you Gabe?" Kota asked.


"I thought you were going to have a clean mouth the rest of the day?" Sang asked him.

"S**t! I forgot. Damn it!"

We all started laughing. So Gabe! He wasn't cleaning up his language very fast.

Silas's POV

"Time for biology Aggele!" I scoop her up and throw her over my shoulder. She hit my back and demanded I put her down. I laughed and set her down. "Just making sure you come with me."

"More like, you are acting like a caveman." She smirked at me.

"If I was being a caveman, I would have clubbed you over the head and drug you to my cave. That was how they claimed their wives."

She just rolled her eyes at me. "I guess I am glad I live in a civilized society."

In class I thought about our conversation at lunch. We have a plan and if I want to spend any time with Aggele this weekend, I have to get my assignment done before Sunday.

My assignment isn't too bad. I have to go to the Charleston Marina and watch a particular boat and take pictures of those that board the vessel. It is boring to do stake out kind of work but I should be done by about midnight on Saturday. Maybe earlier. Hopefully earlier.

North's assignment is to outfit some vehicles for another group. I think he has three cars to work on. He should be done before me. Victor has some computer work that needs to be done but apparently he can do that after he plays with Sang. I don't know what the others are up to but I try not to pry to much.

In Biology today, we are dissecting a starfish. Aggele looks a little pale as she stares at the starfish. "It's ok Aggele! I'll dissect it. You just write down the answers on the paper."

She turned her head so she didn't have to look at it. I followed the instructions on dissecting and she called out the questions. I would tell her what I saw and she wrote the answers. We made a good team.

When we finished Sang pulled out her phone and said, "I'm going to take your picture, ok?"

Like I could deny her. I made a silly face and she giggled as she took the picture. "Is that your new Wallpaper for your phone?"

"No, it has to do with the present I am giving Gabriel. If you could say Happy Birthday to Meanie in 30 letters or less, what would you say?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Happy 16th birthday Gabriel! I know it is boring, but that's just me."

"It's not boring! I like it." She says as she wrote something down on her notebook.

"And are you going to tell me what the gift is?"

"Nope! You will have to wait and see."

Class ended and it was time for me to deliver Aggele to Doc and Victor. "Are you ready for a fun weekend?" I asked as we walked to her class.

"Yes! Do you know what the bounce room is?"

"Ha ha. That room has trampolines and blow up obstacle courses. Everything bounces. And you have to have on socks to be in the bounce room. It is probably best if you wear tennis shoes. Oh, do you want to race me on the obstacle course?"

"Maybe.... I would like to see it first."

"That's fair. Go look at everything tomorrow with Victor. Then let me know. And don't forget that laser tag is in the dark but with black lights. So anything light or bright will glow."

"I'll ask Meanie what I should wear. But thanks for reminding me."

She pulled out her phone from her bra I assume to text Gabe to see what she should wear and we hear, "There she is!" Doc is flirting loudly. I quickly looked around to see if other students were around or listening.

Dr. Green's POV

I could see Sang coming down the hall with Silas and I was getting all giddy like a school girl. What is wrong with me? I use to be so suave, but now I am more like the 19 year old I should be rather than the mature doctor I am.

"There she is!" I said a little louder than I meant. Silas looked around at the few students that were in the hall near us. No one looked in our direction.

"See you after school Silas." Sang chimed.

"Bye Aggele." And he kissed her cheek before he left.

I put my hand on the small of her back to usher her into my classroom and whispered, "I love your choice of shirts today Pookie." She giggled and quickly covered her mouth to smother the sound.

Victor hurried down the hall and I stood there holding the door open for him. "Thanks Doc."

"Your quite welcome Victor."

I lectured today about traditions observed by the Japanese at different holiday's. Both Victor and Sang listened and took notes, but many of my students were trying to hide their phones while they texted. And a few were sleeping. I didn't think I was that boring. But it is Friday. I can let things slide. Also, I am not going to give homework. Not when I have a fun weekend planned with Pookie and my brothers.

"For a special weekend surprise..." Half the class groaned, "I am giving you all a pass on homework. Next week we will have a test before we have Thanksgiving break, but you will have all week to prepare for that test. It will be verbal. One at a time you will sit at my desk with me and we will have a conversation for 2 minutes. The rest of the class can do whatever they want. But listening to someone else's conversation with me will not help you. Each person will speak to me about something different. Enjoy the last 5 minutes of class and have a good weekend!"

There were a few hoots and whoops for the weekend. And I had to smile as I too was eager for my weekend to begin. Sang is bouncing in her seat a little and Victor has his hand on her shoulder holding her in her seat.

