Part 55

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Part 55

Sang's POV

"Now for the fun!" Luke said as he started passing out fortune cookies.

"I can't eat anything else." I say. All of the guys just look at me like I have two heads. "What?"

"Baby, I don't ever eat these cookies. But I still read my fortune." North told me.

"Oh, ok." And I went to break my cookie open.

"No! Stop! Oy, what the f**k? You can't just read your fortune and be done with it. Sheesh!" Gabriel nearly screamed.

"Sang, Ten, before Gabe has an aneurism, let me explain our tradition with fortune cookies. We will read them one at a time and after you read it you have to add the words "in bed" at the end."

I blushed a little. "Who goes first?"

"I will." Sean said eagerly. He broke his cookie and read, " don't be greedy in bed." Everyone busted up laughing. "That is good advice. I'll try to remember it." And he winked at me.

Luke took his cookie and read, "you are not judged by your efforts; you are judged on your performance in bed."

"Dude, that's harsh. You can put in all the effort you want but it is all in how you perform in bed." Gabe said as he laughed like crazy.

"Just read yours Gabe." Luke told him.

Gabe opened his cookie and read, " Love can last a lifetime, if you want it to in bed." He smiled then said, "sounds good to me. I could go for a lifetime of love in bed."

Silas grabbed his cookie and broke it. Then he read, "You learn from your mistakes, you will learn a lot today in bed." Again everyone is laughing.

"How many mistakes are you going to make in bed today?" North asked with a chuckle.

"I don't know. You want to come to bed with me Aggele, so we can count up my mistakes?"

"Mr. Korba, you will treat Miss Sorenson with respect."

"But, Mr. B, it says I have a lot to learn in bed from making mistakes. I was ready to learn." Everyone was laughing except Owen and North. They both glowered at Silas.

I took my cookie and giggled before I even looked at it. "If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words in bed." Another round of raucous laughter.

"That is probably the most accurate statement of the night!" Sean says. All the guys mumbled their agreement.

North took his cookie and pulverized it in his hand then read, "Happiness is often a reward from hard work in bed."

"Don't work too hard North." Nathan joked as the guys laughed.

"Only as hard as I have to, to be rewarded with happiness."

Victor took his cookie and without getting crumbs anywhere he had his cookie open and read, "Your fondest dream will come true within this year in bed." Victor blushed, North slapped him on the back, and Nathan reached out with a fist for a fist bump.

"Well if that's the case Victor, it sounds like you and I will be sitting down to have a conversation soon." Sean said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Victor groaned and looked down to hide his face.

Nathan broke his cookie and read, "A very attractive person has a message for you in bed." He stood up, holding his hand out to me, "well come on then Peanut. You can tell me in Victor's bed."

"Sit your ass down!" Gabriel yelled at him. Nathan just laughed.

Kota took his cookie and read, "Your life will be filled with magical moments in bed." He too blushed reading his fortune.

"Well, the bedroom IS where the magic happens." Luke says through laughter.

Owen takes his cookie and it split in half exactly. Only he could have his cookie behave with precision. "Its amazing how much good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit in bed."

All the guys are shaking with silent laughter, afraid to make a noise. I cannot contain my peels of laughter that seem to fill the room. Everyone joins in. Sean is doubled over holding his stomach and Luke has fallen on the floor rolling around. I'm still on Silas' lap so his shaking from laughter is making me laugh even more.

After wiping away my tears from laughing so hard, I notice that Owen looks happier than I have seen him. EVER!

"That was fun." I say, and they all look at me with happiness beaming from their eyes. "Now what? A movie or a game?"

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