Part 193 BUSTED

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Part 193 - Wednesday December 18th

Sang's POV

As I felt a sense of bravery come over me, I undid my robe and let it slide off my arms, pooling on the ground at my feet. Maybe I feel comfortable because I know the guys love me, or maybe it is because it is dark outside, but whatever the reason I am standing here as naked as the day I was born.

I could just make out Victor as he fumbled with his robe sash, he was hurrying so fast to get his robe off. I wanted to start giggling, but with all of is naked, giggling is not the appropriate reaction.

Sean was smoother, his robe came right off and he stood next to the in ground hot tub holding his hand out to assist me into the hot water. He didn't seem to be phased by his or my nakedness either. It was as if this were a normal everyday activity for him.

Victor pushed some button to make the jets start up. We all settled into the hot tub, the heat enveloping all my body, leaching all my stresses away. "Mmmm, I think I could do this everyday."

"Do what Princess? Get naked with us everyday or get in my hot tub?"

I just giggled and smiled, my eyes closed with my head leaning back on the edge. We were being quiet because the last thing the boys wanted to do was have to fight Victor's father, again.

A few moments later, my eyes snapped open with the sound of gravel crunching. It was hard to tell if I was really hearing something with the sound of the jets spraying. But I must have because Victor stood up in front of me, arms slightly out to his side at the ready. Sean held the same stance right next to him.

I shrank down into the water, where only my face was sticking out. The way the water bubbled and rippled with the jets, I occasionally got a peek of the top edge of the boys' buttocks. It was a beautiful sight! I know, not the time to be thinking things like this right? Right. Apparently there is possible danger lurking just up the path and I am straining my eyes to catch any glimpse I possibly can of their naked butts. Bad Sang!

In the dark I was able to finally see two shapes approaching us. I crossed my arms over my chest and crossed my legs, just in case the people have Superman's x-Ray vision. Stupid thought I know, but when you are completely naked and vulnerable, you think some crazy thoughts.

"Might I ask why you are not answering your phones?" My breath ceased, that steel voice would pierce me from across a crowded room. What is Mr. Blackbourne going to say when he finds out we are skinny dipping? Kill me now. We are so busted!

"Oy, what the fuck is going on here? First, you text us a fucking sorry ass music video, where Trouble is wearing boxers under her skirt. Then you don't respond to any more texts?" Gabriel sounded like he was really pissed off. But why?

Sean spoke up, "Owen? What exactly is going on? Is there an emergency?"

Mr. B glanced behind them at me and got a nervous look on his face. He pulled at his collar, as if her were nervous. But I noticed he was undoing his tie. Then he smiled, I know because I could see the whites of his teeth shining in the moonlight. "Mind if we join you? And I will explain."

Sean moved back to sit next to me, Victor looked over at him and smirked, then sat down on my other side. Sean put his arm around my shoulders and Victor held out his hand to hold mine. I placed my hand in his.

Mr. B began removing his tie and unbuttoning his shirt but Gabriel turned back toward the house. Victor asked, "where are you going Gabe?"

He stopped and looked back, "to go put on my suit."

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