Part 26

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Part 26

Sang's POV

At the assembly we had some local war Veterans come talk to us about the wars they served in. One young man had lost a leg and told us how he went through rehab at the Veteran's hospital.

I got thinking that some of these men and woman would probably just like someone to talk to them. So I asked the guys after school if instead of going to practice go-cart racing, if someone would be available to take me to the Veterans hospital so I could visit some patients. We had gone back to Mr. B and Dr. Sean's offices to say goodbye without prying eyes.

"That is very thoughtful and kind of you Miss Sorenson." Mr. B gave me a millimeter smile.

"Ah Pookie, you can't play nurse at that hospital, but I am sure when you walk into the room of some of those patients, you will brighten their day, just by being there." Dr. Green told me with a huge smile.

"I can still take you, wherever you want to go Sang Baby." North confirmed.

Kota made his counting assessment of everyone, "who all is headed with Sang? I know Luke and Gabe have a shift at the diner. Doc, you have a shift?" He responded with a nod. "Nathan, Mr. B needs you on an assignment with him. That leaves Silas and Victor, what do you need to do?"

"I can go with North and Aggele." Silas stated.

"I have some upcoming concerts I need to prepare for. You know, the holiday season is approaching." Victor looked sad as he said this. I stepped over to him and gave him a loving hug and he sighed. "Bye Princess. Be good. Listen to North and Silas. I'll see you later."

"Goodbye my Prince." I whispered. His eyes lit up with fire and he smiled the most handsome smile as he turned to leave.

"Bye Pookie, I must go be a doctor now. If you have questions about what you see in the hospital, don't hesitate to ask me." He kissed my forehead and left for the hospital.

"Bye Sean, try not to giggle." I said remembering earlier and teasing him just a bit.

"Ugh! Don't remind me." I heard from his retreating form.

"We have to go help Uncle now. See you later." Luke said and both Luke and Gabe kissed my cheeks at the same time. A kiss sandwich! I was smiling like crazy now.

"Stay out of trouble, Trouble." They both left the office.

"I have to stay here with Mr. B, but you go have fun and I'll see you tonight." Nathan said as he squeezed me so tight in a hug I found it difficult to breath.

Mr. Blackbourne stepped up close to me and placed his hand on my forearm. "Make sure to stay close to either Mr. Taylor or Mr. Korba. We wouldn't want to lose you in a hospital. Good day Miss Sorenson."

"And to you, Mr. Blackbourne." I nodded my head and softly touched his shoulder. Then I let my hand drag down his arm as I turned to leave.

"Kota? What about you? What are you doing?" He was next to the door.

"I am helping Nathan on this one, but he and I will see you at his house tonight for dinner." He stepped real close to me and laced both of our hands. "Please, please, please stay close to North or Silas. And try not to get yourself into trouble." His eye pleaded with me to understand what he was saying. Then he kissed me between the eyebrows. And stepped to the side for us to leave.

Silas wrapped his arm around my shoulders and North grabbed my bag. We walked out to North's Jeep. He got in the drivers seat and lifted the console for me to sit in the middle. I scoot across the passenger seat and Silas climbed in behind me. Sitting between these two I was squished up against their shoulders and thighs. They were just so big and muscular. How could any of the others think that I could get into trouble with these two hulking forms with me? I'm more nervous some patients will find them threatening.

While we were at the hospital I spoke with Veterans from World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam, the Gulf War and from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. As we entered any room, usually the patients would see Silas and North first. Some looked nervous, and others turned their heads away as if they didn't want the interruption. I made it a point to ask permission, like I have seen Dr. Green do at the hospital, if we could enter. Almost all the patients eyes would go wide and they would smile sweetly at me as they noticed me and allowed us in their rooms.

Some veterans were here because of injuries acquired in the field, others were just sick with some ailment. A couple were doing physical therapy due to lost limbs and some were dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I wonder if my fear of showers falls under this category too? I was never in combat though.

I just wanted to hear their stories, not tell them about me. But some of the patients (all of them males) tried to have me tell them about myself. Sometimes North would growl low and hold my hand and sometimes Silas would wrap his arm around me as I spoke. That had those patients laughing at the guys antics. I usually said something like, "they are just a little bit protective of me."

The funniest patient was the WWII veteran, David Peters. He was in his 90's. And if you can picture a stereotypical dirty old man, that was him. He openly flirted with me. Winking, trying to hold my hand, asking me out on a date, trying to give me a kiss, and finally asking me if I would marry him.

I just laughed at his attempts to woo me and told him, "sorry, not today, Mr. Peters. I am already spoken for." I hoped the guys wouldn't be upset with me for saying that.

Both North and Silas stood on either side of me and each grabbed one of my hands. "Well, well. Which one of you has spoken for her?" He asked with a waggle of his eyebrows.

