Part 147

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Part 147 - Friday Dec. 6th

Sang's POV

When we got to the diner Uncle greeted all of us with a resigned smile. The guys hurried off to start their jobs but Uncle's attitude made me worry. "Are you ok Uncle?"

"Yea Little Bird. I'm just worn out. With North being in the hospital and I've been working so many hours at the diner, I just haven't had much time to relax."

"Well we are all here now! Why don't you take a break for a few hours?"

"Ha ha, you are so sweet Little Bird. I might just do that." He turned toward his office then stopped. "Oh, I almost forgot." He stepped into the walk in fridge then came back out holding a small dessert cup. "What do you think about this recipe?"

I went and grabbed a spoon. I took a big scoop and put it in my mouth. The chocolate mousse blended well with the espresso that had been added and the raspberries that garnished the dish. "Mmmm. Ohhhhh. This is amazing Uncle!"

"Whatever you just fed her, I want some too! Maybe Cupcake can feed it to me." Luke chimed from the kitchen entrance.

"Luke, we don't need you incapacitated for the evening. I saw how lethargic you were after you and Sang had that chocolate fondue party in the living room." Uncle teased.

"Oy, Luke is right. If Trouble is going to make noises like that... I want to serve it to all my customers tonight. That sounds like it could turn out some high dollar tips."

"What are we serving that will turn out huge tips?" Silas asked as he entered the kitchen.

"Little Bird likes my Chocolate espresso mousse with Raspberry garnish." Uncle replied. I just stood there with the biggest goofy grin ever imagined. All three of the guys grabbed a spoon and took a bite of my mousse.

"Damn, that's fucking good Uncle!" Gabe exclaimed.

"Mmmm" Luke moaned around his spoon with his eyes closed. His body slumped against the prep table.

"I don't know if it is legal to sell O-I-A-B desserts." Silas contemplated out loud.

"O-I-A-B desserts?" Uncle questioned. I'm glad he asked because I didn't know that acronym either.

"Yea, um..." Silas looked at me, "North might get mad at me for saying this out loud.

Gabriel covered my ears with his hands and I saw Silas' mouth move as he told Uncle what OIAB stood for. Uncle started chocking on the water he was drinking and Luke and Gabriel doubled over in laughter, freeing my ears.

"Orgasm In A Bowl!!! That is a brilliant name for this dessert!" Uncle proclaimed. I turned beat red.

"Fuck, shit! I was not expecting you to repeat him Uncle. Well now Uncle can be in trouble with North!" Meanie announced.

"Aggele, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that in your presence." Silas apologized.

"I don't know why you are apologizing to me. Uncle blurted it out. And, it sounds like you all agreed with me. This dessert causes foodgasms. Now, back off the rest of my dessert while I finish it in peace." I turned my back to them to block my dessert cup from being raided again. One bite for each of them is enough. They are not the ones having a chocolate craving due to their menstrual cycle.

Uncle must have realized I was on my period from when I was here on Wednesday. The only times he gives me chocolate desserts to taste for him are when I am having my cycle. As I thought this through, I looked over at Uncle and he was giving me a knowing smile. I just nodded my head in thanks.

"Well then, you boys get back to work. Little Bird instructed me to go take a nap in my office. That's where I will be until the dinner rush. Luke, you and Little Bird can do dinner prep. Silas, you are to make sure all the dishes are done and ready to go for the night. Gabriel, you will make sure the dining room is clean and each table is set. And if anyone comes in between now and the dinner rush, Susan can wait on them."

"Uncle, first you need to make a steak for North and we will have Kota or Nathan come get it and take it to North. I promised him I would bring him some contraband." Silas looked worried that Uncle would be mad.

"Fine! Then I am napping." Uncle took out a steak and cooked it up while Luke and I began chopping vegetables, making bowls of salad, baking dinner rolls and we wrapped about 50 potatoes and got them baking in the oven. The dinner menu special for tonight was Prime Rib, baked potato or steamed vegetables, salad and a dinner roll. It made my stomach grumble just thinking about the menu.

"Are you hungry Ten?" Kota asked from behind me. I jumped and squeaked in surprise.

"I didn't hear you come in. No I'm not hungry. I was just thinking about the dinner menu and my stomach spoke up that it sounded good." I giggled.

"So where is North's contraband?" Kota asked.

"Right here." Uncle announced while handing Kota a plastic container.

"Thanks Uncle. I'm sure this will brighten North's spirits and might just give him the energy he needs to heal and get out of the hospital sooner rather than later."

"Oooo, should we send North an OIAB dessert?" I offered. Luke started sniggering and Silas was coughing while stifling his laughter over at the sink.

"I don't think he would eat it. It's dessert, with sugar in it." Uncle said.

"What is an OIAB dessert?" Kota asked. Luke and Silas were both shaking their heads 'NO' adamantly at Kota but I announced, happy I wasn't the last to know something, what it means.

"Orgasm in a bowl dessert." I was straight faced and blasé like this was a normal conversation. Kota just stared at me like I had said the worst cuss word imaginable.

Uncle walked away to his office laughing. Kota looked at the other guys and they were all nodding. "Who named the dessert?" Kota asked.

"Silas." I threw him under the bus then giggled when Silas cussed.

"Shit! When North gets out of the hospital, he's going to kick my ass! Thanks a lot Aggele."

"Here Kota," I said handing him one of the chocolate espresso mousse desserts, "ask him to take one bite for me. Then he is to text me. If you two want to split it, you can. It was really that good." I winked at him. Kota nodded his head and accepted the dessert before leaving the kitchen lost in thought.

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