Part 180 Shady Looking Grannies?

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Part 180 - Saturday December 14th

Sang's POV

We got to Nathan's house and I grabbed a wad of money from my tip jar.  Then I found a small purse in the closet and put the money in it.  No one was here so this was a quick stop on your way to the hobby store.

"You guys cannot shop with me or you will know what I am making everyone for Christmas."  I whined.

"Princess, what if something happens to you?"

"In a hobby store?!  Full of old ladies buying knitting supplies and moms with young girls buying glitter?  What, are you afraid someone is going to glitter me to death?"

"How about this," Luke was quickly looking for a compromise, "we walk around the store with you.  If we see there are NOT and shady looking Grannies, we will wait outside at the entrance.  BUT... If someone enters the store, looking like trouble...all bets are off."

I know that is the best I will get.  "Deal!"  I stick out my hand and shake his.  Then offer my hand to shake with Victor's.  He takes hold of my upper arms and pulls me into him, kissing my lips.

"Deal."  He sighs.

Then I giggle, "Shady looking Grannies?" 

"Hey, you never know what they are carrying around in those big bags they call purses.  All I know is, if you piss off a Granny, that bag is coming for your head.  And it could knock you out cold!"

"Don't forget," Victor adds, "they have pincers of death and venomous kisses too."  He was holding his hands out toward my face making pinching motions with his fingers by my cheeks and his lips were in giant pucker position.  I was full on crazy person laughing.  My boys are so funny sometimes.

We made our way around the store, I found the isles I needed to go back to and the boys were satisfied there was not a homicidal maniac lurking in the shadows of the scrapbook sticker isle.

I had my list in my head.  I would need a foam poster board so I had a sturdy background.  I needed to go to the clock making isle and get a package of clock hands.  I went on the scrapbook isle and found six different colored papers that I liked and got two of each.  On the art supply isle, I found some markers that I wanted to use. I found some foam stickers with hearts and thought they would decorate the board quite nicely.  Lastly, I found a laminator so I could make these papers last longer.  

Taking all my items to the cashier, I noticed the guys pacing in front of the store entrance.  Just a I was finishing with my purchase, Luke and Victor were flanking me.  "What's going on?"  I asked in surprise.

"We just didn't like the look of the hoodlum that entered a moment ago."  Victor spoke loud enough the cashier could hear him.  

She looked around in alarm, "You mean Jimmy?"  She asked pointing the the boy who looked about 14, tying on the hobby store frock as he went to the next cash register, settling in for his shift at work. 

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