"Both of us. Is that a problem?" Silas asked without humor.

"No, I was going to tell the one who didn't say he had spoken for her to step up and do so quickly. This young lady is a keeper. She is lucky to have you both."

"Yes I am." I said softly with a smile. He returned my smile.

"You two take good care of her. It is going to take both of you to keep all the suitors at bay. Maybe even more than the two of you. It will be a full time job."

"Do you think nine of us will be able to handle it?" North asked with a smile.

Mr. Peters laughed, "if you could get nine guys to keep from beating the s**t out of each other over this beauty, then yes, nine should just about cover it." And he laughed some more.

"Good to know." Silas responded and smiled.

I told Mr. Peters I would try to come back soon to see him again. And he responded, "I hope you do. I get lonely, since my wife died 2 years ago. As soon as I got home from the war we got married. And that was the best decision of my life. You remind me of her."

What do you say to that? I didn't know so I just smiled.

Silas said, "maybe she will bring a couple more of the guys who have spoken for her." And he smiled rally big.

Mr. Peters just laughed like we told him the best joke.

North pulled up to Nathan's house. "I will miss having you next to me tonight Baby." And he leaned down and kissed my neck with a smacking sound. It tickled and I scrunched my neck and giggled.

"Music to my ears! Have a good night Aggele." Silas kissed my cheek then blew a raspberry on my neck and I was laughing loudly at their playful behavior.

"We better get you inside. Dinner should almost be ready." North stated.

We walked hand in hand in hand. I was so happy and going to see Veterans was a perfect outing for today. I'm happy I made friends with Mr. Peters. He wasn't judgmental about both North and Silas holding my hands and saying they were mine. And he seemed to think North's comment about nine guys speaking for me was a joke. I wonder if he will change his tune if I brought two of the other guys next time.

When we walked in I said, "Honey, I'm home."

"Peanut! Dinner's ready." Nathan replied.

"Hi sweetie, did you have fun today?" Kota asked.

"We need to get going Aggele. See you tomorrow." And he gave me a legendary Silas hug.

"Bye Baby." North pulled me back toward the door, out of the sight of the others, and kissed my lips for about 10 glorious seconds. "Mmmm, I have needed that since last night." Then he opened the door and headed to the car.

Silas caught me from behind and kissed my ear. I turned my head to look at him and he kissed my lips in a toe curling passionate kiss. And it was over too soon. He too left and I just stood there looking at them and waving goodbye.

After their car was gone I shut the door and spun around crashing into a hard chest. Arms caught me around my waist before I bounced off and fell. A quick gasp of breath and I know I have hit Nathan. Cypress and Leather bombards my nostrils. "Oops, sorry. I didn't know you were there." I said while blushing.

"Are you ready to eat?"

"Yes. What are we having?" I ask.

"Grilled chicken, salad and mashed potatoes."

"Sounds good!" I tell him happily. He cupped my cheeks in his hands and kissed me forcefully. I circled my arms around his neck and melted into his chest. He slowed the kiss and chuckled.

"Come on before I get in trouble." Nathan pulled me toward the kitchen.

After dinner I offered to clean dishes and Kota joined me. Nathan went to go get ready for bed and to relax in front of the TV for the night. After I would wash a plate and rinse it, Kota would trace his fingers over my arm to take the plate from me. He would press the side of his hip into mine while I rinsed the glasses. And he wrapped his arms from behind me and reached into the water to help me wash the silverware. Both of our hands in the sudsy water, his body pressed up behind me, his cheek against my cheek. I forgot what I was doing and just stood there instead of washing the dishes.

"Sang" Kota whispered in a husky voice.

"Hhhmmmm?" That was the best response I could give. My eyes were closed as I enjoyed the feel of Kota's front pressed to my back. I leaned my head back against his chest. He tickled his fingertips up and down my arms in a slow rhythm and kissed my jaw. I reached up and ran my finders around the curve of his ears. He growled in my ear and continued to kiss my jaw. His finger went under my jaw and tipped my head up and towards him. I wanted to make him feel what I am feeling too. So I began kissing his cheek that was right there. As he kissed down my jaw my kisses trailed across his cheek heading toward his mouth. I didn't realize how close I was to kissing his lips until I felt the difference from his scruffy 5 o'clock shadow to his soft supple lips connecting with mine. Immediately he stopped kissing me and took in a sharp breath. I smiled with my lips still on his then puckered to kiss him again. He responded by deepening the kiss and the world faded away. Nothing existed but Kota and this moment.

We pulled apart as we heard Nathan coming down the hall, "which movie are we going to watch?"

"Whatever you want Honey. You know I will fall asleep before it is over." We all laughed as Nathan grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room to sit on the couch.

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