Part 89

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Part 89

Sean's POV

When we had finished laughing and eating and cleaning up I asked Pookie, "what do you want to do tonight? It is only 8 o'clock. The night is still young."

"You two are the only ones that haven't met my friend Mr. Peters and when I saw him yesterday, he didn't look as healthy as the first time I met him. Maybe we can hurry over to the Veteran's hospital before visiting hours are over?" She seemed nervous to ask me to go to a hospital when I am not on duty to be at the hospital. But if this is someone Pookie wants me to meet, I will go.

"Well then, let's go meet your friend." I was smiling at my sweet girl that has a heart the size of Texas.

"Whatever you want, you shall get." Luke quipped. "Can we stop for ice cream on our way back? I have a night away from North and want to take advantage."

"Of course! Would I ever deny you Luke?" I replied.

"Mmmmm, ice cream!" Pookie said while licking her lips. Watch yourself Pookie! Doing something like that will get you more than you're bargaining for.

It wasn't long until we were at the Veteran's hospital. The nurses staff waved and said hi to us as we walked to Mr. Peters room. I recognized the looks they were giving us. To a lot of nurses, a Doctor in a white coat is like catnip to a cat. But right now, I am not in a lab coat. And neither is Luke. I shudder at their stares.

Sang knocked on Mr. Peters door and hearing him say "enter" she poked her head in.

"Sang! I didn't expect to see you again until after your trip. What a wonderful surprise." He was eagerly motioning us into his room.

"Mr. Peters, these are the last two of my guys. This is Lucian, also known as Luke and Dr. Sean Green."

I reached out my hand to shake his. "You're shitting me! Since when are teenagers doctors?" He was laughing like Sang just told a good joke.

Sang leaned close to him and loudly whispered, "Mr. Peters, he really is a Doctor. He is just that brilliant!" Awww, she is a sweetie.

"I don't mean to be rude Lucian, but are you a surfer?"

Luke laughed, shaking his head no. "I just like my hair long."

"Well, a Doctor is a good choice to help take care of you Sang, but what do you do?" Mr. Peters pointed at Luke.

"I keep her young." Luke responded with a huge smile.

Mr. Peters nodded his head in approval. Looking at him, I can see his liver is not working right. He is jaundice. I would guess he is in quite a bit of pain and he is not long for this world. His breathing is erratic and his heart monitor shows that his heart is skipping a beat every so often.

I am just happy Mr. Peters could be nice to Pookie and help her to make a friend. She needs confidence boosters like this with her upbringing.

"I am not trying to push you out, but I know it is getting late and you have a big trip coming up."

"Of course. Sorry for coming so late Mr. Peters." Sang said almost sadly.

"Sean and Luke? Do you two promise to watch over this sweet girl and treat her like a lady should be treated?" Mr. Peters asked us.

I felt like I was talking to my girlfriends father and hoping he approved of me. "There is nothing more that I want to do than to watch over Sang for the rest of my life." I told him.

"Mr. Peters, she is the love of my life and I am addicted to her." Luke said with a wink for Sang. She giggled a little.

"Good! You, my dear Sang, are one cherished young woman. Don't fight the love they all have for you. I have never seen anything like this before. But I can tell the bond you all have is formed with true love."

Sang gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. "Does that kiss mean you are finally accepting my proposal Sang?" Sang giggled again. But shook her head no.

Ha ha ha, dirty old men. They get away with saying whatever they want and the pretty young girls just giggle at them.

When we left the hospital Luke was bouncing around, "ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!" He chanted.

"Marble Slab Creamery?" I asked them.

"Yes! Waffle cones with mix-ins." Luke exclaimed with a fist punch in the air.

"What is Marble Slab?" Sang asked.

"Pookie, you are in for a real treat. There are usually 20 flavors of creamy ice cream and there are all kinds of things to mix-in. Candy, nuts, fruit, sprinkles, marshmallows, chocolate chips and the list goes on. They scoop out your ice cream and place it on a frozen marble slab and they hand mix what you want in the ice cream. Then they scoop it into a waffle cone, or a dipped waffle cone."

"Mmmm, it sounds wonderful!"

"Oh, it is Cupcake. The amaretto ice cream is really good, and the sweet cream ice cream, especially the Dutch chocolate ice cream."

"Don't forget the coconut cream ice cream and the lemon meringue ice cream or my absolute favorite this time of year, Dutch Apple pie. Mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmm!"

"Wow, all of those sound good. How do you choose?"

"Pookie, they have tiny tasting spoons so you can try each of the flavors and decide for yourself. Have you ever tried cinnamon ice cream or pumpkin ice cream?"

"No, just vanilla, chocolate and strawberry."

"Doc! You cannot limit Forever to just one scoop. She needs at least two scoops to fully enjoy her experience."

"Pookie'll never be able to eat it all. Have you seen how little she eats?"

"What she doesn't finish, I'll finish for her." Luke stated like he was doing Sang a service. He just wants as much sugar as he can get without North hounding him.

"Fine, Pookie, you need to try two scoops. Each flavor with a different mix-in to get a real Marble Slab Creamery experience."

We were all getting very excited to have some ice cream and I just remembered a park that is not far away so we can walk around as we eat. This will be the perfect night with our girl.

Inside the creamery, we looked in the freezer case at all the wonderful flavor choices. Luke got a two scoop amaretto with chocolate chips and Dutch chocolate with Reese's cup in a chocolate dipped cone. I got a one scoop Dutch apple pie with cinnamon apples in a plain waffle cone.

Sang tasted every flavor they offered and she decided on peanut butter ice cream with Hershey bar and sweet cream with strawberries in a chocolate dipped cone that was rolled in peanuts.

We walked around at the park speculating on what our trip had in store for us. Owen had kept the plans from me so I am eagerly anticipating this trip too.

I was right, Sang only ate about 1/3 of her ice cream. Luke finished the rest off like a champ. We went back to my house and got into pajamas. I knew we had an early morning so I made us all go to bed.

Luke reached out his foot and touched mine. I started laughing as I remembered our footsie from earlier. My laughing caused Luke to laugh and that set Sang off. We all laid there laughing until our stomachs hurt. I snuggled my face into the crook of her neck my arm around her waist and Luke had his legs tangled with Pookie's legs and was combing his hands through her fanned out hair.

As I was falling asleep I thought, BEST. NIGHT. EVER!

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