Part 114

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Part 114

North's POV

Baby had asked me if we could stop and pick up my motorcycle. She wanted me to take her out on it as my reward for her winning at go-karts two weeks ago.

"Yes Baby! If that's what you really want as a reward. Although, I would take you on a ride if you just said you wanted to go. That is if you have something else in mind for a reward."

"We can get the bike and we can ride to the property, then everyone else can do what they need and you and I can go for a ride. Does that sound more like a real reward now?"

"You know I will do whatever you want Baby. It is your reward." I kissed her forehead, not wanting to push it right now.


After we checked out the property, which was in really good condition regardless of it's age, I told the guys, "Sang Baby has asked me to take her out on a ride. I will bring her back to Victor's unless you want me to take her somewhere else."

"Victor's is fine for now. I could use some of the guys for an assignment we are working on right now anyway. It is good you are taking Miss Sorenson out to do something fun. She needs that right now. Just be careful with her." Mr. B instructed.

"I will protect her with my life." I replied.

"I know North, that's why we trust you with her." Mr. B placed his hand on my shoulder in a comforting, family love way.

I made Baby put the coat back on and strapped the helmet on her. Then I lifted the stand and straddled the bike. Balancing the weight, I reached my hand out to help her on behind me. I felt the bike move a bit as she adjusted her skirt so it would stay in place. Then her arms wrapped around my waist.

It feels good to have her hold on to me, but let's face it, I am a hormonally charged teenager. What I really want is her hands to travel down below my belt or up to my chest. Both of those would be bad for driving a motorcycle though.

There is a scenic viewing area not far from here. I decide to take her there this time. As we drive around, I notice the trees look dead in their dormant winter state. This kind of drive would be best in the fall when the leaves are changing colors or in the Spring when the trees are full of tiny flower buds.

I pull off at one of the scenic overlooks. We pull off our helmets to look around and talk. We are up on a hill, looking down into the creek gorge. You can hear the water tinkling over the rocks below but can't see it. That sound is peaceful, calming.

"Thank you for bringing me out here. I didn't know Charleston had anything like this." Baby said as she looked out on the gorge.

"It's hard to find peaceful places. There were a lot of peaceful places to go to in Greece. Someday Silas and I will have to take you there and show you around."

"That would be great. But right now I can't travel out of the country. No passport, remember?"

"I said someday Baby. We have a lot of someday's left in our future. Maybe even more than Mr. Peters and his wife." I contemplated.

"66 years together is a long time. It's amazing really." Baby spoke with awe.

"Yea, but if we live to be 90 like he was, we would have been together 75 years. We met when we were both still 15. I would like to see someone top that!"

"This relationship will already be unusual for most to understand, but 75 years of us all being together sounds wonderful." She was smiling as she stared off into the gorge lost in thoughts of the future I can only guess.

"Will you still love me when I get old and wrinkly and possibly go bald?" I asked her with a smirk.

"Yes, even if you get a pudgy belly." She said while poking my stomach.

"NEVER!! Luke maybe, but not me."

"I don't think any of you will ever get fat. You have too active a lifestyle."

"That's debateable. If you continue to cook for us the way you do, we might just get fat." I was laughing out loud at the picture in my head of all of us with big guts and either bald or going bald. Early 50 year olds.

"What is so funny?" She asked.

"Just the picture I had in my head. All of us with old man guts and either bald or going bald." I was laughing again. I saw Sang cringe. I stopped laughing. "You will still love us if that's the case, won't you?" I was nervous now.

"Of course! I just realized if you guys were to get a gut like that, then that means we were not living an active lifestyle. Which means, I will have that old woman pouchy stomach and probably sagging boobs." She was frowning.

"You will still be the most gorgeous woman I could ever have laid eyes on. But let's promise each other to always stay active, so we don't turn into gross old people, ok?"

"Deal!" She was smiling at me.

"Are we ready to head back?" I asked.

"Can you sit on your bike a moment?" She asked with her voice shaking a little like she was nervous.

"Sure Baby." I straddled the bike and looked at her expectantly. What does she want? Then she used the right foot to step up on the bike. I almost corrected her, to climb on she needs to use the left. She swung. Her left foot around and was sitting facing me, straddling me. Fuck yes! This is what wet dream are made of!

I did't even wait for her to get comfortable on my lap before a I was kissing her with nothing but desire. My tongue battling for dominance in her mouth. She met my aggressive kissing stroke for stroke.

My hands were everywhere! Her hips, her back, her neck, her sides, her stomach... She hasn't stopped me. I move my left hand up to her rib cage, following the edge of it to the wire of her bra, then back down to her side.

Sang moved the kissing to my neck. Her hand stroking my chest. My grip from my right hand tightened on her hip, pulling her closer to me. I put my left hand on her lower thigh and slowly trailed my fingers up her leg until I felt the edge of her panties on her ass. She bit down on the tender spot of my neck and I jerked my hips forward into her crotch. That friction feels good. But we are playing with fire here.

I trailed my hand back down her leg slowly. Then I gripped under her knee and lifted her leg up as I leaned forward into her. Pressing my hard length against her pelvic bone. My right hand made it's way up her rib cage again. I half circled my pointer finger under the curve of her breast. She moaned and bit her lip. I kissed her lips hard again as I slid my hand onto her breast. Giving just a little squeeze. I reached for the buttons on her shirt and undid the top two. Then I bit the fleshy muscle on top of her shoulder. She rocked her hips up and down against me. I know her shirts can cover any marks I might leave as I bite her again. More friction. Oh yes! Wait! No, we have to stop before I do something I shouldn't. But damn! This feels good!

I grunt as I am warring in my head with myself. I pull back from Baby and see she is breathing hard. "I need to stop Baby. I love you and I love what we are doing, but not like this. Not here." I motion around me. Cars could drive by and see what we are doing. It is the middle of the day. I will not treat her like a whore. She deserves to be romanced.

I give her a quick peck on the lips and help her slide around to sitting behind me. "Get your helmet back on Baby." In my head I am trying to get the full size boner to settle down so I can drive this bike back to Victor's. I need to work on those cars back at home, I need to change the oil in my jeep, (I am listing all the mechanical things I need to do. And it's working).

Once we got back to Victor's I helped Sang Baby climb off my bike and took her helmet and jacket. I stopped by the jeep and set them in the trunk then walked her upstairs, holding her hand the whole time. That reward was better than 2 minutes in Heaven.

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