Part 168 Miscommunication

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Part 168 - Sunday Dec. 8th

Sang's POV

Victor and Nathan sent me to the bathroom to get dressed.  I didn't want to go anywhere.  I just wanted to erase that look off of Silas' face.  

I changed my clothes as quickly as possible.  When I came out of the bathroom, Silas' bedroom door was closed and I could hear the guys talking.  I didn't think right now was the best time to barge into the room.  So I waited on the couch in the living room for them.

When they came out of his room, Nathan was directing Silas by his arm.  Victor walked right behind him.  I jumped up from the couch and they motioned for Silas to sit on the couch.  He looked comatose.  I curled up in his lap again.  But he just sat there, staring at nothing in particular.  I picked up one of his arms and draped it over my legs.

I could hear Victor was on the phone in the kitchen.  I hope he is calling Dr. Green.  Nathan came out of the kitchen with a bottle of water.  He tried to hand it to Silas, but he didn't respond.  I took it and held it up to his mouth and he drank what I poured in his mouth.

"What is going on?"  I asked.  I was really getting scared.  I have never seen Silas like this before.

"Victor's on the phone with Mr. B.  We'll know what to do soon."  Nathan replied.

Just then Victor came into the living room.  "Mr. B said to just try to get him to talk, if not, we are to text him and he will come over."

I reached up and ran my fingers over his eyebrows, and traced over the lines of his face.  "Silas, come back to me.  I need you!  You are my Superman!"  I just kept repeating how much I needed him and needed him to talk to me as I touched his face.

He began mumbling something.  Nathan got close to us, "what was that?  Talk to us Silas."  He said.

"...have killed..."  "...don't this."  "...other"  Silas mumbled.

"What is this about an other time and hospital?"  I don't want to dwell on the word killed.  "And what don't you want?"

Silas mumbled more words this time, but he seemed to be repeating himself.  "...could have killed..."  "...don't want this" "...other the hospital."

Silas doesn't want Aggele?  I know our relationship is different but he has never shown he doesn't want to be a part of it.  He doesn't want me?  My heart sank into my stomach.  

I know I haven't seen him a lot this week, but I thought before the hot tub we were having a good time.  Maybe I went to far when I saw him completely naked and didn't leave the room like I should have?  Not liking the sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach I slid off his lap and went to the bathroom.

"Princess?"  Victor called out to me as I left the room.  I didn't stop.  I know I am about to be sick.  I shut the door, flipped the lock and turned to the toilet just in time to lose my lunch.  My body kept retching even though there is nothing left in my stomach.

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