I collected my books and put them in my messenger bag. All I have left is to spend the last class in the nurses office again. Then Owen and I get to spend the rest of the day and the night with Pookie!

The bell rings and most of the students hurry out. Sang and Victor hang back. "I'll see you at your office after P. E."

"See you then pumpkin." Less than an hour and my weekend begins!

Nathan's POV

I was eager to see Peanut again. She looks so happy and excited today. We are going to have an awesome weekend.

"Gabe, did you figure out what Peanut is getting you for your birthday?"

"All I know is she needed to take my picture. But the picture she took wasn't a good one."

"Ah, don't be too hard on her. I know she is trying to get you the best present she can think of. I wish she had known about my birthday now. Watching her make such a fuss over you."

"Now you are making me feel bad Nate! I promise to love whatever she gives me. F**k! I bet on your next Birthday she will probably go all out for you."

"I know, I just have to wait a while for another Birthday."

"Yea, but Christmas is coming up in a month."

I smiled really big thinking of Christmas with Peanut. "Now that will be a good break from this school assignment!"

Gabe smiled and waved over my shoulder and I knew it was Peanut coming into the gym. She even looks cute in these ugly gym clothes.

We have to keep an eye on her from across the gym. The girls are playing a volleyball game and the boys get to play basketball on half the court. Gabe and I join in with 3 other guys to make a team.

The other three aren't that bad. But Gabe and I have a fluidity that no one else has. We just know where the other is going to go. It makes for a fun game when we are winning.

Sang only gets to play a little volleyball as they have to rotate all 50 girls through he two sides. That is 25 girls per team and only 6 get to play. But she doesn't look too upset about not getting sweaty.

I guess she does have plans after school with Mr. B and Doc. Lucky bastards!

Gabriel's POV

P.E. sucks! And Nate is making me feel bad because he missed having Trouble dote on him for his Birthday. But no one gets to take away my Trouble time!

Laser-fx is the perfect Birthday activity for me with my brothers and Trouble. I will have to thank Victor again for making it happen for us. I plan on winning 2 minutes in Heaven with Trouble. It is my 16th birthday after all! That has to count for some leeway on my drive time. A five second head start, maybe. Or a mulligan on one run. I will have to see what I can get away with under the pretense of my birthday.

Playing basketball with Nate is actually fun. Some of the other guys treat me like a freak just because I have style, but he knows what I can do. We dominate on the court and I want to yell, 'Suck it!' at all those f**kers.

Looking at Trouble, I am going to have to fix her hair before she goes shopping with Mr. B and Doc. She picked a good outfit, light grey and lavender, but her hair needs help.

I am ready for the school day to be over so that our weekend can begin. I have work to do so I can play hard Saturday night and all day Sunday. Officially, I will be able to drive on Monday. I wonder how long I will have to wait to get a car?

I haven't saved enough money, but maybe North can help me find a cheap car. I need my freedom from Pam. I don't want to have to rely on Victor, Silas, North and Luke to always come get me.

The coaches sent us to go change clothes. We watched Sang go into the girls locker room with Karen at her side. Nate and I hurried like usual so we could be there, waiting for her, outside the locker room entrance.

Watch out Mr. B and Doc, Trouble is coming your way!

Kota's POV

The final bell rang finally! I hurried to Mr. B's office so I could see Sang one last time before she spent the afternoon and night with Mr. B and Doc. At least I get to see her in the morning tomorrow before I have to go to my assignment.

I have to go to some fancy restaurant and bus tables for the dinner shift. There are supposed to be some drug dealers that are meeting there for dinner. We just want to know who the big players are, not any particulars about what they are into right now.

Once I got to the office I quickly counted off. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, & 10! The perfect 10! My 10! "Where is everyone going?"

"We have Sang" Doc said. That's 3.

"I've got to get to my assignment so I can play tomorrow and Sunday." Victor stated. That's 4.

"I need to go pick out Trouble's clothes for Sunday. That way she can just show up tomorrow and pick them up. I don't trust her to pick out the right clothes for a place like Laser-fx."

"I guess you are coming with Kota and I then." Nate told Gabe. That makes 7.

"We are headed to the diner. We will help Uncle tonight and in the morning so that we can be free the rest of Saturday and all day Sunday." North informed us as he pointed to Silas, Luke and himself. And that makes 10. Everyone is accounted for.

"Get it done, stay out of trouble and see you all late tomorrow or on Sunday. If you need me, call. I will be available all weekend." I let them all know.

"And as you finish up on Saturday, come by my house and stay the night." Victor volunteered.

"Bye everyone." Sang said quietly and kissed each of us on the cheek as we left Mr. B's office. I don't want to wash my cheek again.

Can You Teach Me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora